Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1548 has a message.

The next time, the sword is unparalleled in the stars.

He didn't care, after all, his current strength has reached the bottleneck, the only way to improve is the temptation, the feelings of the time-space, but this kind of feelings don't need to blindly closer, relax and let the feelings The effect may be better.

The sword is unparalleled on the Sword, occasionally talking to the Ling, and the dragon teeth drink a drink, and occasionally point to the cultivation of these maids in the next autumn.

And every other hundred years, he will go to the true temple, and stay in a year.

Time passed, a shake has passed a thousand eight hundred years.

This thousand years, the sword is unparalleled in the kind of emotional emotion, and he will stay in the stars in this thousand eighth year, never go out.



The temple did suddenly open, and the sword of the foot and one year was unparalleled in it.

After walking out of the Temple, the sword is unparalleled but not spit.

"Sure enough, since I have the level of the Time and Spaceway, I also stagnated about the power of Tiandao's strength, I was completely stagnant, even if I have a new year in the true sense of the temple, it is the same. Progress. "The sword is not full of blessings.

He found very early, as he sent a constant improvement, even if there is a help of the Temple, the progressive speed is still slow, just with the snail.

One hundred years ago, he was the first for the first for the first for the first half of the non-harmonious house, and his sentiment of time and space has also reached the first level of Taoizhi.

After this step, he did not have a progress space in the sense of heaven.

This is 100 years, he has no matter whether it is a round of time or time-space, there is no further progress.

"Finally, it is limited by the two heavens." The sword is unparalleled.

He now, it has also reached the limit of his realm.

The same is true.

Now, even the sense of the power of the heavens, also reached the most limit of the two heaven.

That is, he is now unless you have become a three-day god, or there will be no further improvement.

However, so many years have passed, the third reverse robbery, but it is still not coming, and even the signs that you want to come.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled, but it can only be waiting quietly.

The star, the rolling palace group, the sword is not walking in front of one person.

Along the way, I also encountered a lot of disciples of many stars. The disciples were quietly talking about him, and they were full of worship.

Task, one thousand eight hundred years have been ranked, and there is still a way to happen in the hosky house.

As the most dazzling one in the miraculous hall, it is ranked third in the spiritual list. The sword is unparalleled is an example of these disciples.

Even if there is a young disciple in the star, there is a pride of the sword unparalleled as a star.

After all, the star of the Star has started to create a star, and the sword is unparalleled is the first disciple in the forefoot list.

They don't know, the pride in their eyes is now being annoyed in the third heavy rebellion that is not coming.

At this moment, a message suddenly passed.

"You, you have to find someone in me, there is already an eyebrow."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also a highlights immediately.

"I finally had a message!" The sword didn't hold it.

As early as more than two thousand years ago, he found a Vientiane Building after jailing, he found a Vientiane Building, with a price of billion mixed chaotic crystal to find his wife.

Vientiane Tower said that he will give him back to him within three thousand years.

Now, after more than two thousand years, Vientiane Tower has given him a reply.


Star continent, the sword is unparalleled before the mission, the building is within the room.

"You, I am in accordance with your requirements, through your requirements, I finally found someone, it is very likely that the innate sin you are looking for." A Zifa old man stands in the sword In front of the narrative.

"Is it very likely? That is, I can't be determined?" The sword was not a feet.

"It is not determined. After all, she acts very strange, and I have almost appeared, I have never played with people. I have passed a taste of a heavy taste. This can only find her. You can definitely be a congenital sin. And a woman, and she still appeared in the world of the chaotic world in this 10,000 years! "

"There are three signs, although I don't have a 10% of my Vientiane, she is the person you are looking for, but at least there are seven-curtains." Zifa old man said.

The sword is not a double eye.

Congenital sinners, is a woman, and in this 10,000 years in the world of chaotic world.

These three signs are very energetic with his wife as frost (cold as snow).

"Ten eight nine is her!" The sword was excited and immediately asked: "Where is she now?"

"According to the news I got in our Vientiane, she is now in the nine palace, and there is still a very high position in the blood de deal." Zifa old man said.

"Blood Devils?" The sword was unparalleled.

This blood magic teaches the name, knowing that it is not a neighborhood.

"This blood devil is in the nine palace, belonging to a very strong force, even the real God seems to have several." Zifa old smiled.

"In a god country, it is outside the top ten cultivation holy land?" The sword is muttered.

Soon, he came out of Vientiane Tower and returned to the star nest.

After returning to the star, he went to see the main hall for the first time.

In the cave house built into the special spar.

"The sword is unparalleled, it is rare to see you to come to me, is it the third retro repair, or what bottleneck in your cultivation, I need to help you prepare some cultivation resources?" Yuan Temple is interested in The sword is unparalleled.

"That third retroactory is never arrived, even some signs are not, as for cultivation resources, I can't use it now, I will arrive today, I want to ask you to help you." The sword has no double.

"Oh?" The main brow is a little. He is a little understandable for the sword. It is aware of the sword thereof. If he can do it, it will never easily use the power of others, but now the sword is unparalleled. Looking at him, it must be in trouble that he cannot solve it.

"Let's talk, what do I do for you?" The Yuan Dynasty looked over.


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