Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1560 Whitening, Sword is unparalleled!

"Long Qing is really god!"

The shadow is true, because of the god of the god, Yan Jun three people have fallen.

"How come you are here, the sword is unparalleled?" Yan Jun asked the first one.

"The sword is unparalleled ... he is there." Long Qing's real god is illustrated below.

Yan Jun three did this noticed the shadow that sat down below the ground.

But this look, the lives of the shadows, because the gourges include the bigness of the monarch.

"He, he is a sword is unparalleled?" The shadow is really wrong.

"How is it possible? Can you have a breath, it is true because of the god of the god.

And Yan Jun is a heavy place.

He can see the shadow sitting below the ground, but the people have a silver-white hair, the face is old, the body is like a withered trees, which is an old man who has reached the year. And there is no power fluctuation on the white-haired old man.

It is an ordinary person.

Finished ordinary people.

This white-haired ordinary older, is a sword that is one of the proud of the ancient chaotic world?


The Ying Jun figured the first time, appearing in front of the white-haired old man.

As if I have aware of the arrival of Yan Jun, this white-haired old man looked up slightly, showing a number of unparalleled swords, but obviously be pale countless face, this is old and reluctant, but also squeezed out to Yan Jun. A smile.

"The sword is unparalleled, is it really you?" Yan Jun closed his eyes.

Although the sword is very changed, the power fluctuations have disappeared, and the breath has also been weak to the extreme, but the virtual essence of the fade is indeed that he is familiar with, the Yan Jun is sure, the white hair in front of him The old man is really a sword.

"How can you become like this?" Yan Jun face is ugly, the voice is also low, and the attention is the Dragon Qingzhen Zhen Shen. "Long Qing is really a lot, are you not with the sword? How can he make him What is this? "

Yan Jun sex is violent, and the sword is unparalleled to him.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled to make this, he doesn't matter if Dragon Qingzhen is the body of chaos, it is directly responsible.

And Long Qing's true god is a slight frown.

"Yan Jun big brother."

It has become a sword of the white-haired old man, but his voice is also a bit hoarse, weak, "this matter has nothing to do with Long Qing's true God, he has made his best to do the best, I will turn this, too Because I have my own body. "

"The reason for your own body?" Yan Jun said slightly.

"Don't say this first. This time we strongly teach the demon, the moving is too big, and it is too big to be alarmed that the nine palaces are true, so we still have to leave." The sword has no double.

"Good." Yan Jun should.

Long Qing is really god, and the shadow is true, because the gourd is also looking forward to it.

"Yan Jun big brother, help me." The sword was unparalleled and suddenly reached, his hand was very incomparable, the skin cracked.

"I have no power now, I can't do it, so I can only let me take me in the brother of Yan Jun." The sword is unparalleled.

Yan Jun is in the heart, watching the sword is unparalleled.

Soon, five people were gone, but the sword at this moment was unparalleled, but it was behind Yan Jun.

All the way, the sword is unparalleled. As for the Yan Jun, Long Qing's true gods have been silent, and never open.

But they have just left the blood de deal.


A strong power is suddenly coming, and there is a taller close to three meters. If the giant, the old Purple robe is condensed in the void.

When I saw the emergence of this purple robe, a few people who were originally plundered suddenly, and their shape was immediately.

"Long Qing, I have seen the nine palace." Long Qing's true God is slightly smashed.

"It's a nine palace."

"This is troublesome."

The shadow is true God, because the gourges, including the heart of Yan Jun, is a bit shocked.

And the sword behind Yan Jun behind him, and couldn't help but looked up at this Purple old man.

The nine palace is true, but the country of the nine palace.

At the same time, it is also quite jealous of the stars, and I don't dare to send the source of the true God to the top of this nine palace.

This is the fifth super power ranked in the real god list.

Although Longqing Zhen God is also a chaotic true God, but it is too far like this nine palace, but it is too far away. It is like now, Long Qingzhen will directly call the nine palace Zhen God as adults.

"Long Qing is really god, caught the blood, is your movement?" The nine palace is standing there, the face is indifferent, the voice is also flat, but his words are like a great hammer, and a few The human heart, so that they have a big shock.

"Good terrible strength." Yan Jun bite his teeth secretly praised.

"Go back to Nine palace, it is indeed our hand." Long Qing's real God is very cautious at the moment.

"Hey, the blood demon is good is also a big force in my nine palaces, you don't say it before you do it, you don't want to put it in your eyes before you do it." Jiugong Zhen God Cold, and it also contains a harmony.

"This ..." Long Qing's true gods were a little ugly. He went out for a while, he took out a Qiankun ring, said: "This matter, it is indeed I didn't want to think about it, this Qiankun ring has twenty Dow crystal, it is for adults. "

"Talent 20?" The nine palace is really cold, "" Two hundred Dide Crystals, I will leave you someone, or you don't have to go. "

"Two hundred?" Dragon Qing really god.

It is a shock that the Baise Shi Shen next to him is a thrilling.

Dow crystal, it is also a precious treasure for true God, which is very large.

The general eternal real God is all worth ten cars, while two hundred vades, the chaotic God of Dragon Qingzhen, is a small number.

"Okay, I will give it."

Long Qing's true God directly lost a Qiankun ring.

Two hundred vades, although a lot, Dragon Qingzhen was invited by the main hall, and the price of Yuan Dynasty gave him more.

After the Jiugong Zhen Shen took the Qiankun Ring, it was simple to sweep, and nodded slightly. "You can go."

Yan Jun several people have been tone, and they are ready to leave.

However, the eyes of this nine palaces, but the sword was not looked over, "Who is this person who does not fluctuate this?"

The sword is unparalleled.

He is very clear. If you let the nine palaces really know his true identity, he is alive today to leave the nine palace.

Sori Yan Jun immediately replied: "Go back to the adult, this is my loved ones, he fell into the hands of the blood demon, and it was suffering from the torture. It is for revenge, and it is also to save him. "

"Is this?" The nine palace really brows, but he never doubt.

"Let's go."

Yan Jun has a sword with a sword.

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