Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1571, with the heart, the heart of the heavens!

Sun Rising Palace is excited.

Previously, everyone believed that Chen Hu's master is just an ordinary person. It can teach Chen Hu, it is also an excellent relationship between Chen Hu.

But now, no one dares to think so.

On the same day, the Rising, the Rising Palace, told the strong people under the sun to sketch the 'high person'.

Time will continue, the sword is unparalleled in the martial art building in Xuri Palace, the same silently.

In addition to some of the high-rise of the Sun Rising Palace, those ordinary disciples are still unaware of this, as for the same night, there is no name.

Until 40 years later, the Guandun of the Shenguang Dynasty person came to visit him.

This king is also because of the bottleneck in Wu Xue, I have never been solved. I then I don't know where the news knows that there is a high person in Xuri Palace. I have come to visit, and I will come in person. I don't dare to neglect, so I will see the martial art building in the sword.

However, when this king made a question, the sword was unparalleled, but he left a broom of the country, let him put this martial art building downstairs, and then ask again to ask, but also must do it.

This time, it is anger with a strong in the country.

The kingdom of the Gulin Dynasty, he was very dissatisfied with the last hopes, he still did it in accordance with the old man who said in the sword.

A big kingdom of the Tang Dynasty, but he cleared the leaves in the face of everyone, it would pass out, and it will definitely become a joke.

But the country will not only be angry, but also surprises afterwards, because the sword is unparalleled, it is indeed helping him solve the problem, and even the strength has increased its strength.

God Dynasty Dynasty Guojun also understood that this white-haired old man was indeed, it was undoubtedly, even if you want to worship the sword, you are unparalleled! Enjoy the status only in his position in the Lang Dynasty.

A result, but the sword is unparalleled.

This king has only had no choice but to leave.

The news spread, the whole god kinemate, even the vicinity of several dynasties, there will be a large number of cultivars to come to the Qingqi Temple visit, want to see the sword without double.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also completely broken.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Rising Seem did not stay again. He left him on the same day.

When he left, he was just a sentence to Chen Hu, who was in a closed door.

Fortunately, Chen Hu is closed, otherwise it will immediately keep up with him.

As for the strong people in Xuri Palace, although it is extremely reluctant to let the sword are unparalleled, but also helpless.

"From today, I have to rely on myself."

The sword is unparalleled with a smile, wearing a simple black robes, and a wooden stick in his hand, and even the feet began to swindle alone in this cycle.

On the street, the sword is unparalleled in a step forward.

"Driving!" "Driving!"

After the sound of the horseshoe, the sound of the horseshoe is behind, the sword is unparalleled, but a gust is from him, and the sword is blown down, and his arm, the thigh is broken by the blood. , Clothes are also broken, and the war is standing up.

If you encounter such a thing before it is changed, he may be very angry, but now his heart is calm, no wave.

Then continue to go in front.

The sword is unparalleled to walk the world with the body of mortal old people.

On the way, he did not only hit it once again, and he fell from the mountains again and again.

Even on the way, he was also robbed by the thief, caught by the slave venison.

He became awkward, when a servant, a prisoner, but also a slavery.

He will face everything you have encountered with your own capacity.

But no matter what he has encountered, his life is no longer, and there is still a strong man in secret, and he seems to be white-haired, and it is actually a strong amazing, and he is affected. A lot of torture, but I can't die.

In this process, the years have returned.

The sword is unparalleled.

He even got the third heavy rebellion of his current, the previous brilliant, before, he also forgot to have two nets.

Now, he is an ordinary person.

He is fully integrated into the identity of this ordinary person, and treats all the people's ability to treat themselves with the power of ordinary people.

As for the young, the Qing Yu Palong, who has been in the dark, I just started to have a boring of the sword in this Qingtian secret city, revealing the color of the pity, I feel that the sword is unparalleled.

As more time, he also numb it.

"This is a peerless genius, and it is now fully integrated into the life of ordinary people. I don't know how long is he still lasts, is it going on like this?" The PC crumped.

He is not in the sword, and it will go on this way.

The key is that he has to protect the sword and unparalleled. Don't let him really die. If the sword is unparalleled, it is a tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, then he is not still staying for so long?

This is extremely reluctant, but there is no way.

A sway, the sword is unparalleled to this Qingtian, which has been a whole for five thousand years.

A large mountain depth, the sword is unparalleled, the clothes are also broken, and the body is thin as .

At this moment, he overlooks below, there is a Zhuangzi, a Zhuangzi, which is the same as Chen Jiazhuang, the blood of the slaughtered blood into the river.

Looking at this scene, the sword was unparalleled and gently shook his head.

"Causal cycle, all self-specific, strong cultivator is still changed, and ordinary people are also the same."

"And I, relative to this Qingtian secret, just just a passer, just like the name of me, dust, sleave, do not provoke, no dust!"

"Everything, with the heart, casual, finally followed ..."

The sword is unimaced, but the heart has many feelings.

His heart is also a sublimation and transformation.

"With the heart, the heart of the heavens and the earth!"

"Oh I see?"

The sword is unparalleled.

His strength, all of which have lost traces, but the mood is still there.

Since he reached the first level of the mood, so many years, this is the second level of the world, he has finally reached.

And at this time ...

"Well?" The sword suddenly moved suddenly, he can feel a touch of touch in his body.

"This reverse the robbery, is finally closed?"

The sword is unparalleled with a smile, as if not care, and his body shape is coming to a mountain, sitting down, and the rotation is closed.


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