Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1521 takes an enemy!

boom! boom!

Two shocking sounds came, the two headless soldiers have appeared in front of the sword, the spear pen straight, and the wind is.

"Hey, you will conscious attack, but you can more than you." The sword is unparalleled, and the strong soul is swept, and a huge golden god will rise.

The golden gods also hold the sword, and they gave a scream, and they directly greeted the two headless warriors.

"Give me!"

The long sword is shocked, and it contains amazing, actually retreats the two headless warriors.

Then, the golden god is a hurry, and it is already in the heart of the heart.

"The two headless soldiers can't stop you, what about the three?"

The heart is cold, the voice is falling, and there is a headless warrior again in front of him. Plus the two respects, the foot is three respect, and the rumbling ~~~ Sanzun headless warrior broke out, the sword The unparalleled golden god is surrounded in the center, and the three headless soldiers will shoot at the same time, so that the sword is unparalleled.

"This heart, good life!"

The sword is unparalleled.

Task, these headless warriors, every respect has the strength of God, three headless warriors are equivalent to the three true Gods, bringing huge pressure to the sword.

And it is at this time ...

"Haha, it is really lively."

The laughter sounded, I saw a man wearing a silver armor, who was galloping from the distance.

Surrounded by this battlefield, there is a lot of contest, but those boundies are only far away. At all, I don't dare to go forward. After all, in this hand, it is the first ten monsters. Ah, there is no strength, how can I dare to participate.

And now this silver armor is a unscrupulous plunder, nature is an absolute confidence in his strength.

"It is the shadow!" The sword is unparalleled.

"Shadow." The heart of the heart also came over.

The shadow of the gods, the border list is ranked seventh, following the sword, and after the heart.

If it is counted, the words of Duan Lifeng and Zidong Wang, the top ten monsters in the world, this is already in the moment!

"Purchase, should you rush to Buffalic fruit?" Heart opened.

"Of course." The shadow is laughing.

"In this case, then you will join hands with me to kill this sword. These swords are unparalleled. As for the nine white white fruits on him, wait for him to share, how?" He said.

"Yes." The shadow is not hesitant.

Everyone in this cave is now knowing that the sword is unparalleled. He has nine white inflammation. He presents now, this is the sword unparalleled.

"Hand, kill!" Heart is killing the sky.

The shadow of the shadow is also immediately turned into the battlefield as a silver-raised lightning lightning.

"Another one, hey!" The sword was unparalleled, but it was not afraid, and the figure was shameped. He immediately had an 18th phantom while bursting.

His body has become very unusually strange.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, Vientiane Tower's high-rise strong people determine that your body is the first, but I have a shadow of the first, but I have to look at it today, what is your body law? The extent. "The shadow god wishes a laugh. The silver flow of silver, but it is a fierce magical, becoming heavy stack, countless silver residuals appear in the world, the same quiz.

The shadow is the most powerful and his body.

Before the sword is unparalleled, he is the recognized boundary of the world.

Now that he encounters the sword and unparalleled, one is eager to get the white fruit of the sword, and the second is also in order to fight with the sword.

"come on!"

The sword is unblocked, and the body shaking is easy to pass through the gap of the three headless soldiers, directly to the heavy stacked silver flow light.

The blood peak sword suddenly waved, covering the golden gods on him, and directly out of the sword.

The shadow of the shadow is that the hands have a silver sketch and shocks out.


A dramatic roaring, and it was clear that this collision was in a void, but the next moment was around the ground below dozen miles, and the ground was red and a big hole, then the sound appeared again. In a mountain, the mountains also burst.

too fast!

The two people have a splendid speed. The body law is even more strange.

Those who are watching in the distance, most of them have revealed the color of stunning, they simply can't see the shadow of the sword, the shadow of the shadow, can only see the sword without double body covering the golden god. One strange golden residue.

However, as the heart of the world, the heart of the world, but it is clear.


The sword is unparalleled with the shadow of the shadow, but he blocked the sound burst of the week, and saw the three tall headless soldiers appeared on his side, a spear, while Come toward him.

"Hey, your headless warrior is strong, but the size is too big, too clumsy, I can't touch me at all." The sword didn't smile, but the body is very weak, but it is easy to get from the three headless soldiers. Beside bypass, the spear of the three headless soldiers can't touch the sword unparalleled corner.

And the sword is unparalleled, still standing with the shadow city.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you dare to know me?"

In the eyes of the mind, I was angry, and then I saw the three headless soldiers and the arm.

The spears in their hands were thrown out, and the sword was unparalleled.

Throwing the speed of the spear, comparabistic that the three headless warriors have too much speed, the sword is unparalleled, and the three spears are like lightning.

"What?" The sword is not a double color is also a change, and the body is twisted, which will open the trajectory of these three spears.

At the moment he avoids the pill, the shadow will find a gap.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, pick me a hammer!"

The shadow circle smiled and held a big hammer at the same time.

"Star fire hammer!"


A silver thunder is like electric light, suddenly coming.

In the face of this hammer, the sword is unparalleled, and even can't just show the swordsman to the sword.


A big sound, the shape of the sword is like a meteorite, and the ground is taken out in the ground, and finally put into the ground below, so that the ground has a big hole.

However, this big hole is just a long time. He is awkward ~~~ The vast blood color flame is swept, this blood color flame contains the amazing temperature to burn the surrounding earth into dust, and the core of this blood color, A moving shadow appears, it is the sword.

At this moment, he is like the emperor of this fire.


PS: Today, six!

At the same time, I was updated at the same time. As a result, I have just updated the top five chapters, I'm going to break online, temporarily ran to the Internet cafe to update, slow a few minutes, everyone forgive me!

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