Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1558, the third retroactory!

Reverse robbery!

It is a biggest robbery that the sword is unparalleled.

He has experienced two reincarnation, and the danger of danger.

In the two retrograms, the first heavy renovation was temporarily touched, and there was a sign in one hundred and twenty years in advance, gave him a one hundred and twenty years of preparation time.

The second retrievers robbery, the sign in advance, he was also prepared for ten years.

But now this third reversal robbery ... There is no sign, no need to give the sword unparalleled, and even the sword is not biplomatic, it will come directly.

In his process of killing this Muhong Temple.

"Why is it bias this time!"

"Why don't you give me a little ready?"

"Don't have much, one day, even if it is good!"

The sword is not brought crazy. He is now just a stone's throw away, just give him a little more, he can really see the snow, then think about it, but in this most Important juncture, the third renrore repair is directly coming.

However, this rebellious robbery is different from the previous two times, there is no robbery cloud formation, light from the appearance, the sword is unparalleled, there is no change, only himself clear, now he is already in the process of robbery.

"The sword is unparalleled, death!"

The Muhong Temple was cold, and the murder was leaked, and the cyan sickle in his hands was taller.


The big knife has emerged, and the air is oppressed, and it has formed a gorgeous knife river.

The sword is unparalleled. When this gorgeous knife river is filled with him, the blood peak sword in his hands is immediately turned to a bloody lightning, suddenly rushing.

The sword is just a play, and the sword is unparalleled.

"My God ... is weakening?"

A loud noise, the sword is unparalleled, and the shape of the shock is back.

"Haha ~~~"

The Mu Hong Hall is laughing, waving the sickle, quite a very horizontal, unparalleled sword.

I saw a knife out from his hand, it was obvious to force the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is immediately swing.

Can be in the process ...

The sword is unparalleled, and its own power is in constant weakening.

Not only the power, but also the power of his soul, he is in the swords of the road, the time-space, and even his own, it is weakened in the madness.

"How could this be?"

The sword is unparalleled.

If the peak state, his power has completely broke the power of the soul, play the strongest strength, and it can easily defeat this Muhong Hall, and even kill it.

But now, his strength is weakened at an amazing speed, from this Muhong Temple, it is barely resistant, it is full of compression, just just a moment of work, now, sword is unparalleled. Full defeat.

Whether it is a speed or strength, he is far more than that of the Muhong Hall.

I saw the Mu Hong Hall next time sword, although the knife was unparalleled by the sword, but he collided every time, the sword was unparalleled by the unparalleled power.

Rolling, even getting closer.

"The third in the world is a peerless genius, on this strength?"

"Weak, too weak!"

"The sword is unparalleled, I am overestimation!"

This Mu Hong Hall holds a cyan sickle, and the face is cold, and it is more disdainful to the sword. "I also shine in his ," I have just a ride of the world, how is the top genius, can It seems that it is just a waste. "

"If you don't qualify for you, let me pay attention to it, go to death!"

Mu Hongshen's glucite burst into the body, and the murder in him suddenly emerged.

The sword is not double-colored.

It is at this time ...


The horrible roar sounds in this red stone jail, followed by this original rugged, although the red stone prison that could not be damaged during the sword without the peak, and the red stone walls around it appeared. Crack.

Just a moment, slapha ~~~ This red stone jail is completely collapsed.


"Your prison is indeed, you can want to trap my Longqing, it is still not enough!"

I caught cold, and I am fried in the world.

Even if I saw a lot of horizontal and extreme power broke out from the void, it was ruined around and swept it. The old woman who was fully committed to the Dragon Qingzhen's gods was revealed.

At the moment of the Dragon Green Shoots to the Red Rock, the moment of jail.


The old man in the black robes directly issued a low drink, and the body is also in an instant.

"His Royal Highness, we have also hurry." The obesity appeared in front of the Muhong Hall.

"But this sword is unparalleled ..." The sword was unparalleled under the Muhong Temple. He wanted to kill the sword and then left.

"Hurry and escape, otherwise it is too late." The middle age of obesity immediately grabbed the hand under the Muhong Temple, and the two instantly fetched.

Booming ~~~

The horrible, extremely powerful, crushed the ruins formed by the four sides, and the ruins formed by the red stone prison were crushing, and the shadow of the shadow is rising, it is Dragon Qingzhen, this moment, the dragon's true gods.

Looking at the few people who fled in front of the front, I just wanted to chase, but he couldn't pay attention to the existence of swords.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are ..." Long Qingzhen god frowned in the sword.

He can see that the sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the body's breath has already weakened the ultimate, and it is still weakening. The sword is unparalleled. The strength of the whole body is disappearing. He sits on the ground. Looking directly, I am sinking: "Long Qing is really god, don't worry about me, hurry, come chase them!"

"Remember, you must have a woman in the ancient Magic Peak, you must be born !!!"

Dragon Qing's real god brow wrinkled, and he went back to head.

However, in Long Qing's true God, it is about to step on the ancient peak.

~~ A vast black fog suddenly rushed to the ancient peak, like a black ocean, in an instant sweeping, covering the whole world.

" " "

In this black ocean, a large number of black mist forms a heavy black wave, from the four-sided eight parties to Dragon Qingzhen.

Although Long Qing's true god is a chaotic true God, it is a quite wolf under these strange black waves.

"What ghost thing?"

Long Qingzhen is cold, and it is constantly thorns that the long gun has burst out of the sky, and the heavy black is hips, but it is hit, and there is more black waves to sweep.

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