Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1556 Mu Hong Temple

The ancient magic peaks, the black temple.


The old woman with the obese middle-aged body is almost coming, and at this moment, the old woman in the black robe is incomparable. As for the obese middle age is miserable, his body is full of blood, the breath has also The weakness has reached the extreme.

"What's going on?" Mu Hongshi frowned.

"The His Royal Highness, this strong person who attacks the blood of the demon should be rushing to us. They have only three real gods to fight with the blood demon, but there is a chaotic true God. This is here. "Obesity in middle-aged.

"Chaos Zhen God?" Mu Hong Hall under the color change.

"Master." The old woman in the black robe is looking to the cold, respectful: "There are two people in the way, one is the chaotic true God, and the other, if I have not admitted, He should be a great geniic sword in the star. "

I have been sitting in the cold, and I heard the name of the sword, my body is slightly shock, and the scorpion has also flashing a strange color of a small.

"The sword is unparalleled? The third of the world is the third?" The Mu Hong Temple is cold.

"Yes, it is him, this sword is unparalleled, it is just a contest, but it is impossible to have a good thing if I don't spend someone else, I am afraid that he is not allowed to have, and his strength may already have the true God of the peak level. The old woman nodded.

"Hey, what kind of enchanting? If there is no peek, I have already broke through the true God, I can't enter the mid-hole government, or if you have a white fruit with white fruit trees, which has this sword unparalleled. "The Mu Hong Hall is a cold snort.

When I heard this, the old woman was just secretly smile, but did not say much.

"A seven, what is the situation in the present?" Cold Zunner asked.

"Back to the master, I have temporarily used the red stone jail to sleep with the chaos, the gods and swords, but the chaotic realist strength is too strong, I am afraid that she can force my red stone prison for a long time. "The old woman in the old woman is dignified.

The red stone prison is her strongest means. The normal situation is enough to trap the general chaotic real God. Now it is now in the red stone prison, the strength of the throne is never a general chaotic true God.

"The owner, traveling by the Red Rock has not been broken by the chaotic true God, we will leave first." The old woman in the black robe.

"His Royal Highness, we have also hurry." The obesity is also anxious. He has been seriously injured by the chaotic God. Now the power can be said to be there.

"Urgent?" Mu Hong Hall is low in Shenzhou: "This sword is unparalleled, I have heard more than once, saying that he is one of the top genius of the vast chaotic world, I have to fight with him very early. Look, since there is a chance, you can miss it. "

"But ..." I just want to say in the middle age.

"Shut up." The Muhong Hall is to have a sentence, and then he looked at the lord again, and smiled: "Cold, you will wait a moment, I will come."

"Well." Cold Zon is slightly nodded.

The Muhong Temple is moving with the obese middle age with the palace.

"Aqi." Cold Zon commanded: "You go, remember, you only have to go to the chaotic true God, so on the sword is unparalleled, it will be done by this Muhong Hall. "

"Yes." The old woman nodded, then the figure was once again disappeared in the palace.

The big black palace, only the cold land is still sitting quietly.

At this moment, the sidewalk covered, but it reveals a smile that is incomparably, her jade hand is not a small abdomen of her heart, there is a sense of sleep, this awareness has already been She was completely sealed with her means.

", sister, your little love is really persistent, it is really since chasing this vain chaotic world from the fire community, and in just a long time, you will be in the chaotic world. Have such a big name, but it is very good, no monsters, you are a unique place to love him! "

"Unfortunately, his heart is already in my sister. Otherwise, even the little girl, I have some heart to him."

This cold is murmured, the sound is like a ghost, and the essay is incomparable.

"The sword is unparalleled, since you are looking for the door, let me look at your energy, ~~~"


Huge red stone jail, covering the big world, the sword is unparalleled with Dragon Qingzhen is trapped in jail, and it is impossible to break in a short time.

At this moment, under the Mu Hong Hall, the obese middle-aged woman has some of the black robe in prison.

"Mu Hong Hall, the most ended the passage of the sword, you can't walk along this channel, you can see him, I have to go all right to cope with the chaotic true God, don't accompany you. "The old woman of the black robe owed, and then directly in the direction of Longqing's true God.

In the red stone passage, the Muhong Temple will stand in parallel with the obesity middle age.

"His Royal Highness, I just handed over with the chaotic true God, suffering from the hustle, and the strength did not recover, and the sword is unparalleled, it is not weak, this is a case ..." After the obese middle age, I just said this.

"What happens?" The Mu Hong Hall, this obese middle-year, "cold children look outside, do you want me to lose face in front of him?"

Obesity middle-aged face, but never said.

"Hey, it is a boundary, even if it is a genius, where can I go?" Mu Hong Hall is quite disdainful.

He is born with a more expensive. His father is relying on the mountain. It has always been horing to overbearing, and no one is placed in the eyes, including the gains of the ancient chaotic world.

Moreover, most importantly, he also has great confidence in its strength.

Task, he has broken through the true God, and it has also realized the dark road in the nine blood gods. Although the sentiment to the Dark Road is not too high, there is no high level of the first floor of the Taoine, but because of his father's relationship He has an extremely strong true God-class armor, the soldier, plus some secret surgery, his war has also reached the peak of the true God.

Have this combat power, in his opinion, how to fight against the sky, he can be crushed.

"I am not anxious to fight with him, let the two magic gods play with him." The Mu Hongshen smiled coldly, and the two high-body body appeared in front of him. He is the battle of the true God of the world. .

With the guidelines under the Muhong Temple, these two warfare tend to the front of the channel.


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