"Duan Lingfeng !!!"

It was forced to be a barefire that was unborn, and the gods were gloring. He smashed his death. The government will chase you! "

"And you, swords are unparalleled!"

The refurbishment is really looked at the sword, and the color of the grievances is more strong. "I killed the four elephants more than 30 voids, even if you are behind the stars, don't care about you."


"let's go!"

After that, the refurbishment is turned directly to it.

Although the strong people of the four elephants are extremely unllowed, they are not helpful.

They are very clear, with their current lineup, want to leave two people without double-segment Lingfeng, it is impossible, but it is possible to be slaughtered by each other.

And other four-like government rushed, then it also took time. In this time, the sword is unparalleled with Duan Ling Feng, will definitely leave, and will continue to stay here.

Since I can't kill the sword, there is two people, of course, I can only leave.

The sword is unparalleled, Ling Feng is the cold standing there. Looking at the strong people of the four elephants leave, the two of the two people are still echieizing the refurbishment, but they are indifferent.

He is a true top genius, and he has risen in the reversal. The hardships of the hardships have false, naturally will not put the threat of these four embarsets in the heart.

"The sword is unparalleled, this time, thank you!" Duan Lifeng looked at the sword.

"You and me, there is no need to say this." The sword is unpaired and indifferent, said: "We still leave it first, here is still four elephant, in the four elephant affairs, although the strong I have left, but it is difficult to kill immediately, and when I arrive, I will come out, I will come up with the strength of the four-song chaotic real god. "

Whether it is a sword and a unparalleled or Duan Lingfeng, there is a self-knowledge.

They are now able to compete for the forever, and they are slightly somewhat a little, or standing at the top, then there are only wolf.

If you encounter a chaotic true God ... Just come to a chaotic true God, now it is enough to kill him easily.

Duan Lingfeng nodded.

Soon the two people left.

The strong people of the four elephants are unparalleled with swords. Duan Lingfeng has left, and the rest is those who come for billion chaotic crystals.

These strong people are blown up at the moment.

They can all have seen a shocking battle.

And this war, in their opinion, or that is incredible!


Four voids outside the continent.

"Call, I finally came out."

The sword is unparalleled with Duan Ling Feng.

And after a long time, a body shape appeared in front of the sword.

"Lei Dynasty adults." The sword was unparalleled and smiled.

Duan Lingfeng also exposed a humble color.

"I originally thought that I needed me to take myself, but now I seem to look at you." Lei looked at the sword unparalleled and Duan Lifeng, and his face was also rare to show a smile.

The sword is unparalleled and a smile.

The message made the thunder, that is the worst result, it will definitely let the four elephants are completely torn with the star.

But now, although the sword is unparalleled to kill the quadratic gods, this is the sword is unparalleled. The four pictures of the family will be responsible for the star of the star, but it is not completely war with the stars. .

"Let's go, let's go back first." Lei said.

"Well." The sword was unparalleled, and he also gave a chance to the Yuan Temple.

"I have left it, I will leave, as for four elephants ... There is no need to be too care, you will not go to the four elephant in the future, they can't help it." Yuan Demen laughed.

"Lord of Yuan Temple, I have to tell you something." The sword has no double sound.

"What's wrong?"

"This time I am in burning the sky, I didn't hide the strength and the breath. I finally became a contest, but the war that can be revealed is far beyond the category of the world, so ... I am afraid It can't hit it. "The sword has no double.

"Is this?" Yuan Demoti nodded slightly. "In fact, when you start to burn the sky, I have already thought of this."

"There is no way, the palace master gives you the treasure that lets you make you up with the heart of the god, but you can't let you disguise into real God. After all, I really talk to the world, the two are completely different, so you Unless it has been concealing strength, it will definitely expose it once. "

"Exposure is exposed, anyway, you have to expose it, it doesn't matter!"

"Moreover, your current strength has been raised, even if you encounter some crises, you can cope, you just need more careful in the future."

"Know it." The sword nodded, and the heart was also slight.

He knows that once you reflect, once you expose, it will inevitably attract endless trouble.

These troubles will come sooner or later, he has long been mentally prepared.


Four elephants, four elephants.

In the temple, many high-rise strong people in the four elephants gathered together, the barefoot is true and snow, the true God is also in it, but the two people are dangerous. Some nervous.

At the top of the main hall, it was a domineering man in a purple robe.

At this moment, this domineering man is surrounded by the cold voice in the hall.

"The two eternal people, dozens of void real God shot at the same time, but the result of the little family of the two boundaries, but also for more than 30 voids, huh, I really have the four elephants. I lost my face. "

When you hear a domineering man, the face of everyone on the hall has become ugly.

This time, they used four elephants, which did indeed it for laughter.

"Red Fire, Xuewu, you two parties, talk about this." Domineering man overlook.

The refurbishment is true God and Xuewu true God faces, and the former will take a deep breath, solemn, "the owner, this time, I have been with Xuewu, I have two people, regardless of the main punishment I have two people, I have no opinions, but before this, I have to say two sentences. "

Many strong people on the hall, I have seen it in the barefoot.

"First, the Ling Feng and swords are unparalleled. They are all true top geniuses. On Talents in the Out of Chaos, it is absolutely standing in the top, and only the boundaries of the world, the strength of the two cannot be underestimated, secondly, When we found Duan Lingfeng, he has broken through the true God, and the strength has been completely over. "

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