Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1541 Six people

"One thousand nine hundred eighty years?" The purple war armor was shocked, and immediately praised: "I have been flipped in the void corridor, I can't stand it, you are more than me. For more than a thousand years, it turned away. "

The illusion and reality time are different.

This purple war armor has flored in the void corridor for nearly 800 years, and it can be in reality, it will stop it.

"I didn't even reach two thousand years, I can't keep it, I can't count, those who are still falling into the illusion, that is powerful." White head.

"Indeed." The purple war armor also focuses on it, and the eyes are around the surroundings.

At this moment, this air is not awakened, still falling into the void corridor, only less than one thousand people.

These people are now in the void corridor, and they should have been more than two thousand years.

Two thousand years, I have to stick to my heart, boring and odor, this is not a lot of true gods, and now it is still falling into these worlds in the illusion, do not say strength, at least in the mood, no Weak.

Wink, it's another day.

Still still staying in the void corridor, there is already the original thousands of rivers to reduce only more than forty people!

More than 50 years have been more than five thousand years in the dark corridor now.

The horizons who have already awakened in the empty floor are all around, staring at more than 40 people.

At this moment, there were more than 40 people, and there was a moving eye movement, and then opened his eyes.

"Oh, is Zi Dong Wang?"

"Haha, this Zidong Wang also woke up."

"Hey, the fourth of the world, but his mood is not too strong?"

I have already wake up the boundaries of the memorial to laugh.

And Zi Dong Wang Yi wakes up and knows that the face is extremely uncein.

"Bast easter, when I cracked the Luo Xingshi, I was in the sixtyth place, but now this third re-test, for the test of the mood, there are more than forty people to be above me? How maybe ? "


Zidong King's heart roared in the crazy, and the heart is swour.

However, the tops of the tips outside the cave have nothing to do with the performance of Zidong King in this third-year test.

"Although this purple east king is good, it is true that it is true?"

"You can stay in the void corridor for five thousand years, it is not bad, but it is still unqualified by the fourth place with his bounds."

"No need to pay attention to Zidong king, I am very curious about these people, who can really laugh at the end."

These strong people in the main hall also look forward to it.

The time gradually passed.

A famous god can't have the boring of the long years, and they have woke up.

Another day later, this third floor of the cave is full of 100,000 kings, but also in the void corridor, there is only six people left!

These six people are destroyed God, Duan Lifeng, swords, unparalleled, heart, silkworm, and Xia Houjie.

Destroy God did not say, his strength is recognized first, and this strength is still accumulating with a long killing, he has encountered many hardships and killing, hinds iron general heart, this heart is in many contestants Naturally also ranked foremost.

Duan Lingfeng, the temperament is like ice, and he is unparalleled with the sword.

The sword is unparalleled. He is reversed, not only has heard endless tempering, but he also experienced two retrograms, especially the round of robbery, this has long been a honest idea, the three levels of mood, now He is already in the first level, clearly refers to the topmost end, and it is very close to the second level. When you fall into a void corridor, you will directly refer your mind. If you think that the shiny is export, it will not He hesitated, he would firmly believe in his heart.

The heart, before the sword has no double rise, he is awareness of the recognition of the world, and consciousness is often linked to the mood, so he is hinding the consciousness, and it will be aware of the mood when they have a consciousness. The mood is equally very strong.

Silk silkworms, this is a strong rise in the competition in the second floor of the cave, named killing, he is a cold blood, which is also unwaver.

The above five are all the peaks on the spirit of the world, and they are ranked as a top ten in the spiritual list.

However, in addition to these five, there is still one.

Xia Houjie!

The Xia Houjie god is a monk middle-aged man. His strength is very ordinary, but only the threshold of the three days of peak.

Don't say that the heart of the god list is better, and I will pick up a three-day god of standing at the top, it is estimated enough to press him easily.

He also has no special ability. It is even more obscured before, there is no famous arrogance, and even there is no one to pay attention to him. Now, this ordinary Yumou is God, but the destruction of God, Duan Lifeng, sword is unparalleled. The heart of the heart, the five strong people in the silkworm, in this third, go to the end!

At this moment, he actually in parallel with the five strong people.

This is that everyone has never thought of.

In the temple, many energy people, as well as the true gods from all parties, this is abnormal.

Most of them have lost the qualifications of the Bumannian fruit trees. After all, their boundaries have been eliminated in the third testerance.

However, there is no elimination.

"Haha, it is Xia Hou, which is the Xia Houjie of my Water Moon." A short black hair old man smiled, laughing echoed in the whole hall.

On the hall, those who really can't help but see the old man.

"Black, you said that the summer god is your Water Moon Pavilion? How do I know that I have never heard of it?" A strong man with a tiger's back is low.

This strong man is located and the water moon cabinet is in a continent of the holy place. The two parties are very hot, naturally known to know.

"Of course, I don't know, this summer God is not the disciple of my water, just because his wife has been poisonous. In order to save his wife, he found my water and moon cabinet. I want my Water Moon Pavilion. The real god of alchemy, refining a Dan medicine to save his wife. "

"Unfortunately, he is general, and there is no treasure accumulation. It is not possible to take enough cost to exchange the medicinal medicine. At this time, I just caught up with no sad hall, so my Water Moon Pavilion was let him come. No sad hall, touch your luck. "

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