Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1562 is not a double brother?

"The sword is unparalleled, then you have already spent rebellious robbery, or is it still in the ferry?" Yuan Dynasty frowned asked.

"It should be in a ferry." The sword has said: "And, I feel that I have a third reverse robbery, I spend more than the previous two retrograms, that is, I am now One state, it is afraid that it is still a long time. "

"How long is it?" Asked the Yuan Dynasty.

"I don't know." The sword didn't shake his head. He now knows that he is in a ferry, and this ferriev will be very long, but how long does it take for it, he is indeed noted.

"Such a weird robbery, I didn't heard it, this is troublesome." Yuan Dian is low.


Although it is a mood with a sword, it feels helpless at this moment.

Task, he cultivated so far, the biggest relief is its own strength, there is a strength in hand, he is full, even if you encounter a strong enemy, you can find a way to survive.

But now, his strength, there is no power!

"No matter what to say, reverse repair has come, the end of it is coming, and this reverse repair can only rely on myself, others will not help."

"Everything, I will bear my own."

Soon the sword is unparalleled to leave this cave, and go to his sword.

As for the Yuan Dynasty, the Lei Dynasty is to collect some ancient books, and go to find some solutions.

The star has a huge palace group.

The face is old, a silver-white hair sword is unparalleled. It is slow to walk in front. His pace is very slow. After all, he is not only an ordinary person, but also a white-haired old man, there is no strength, for now He is not easy to take a step.

On the road, he naturally encountered a lot of stars and a disciples.

These stars have been quite surprised when they see the sword.

"Who is this person? Why will he have a trustee of Star Palace disciples?"

"Star Chen Palace disciple? It is impossible, I have never seen him, and this person seems to have no fluctuations."

"Ordinary people? No."

These disciples did not recognize the swords at the beginning, but they were all in the doubts of swords.

But very fast ...

"Well, this person, it seems to be a parallel brother."

"What is your amazing genius? Is there a stunning genius? What is the relationship with such a bad old man who doesn't videody?"

"It's a breath of his life, his life is the same as the unparalleled brother, I have seen the unparalleled brother, so I am very familiar with the life of a parallel brother."

"Is it really a passionate life?"

One person, the appearance of the appearance can change, but his life is not changed.

These disciples have just seen the swords and unparalleled, they can't recognize him, but they have seen him, but they can recognize his life.

"There is no pair of brothers, how can it become like this?"

"This, this is clear that the old man who is going to die, how can I worship a parallel brother, I don't believe, I don't believe it!"

"It's impossible, there is no pair of brothers, it is impossible to turn this."

Many disciples are roaring, they are not willing to believe this.

They all followed behind the sword, until they saw the sword where the sword was unparalleled with the Sword star, and still in the autumn of the Sword of the Sword, personally guided, 'Help', when they stepped on the sword, the star of the stars These disciples were finally confident.

This seems to be a bad old man who can die at any time, that is, the sword is unparalleled!

On the same day, Yuan Dynasty is personally announced, saying that the sword is unparalleled in the outside, and it is dark, and the weight is highly poisonous, so a strength is lost, and it is temporarily unable to recover in a short time.

This news came out, the whole star was shaken immediately and boiled.

The Sword is above.

The sword is unparalleled to sit down on a seat, and the maids waiting for the Qiuyue in front of him respectfully standing there, and one is clearly worried.

Especially the autumn month.

"Bono, what's wrong with you?" Qiu Yue face anxious.

"Reassure, I have n'thing to do, how long it will be recovered, as for the outside of the leisure, you don't have to pay attention to it." The sword said.

Although the sword is unparalleled, the autumn is still worried.

The sword is unparalleled, so soon, I came to the independent secret room of myself on the Sword.

Sit down in the secret chamber, but his face is abnormal.

Don't look at him is still relaxed in front of the Yuan Dynasty, Qiu Yue, etc., but it is actually anxious than anyone else.

"I have a long-lasting thing, I have been harder, and I haven't been there."

"And, I can't come late, I have to see cold as soon as I will see the snow, and it's the most eager to get strength. Suddenly come!"

"This reverse robbery, what is going on !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and his old face is coming up.

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't quite excitement, there must be a stable heart." The voice of the King suddenly sounded in the sword, "Don't forget, there is no sad god in the madness!"

"Well?" The sword has no double look.

No sadness?

At that time, the sword was unparalleled, asked this no sadness about the third renrors, no sadness did not say, but he said that he was because of the third retrieversion, it caused the heart to change, and many energy Say it is a madman.

There is no sadness, the third reverse robbery encountered, and it should be the same as him.

"The no sadness can become the retroactory of the true God, the strength of the enemy, naturally a very great figure, even if he encounters the third heavy counter-robbery, you are in the heart, and you ... you are In the ferry, if it is a little inadvertent, I am afraid it will be the same as the nausea, and this is already good. "

"Don't forget, the third reverse robbery, this is your biggest robbery, which is more demanding than the nine deaths!" low.

The sword is unparalleled, and after a moment, after a moment, I finally spit it.

"It's my disappearance." The sword is unparalleled.

"Anyone encounters the same experience as you, and it will lose their feelings and even crazy. This is normal, but you must have a stable heart, don't mess around, or you will fall into the ground." Tao.

"I know." The sword has no double nodd, and he also understands this.

"Yes, King, I am this now, you as my parasites, what is it?"

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