Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 152 Jin Dan Dacheng Peak

"Lifting, I am exhausted, but the result is still lost." The sword is not full.

His indecent, the wind swords have achieved the ultimate, but the results are still behind ten meters.


The sword is unparalleled with a hundred mall back to the edge of the corridor.

A large number of Dragon Palace disciples are excited to stare at him.

"You are both, the performance is very good." White House smiled, "Baili Morning, your strength is more than three years ago,"

"The palace master said, I can lead the ten meters this time, I am very lucky. After all, the sword is the first time, I am not familiar with this Tiangong. If I come again, I can't lead, his strength is not I will under me. "Bailim Chen Road.

This happened, the disciples from the surrounding Dragon Palace couldn't help but feel stunned.

Bailian morning actually admitted that the strength of the sword is not under him?

Task, hundreds of miles can be the second ah, and the sword is unparalleled ... How old is he?

"The loss is lost, even if you come again, I will still lose." The sword is unparalleled but laugh.

"Okay, two of you are fighting, then it is the other seven recommended competitions, let's go." The White House said, then many dragon palace disciples returned to the play of the play, starting there. Recommended competition.

The remaining seven recommendations, it is necessary to compete for it.

Completely relying on strength, the strongest seven people will participate in the selection war.

The indifferent Yang Xuan goes directly to the front of the Ron.

"Luo An is right, your recommended quota, I want it." Yang Weixuan is cold.

"Run." Luo Yu immediately turned into anger, then he was fighting with Yang.

And after a moment, this fierce battle has ended.

As a result, almost did not think of all Dragon Palace disciples.

Luo Gu defeated, after the defeat, after the sword is unhappy, once again lost to Yang Zi Xuan.

Although Yang Ren Xuan is handed over with Luon, there is no three swords like swords, but it is still a crushing, and it is clear that Yang Changxuan's war is better than Ronon.

"The top ten, this Yang Renxuan's strength is also enough to take the top ten in the landlord!"

"Come again and a slap!"

"Haha, Luo An is really miserable. He is also ranked fourth in the landlord, but the results are defeated by two people, and almost all of them are defeat."

Dragon Palace disciples are incorporated, and they are surprised by the White House.

Yang Weixuan has the power of the top ten dragon list. It is natural to surprise for them. This shows that they will have a lot of places that they can get to the East hunting.

In addition to Yang Renxuan, there is still a newcomer that is even more attractive.

This person is Su.

"This woman ..."

"His swordsmanship, good quirky!"

"He has been defeated three old people, one of them is still ranking twenty-nine in the landlord."

Among the discussion of many Dragon Palace disciples, Suirou loured four old people and won a recommendation.

Some newcomers who have participated in the competition.

The sword is unparalleled, Yang Zi Xuan, Suofu, Su Lie, except Su Lie, other three people have received a recommendation, they can represent the Dragon Palace after one month, and participate in the selection war inside the day!

"Haha, you are really powerful, it is a brother of my Wang Yuan." Wang Yuan smiled at that, "especially the old three, you can fight with Baili Chen, powerful Ah, you have to know that the hundred mimeh is the second! "

"But I am still defeated." The sword is still shaking his head, but the bottom of the heart is smart.

He was originally thoughtful after two years of hardships, his strength should be proud of the dragon list, which can obviously not this simple.

Even the second hundred miles in the dragon list can fight with him, even slightly leading him a few points, which has always occupied the blood cloud in the first place in the dragon list, how much is it?

"One month after the selection war, all parties are all in the field, the blood cloud is a peerless genius that is carefully cultivated by the bloody ripple, and will definitely take it." The sword will fight with me. " .

Blood clouds, in three years ago, I have gained two hundred malls and the martial arts, and finally fought with the kummer.

At that time, the blood clouds were talented to Jin Dan.

Now in the past three years, the strength of the blood cloud has improved?

The sword has no double eyes.

If he is now desperate to the blood cloud, he doesn't have the mystery.

"For a month, there is still a month from the battle!"

"This month, I have to think about it to make my strength to become stronger!"

The sword is unbentered in the buddy.

When the ten recommendations of the Dragon Palace have their own winners, the sword is unparalleled to the playground, directly went to the secretou, exchanged a large number of Tian Ling Dan.

Subsequently, he began this month's hardship.

For a whole month, he will pay yourself in the room and never step on the door half.

And in the middle of the hardship, Yang Weixuan is two people with Su.

They are also clear, only one month from the choice of the battle, this month, their strength can improve a bit of a bit, so that the grasp will be more important in that choice.

Three people were all closed at the same time, which bitterly Wang Yuan, let him be a whole month, people who want to find a drink.

A sway, a month has passed.

The bed of the room, the sword is unparalleled, and it is still open at this moment, and I also spit a turbidity in the mouth.

"For a month, I swallowed more than 30, Tianling Dan, with average daily, so extravagant, although a lot of Tiansheng Dan medicine, but still make my spiritual force to improve Going to the top of Jin Dan! "The sword is unparalleled with hands, feeling that one of his strengths is strong, and it is strongly scored, and the face is only revealing a smile.

When you were in Jianzheng, his spiritual force has reached Jin Dan, close to Daeu Peak.

And this month, he was in the cultivation of his sleep, and he also swallowed a lot of Tian Tian Ling Dan. If this is not reached to Jin Dan, it is strange.

"In addition, the eighth style of the virtual sword is finally enlightened." The sword was unparalleled.

Virtual swordsmanship, seventh models just only need to blasphemy, the fire, the fire is very high, no need to combine.

The eighth style, but the two kinds of swords are really combined to be displayed. This eighth model is also truly a sword who really broke out completely.

"Unfortunately, this month is hard to repair, I still can't let me combine three swords, otherwise it is more perfect." The sword is unparalleled. Some regrets.

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