Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 156 Tip of the Tip of Mai Mai

There are countless wears around the surroundings, they are talking.

Some black robe hunting swords are unparalleled, holding three killing swords, a sword, time to get rid of the sky!

The sword is awesome, the war is even more awkward!

The battle of the sky has saved the whole world.

Everyone is looking forward to everything that happens next.


The two people appeared in the sword. Yang Zi Xuan also was cold with Su Fu face, and the monster youth blood clouded in front of the front.

"Oh, but I have a greece, I don't need such a big fight?" Blood cloud evil laughed.

"Hello? Your bloody feather is really special." The sword is unparalleled.

Bloody brow, a thorn, arrogant is said: "The sword is unparalleled, in a month, I have never heard of you, but now, you are famous in my bloody building."

"Before a month, you raided the water base in one person. He will have a hundred killer killers in the base.

Blood clouds say it is very casual, and the aura of the many weeks can hear this, but it is all in one.

"One person kills to the water supply is strong."

"Kill the killer of hundreds of bloody rips, even the purple killing is in his hands and fleeing?"

"Zi noodle killer, isn't it the super power of the yin and yang?"

"This sword is unparalleled, there is still this shocking record?"


"Compared with your bloody ripple, I am a means of little witch." The sword has no double cold channel.

The blood cloud mouth is mad, it is not possible.

"Two." The low voice sounded, and the speech is a character that is a visual captain of the dragon army.

"If there is any hatred, you can solve it in the next selection war, and now you will ask two to stop this, otherwise it will count the two strengths, I will also take the two people."

The surrounding rival army alone is almost asking.

The sword is unparalleled around the eyes, and the arreste armor who gathers comes from the eyes, I will raise my head, "I will come to you!"

"I am waiting for you." The blood cloud laughed, and everything is clear.

I heard the dialogue of the two, but the surrounding air was immediately a turmoil.

Everyone has become excited.

Everyone knows that on this selection, there will be an exciting worldwide will be staged.

As for the just fierce confrontation, it is just a little appetizer.

Just on this empty space, there was a shape of the shape, and some were sitting on the suspended seat. I went glance, at least dozens of people, these people, Every one is the peak power of the yin and yang.

These people are the top strengths from all parties forces.

The black and white two palace owners like the Dragon Palace, the gray clothes of the bloody ripple, one of the "landlords" in the martial arts are here.

And just the scene that happened to the ground, these topped strong people also looked in the eyes, when someone discussed.

"Haha, this little guy, the temper is not small."

"The blood cloud of the blood, the other is the sword of the dragon palace. The two will be very normal. After all, everyone knows that the sword is unparalleled with the grievances."

"Indeed, it is like a needle tip to Mai Mang, and the two of them, even I am looking forward to it."

"Black and white palace owners, there is Mr. Grassdown, do you have anything to say? After all, it is the disciple of you."

This group of yin and yang fake is talking.

"Is there anything, this sword is unparalleled is the goal of my bloody, the blood color, no matter what, he has to die." The shirt is cold.

"Hey, good tone, not afraid of wind and big flashing, it seems that it is not enough for you two years ago." The White House is cold and cold, and the cold channel.

"Two years ago?" The corner of the gray clothes is slightly smoked. "If there are two long two forces in the dark two years ago, I can forced my bloody rush to the level of my bloodstick to the extent? "

"Oh, my mouth is very hard." The White House laughed.

"The mouth is you, look at it, this time you choose the battle, this peelery is not there." Gray clothes.

When I heard this, the main color of the White House was slightly, and there was a worry in the bottom of the heart.

"That little child, good participation in the selection battle is, how do you face the blood cloud?"

Blood clouds, the landlord is recognized first, three years ago, the strength is terrible, and three years later, this blood cloud is a huge improvement in the spiritual force.

Everyone in the entire Tianzong Dynasty is clear, the current blood cloud is a completely tailmel, no one dares to provoke.

And the sword is unparalleled with this big fight.

"If he avoids the blood cloud in the selection war, get a quota with his strength is a nail, but it can be collided with the blood cloud, don't say a quota, his own life can not keep, it is a big problem. what."

The White House is looking at the Black Palace next to him, and the two have a worry.

at this time……

"Haha, very lively."

It's a gentle voice that is gentle, and it is close to the most central, a golden seat, and a golden royal robe, and a golden royal robe. man.

Seeing this suddenly appeared the robe man, all the yin and yang fake in the scene became respectful.

"I will see you!"

"I will see you!"

Many yin and yang fumes have rushing to this royal robe, and even the black and white second palace owner, the gray clothes, etc. sitting on the seat, and the gray clothes are also greeted, and the attitude is also very humble.

While the entire Tianzong Dynasty, there is a qualification to be called, only one person.

This person is the National Juni of the Tianzong Dynasty.

The emperor is not only the contemporary kingdom of the Tianzong Dynasty. At the same time, he is a list of Tianlong List. It is the first person recognized by the Tianzong Dynasty.

As for a hundred years ago, the whole Tiantong Dynasty was treasured, and the first long-term knife cracks for several decades of Dragon List, because the trail disappeared long ago, the name is early from the Tianlong list get rid.

"No need to polite, there should be sitting." The emperor's man waved at the emperor, and the people who immediately sat down were sitting down.

"I have also seen the two little guys, I also saw it, the strength of the two is very good, especially the blood cloud, his strength is not small, in just collision, he did not show all the best." The emperor said casually .

"The little guy named sword is also very difficult. After all, he is now Jin Dan to make a great situation. If he will give him a few years, he will reach the full peak of Jin Dan, then he can fight with the blood cloud."

"Unfortunately, the best two little guys are trending with water, and I have to fight for you."

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