Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1527 Sword Wushuang Battle

"Do you have to do it?"

Zidong Wang and the heart of the heart are also in the sword.

"Don't waste time with him, directly kill him." Heart is cold.

"Of course." Zi Dong Wang smiled coldly, and the purple glove of his hands was also a rich purple light.

"Battle." The sword is unparalleled, it is a smile, but it is a magical shape.

~~~ 18 phantom simultaneously burst.

"Kill!" Zi Dong Wang flashed in the murder, and the figure was instantly riped.

As for the heart, although standing in the same place, he is rolling, and in an instant formed three tall headless warriors in front of him.


A fantasy is flashing between the fantasy, the sword is unparalleled.

"Nine Days!"

There is no sword to rise, and the sword of the heavens is suddenly coming.

Zi Dongwang is a big hand, and the violet is burst, and when he is about to collide with the sword of the heavens, his right hand is a fierce.

"Give me!"

The horizontal power broke out, the handle carrying the sword of the heavenly punishment of the unsound sword was turned down at this moment, and the strong power of the sword was not brought back to the back.

The sword has no double shape, just stabilizing! call out! call out!

Three harsh sound bursts, the swords have three people in the double line of sight.

These three vocabulary will be the spear throwing the three headless warriors.

Although the three headless soldiers themselves are unhappy, the spear speed that can be thrown out is very amazing.


The sword is unparalleled, and the three glasses have passed from him, but did not encounter any entity, and then the sword is unparalleled and gradually gained.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

A burst of drunk, I saw the black fog of the sky, as a opened blood, and the swallows were not swallowed directly.

Black fog contains a heavy awareness attack, just like a large grinding disc, wants to thoroughly crush the sword.

"Is this this trick?"

The sword has no double eyeliner, but it is still moving to standing there, let the nine serious awareness is crushing.

After the nine consciousness was crushing, the sword was unparalleled, and the sky was dissipated.

"What?" "Heart is shocked.

As he didn't work with the sword with the shadow, he was also a strongest trick, the result, but the sword didn't have a big loss, but also a little bit unparalleled.

Now now, the sword is unparalleled, and it is so simple to resist?

"Do you think I will eat two times in the same trick?" The sword smiled coldly.

This is really terrible, it is really terrible, before he is just the intensity of the world's limit, it is very difficult or even barely.

But now his soul intensity has reached the real god level, once again encountered this, it can easily resist it.

"How is it? You still want to die!" The heart is suffocating, the three huge headless warrior is straight to the sword.

"I am not interested in you." The sword has a heart, and the power of the soul is in an instant.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

The three shocks sounded, and only three of the three systemic paints were all over the endless magic dragon.

The three magic dragons are equally amazing, and they are entangled with the three headless soldiers.

"Just let them play with you."

The sword is unparalleled. The eyes are the Zidong King in front of him. "Zi Dongwang, I heard that you are the most good, it is the ability to kill, today I have to compare with you."

When the voice came, he saw that the sword was unparalleled on a huge golden god, while the blood color flames were built, formed a bloody and sea, and the sword was unparalleled is the emperor of this bloody.

The five beast control is the strongest god, as well as the hematology of the hematology.

And before, it is, as the sword is unparalleled, the strength of the real God, he shows this God, the power is much better than before.

The sword is unparalleled at this moment, the power of the soul is perfect, and the power is far more than the original battle of the shadow.


The sword is unparalleled, and the lightning is killed.

Zidong King's whole body covered under the armor, its volume has also skyrocked, and the body is also improved.

At this moment, there is no reservation in the two, all of which are strongest.

Two people collide with both people.


It is another frontal collision, but this time Zi Dongwang did not occupy a half advantage.

"His strength, improved?"

"It's not as good as me, I took his sword directly to crush his swords, but now his strength will actually don't think about me."

Zidong king is sinking, but it is shining on his face.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't you fight with me? Today, I have fulfilled you!" Zi Dong Wang broke it.

"Haha, who is afraid of!" The sword also flashed in a fanaticism.

In an instant, the two made a hand again, but this time is close to the killing.


I only heard a surprised roar roared in this world.

The sword is unparalleled, the Pharaoi, the Boxing, including the two people's near-body killing skills, all played out.

The speed of the two is more fast, can't catch the figure.


The surrounding is a hob of the Yue Yue, but it can follow the voids of a thousand miles away, but it is in vain, and then it is a huge sword that has been filled with hundreds of miles.




The fierce battle of the two has reached the stage of white heat.

This crazy collision has continued the time of ten breathing, with a low burst, the two people were restarted, and the distance between thousands of miles away, the two stood there.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the bloody rounds on the body are raised, and there are two unparalleled printed, this is the Zi Dongwang left.

Zi Dongwang is also better than the sword.

He also has two swords on the armor on the armor, and there is even a hint of blood.

"Haha, Zidong King, your close killing ability, but so?" The sword did not have a double laugh.

"Hey, you left two swords on me. I also left two palms on you. You and I have half a catty. Do you have anything else?" Zi Dongwang was cold.

"Indeed, but my body's ability is stronger than you, hard and ethys withstand you both, the injury is not obvious, but what about you?" The sword was unparalleled.

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