Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1590 Vibration

On the battle in the Buna Magic domain, there are still many exclusive strong people present, so the news of the battle, I can't hit it.

After the end of the battle, it immediately spreads on the amazing speed.

Especially the mirror screen of the battle ...

The mirror screen recorded the sword unparalleled with the strength of the world, and the four elephants of the four elephants were still rushing to crush a scene of the eternal shin.

This picture is open, but if you see the power of the picture, there is no shock.

"Nearly forty voids, real God, while shooting a world, the result is the crazy slaughter of the latter?"

"This, this ... how would this?"

"This is really only the world of gods? Wancha chaos world has such a terrible contest?"

Everyone feels incredible.

Vientiane Tower is the first time to update the king list, originally due to the fact that the sword is unparalleled, his name has disappeared on the spirit of the world.

But now, the latest boundary is coming out, but he is directly in the first.

And this ranking is not dealt with, and everyone feels a matter of course.

Although he did not have to fight against the original destruction of the original, the terrible strength and record of the show from him in the burn tomorrow, it was far from the destruction of God, after all, although destroyed God, although it was a top genius, But he can't kill the front of an eternal spirit, let alone press the other party.



"It's hard to see the super monster in the history of the whole chaotic world."

One by one is called in the sword, the sword is unparalleled, and the monster is also synonymous.

But in this film, there is a message to pass from the four elephant prostitutes.

The sword is unparalleled, it is reversal!

This news is very simple, but a stone arouses a thousand waves, making the top ten cultivation of many high-rise power, and even several of the big energy are amazed.

And these high-level strong people have an extraordinary, soon, it is very judged that this news is true!

They can all have the strength of the sword unpaid, and the strength of his previous strength is judged.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is indeed reversible.

Only the legendary retro repair can only have such an incredible strength when there is a level of the world.


The most scary of the world is the most unique existence.

They are born against the sky, they are born to different.

And the potential of reversal is far more than ordinary practitioners.

If it has not been reviled completely, it may not be too concerned about it. After all, the reverse repair is the biggest sill, and the ten reversal is not necessarily able to cross the past, but once the triple rebellious robbery all over the past Then, his potential ... will be infinite!

Tianjian Mountain, the nine-in-one Jian Mountain, there is a hidden cave.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, it is a reverse repair?"

With the three hand swords, the whole person is also like a Sword Mountain owner who has a peerless sword to get a message, but it is a clear smile.

"Reversal, but also all retroactive robbery, this potential ... It's another no sad!"

"At the beginning, there is a quick incredibility of the madness, but the many large energy people in the world of the chaotic world are scared, but it is unfortunately, it will be fallen, otherwise ... unless the adults of the Shengfa shot, Otherwise, the top ten cultivation holy land, I am afraid that no one can smoke him. "

"And this sword is unparalleled, he can compare the neighborhood of the neighborhood, but also a lot of eyes."

Tianjian Mountain owner praised, and his face also took a smile.

He is unparalleled with swords, and there is some melon, and even barely say that there is a trace of love, and naturally willing to look at the sword unparalleled.


A red-red territory, this territorial domain has an absolute hegemony, he is a fire.

This fire is not only a powerful person, but also in the big energy, it is very strong, enough to sit on the founder of the Star Winner.

"Haha, star, I am in accordance with your agreement, I have not published the identity of the little guy, the result is that he is exposed, this is no wonder."

In a reddish temple in a red, there is a unicorn fire in the forehead.

"Hey, reverse repair, and will also reverse all over the past, the stars have come to get a gainful little guy."


This is a dark starry sky, and there is a dark continent in the stars.

On the dark continent, there is a seat of the mountain, and these mountains have hundreds of thousands of feet, and there are more than 10,000 small.

The mid-to-numbers of the mountains are in the middle of the mountains, suspended a dark temple.

In the vast hall, a black robe has a flash of a flash in the main hall, and it is anxious to shout: "There is an important information."

On both sides of the main hall, a famous guardian guardian, and immediately saw this black robes, and some angrily angry.

"What information is there, this flustered?"

The low and hoarse voice echoed in the main hall, and the sound seems to be sounded in all directions, but the person who did not know how to talk at the end.

The black robes have already been squatted, respectfully looked at an empty throne in front of the hall, "The master, I just got the news, the top ten holy land was originally in the name of the genius sword on the list of my killing list, his The strength has been restored, not only recover, but also more powerful than before. "

"He is in the power of the world, but it is pressed an eternal spirit. Now the ten great holy land is now the first of the world, and it has also been exact news. This sword is unparalleled. Bit reversal, his strength, it is because of the third retrievers, now he has already spent it. "

"Reversal?" The hoarse voice sounded again. "A reversal of rebelling, with the power of the world, can you press the eternal life?"

"This sword is unparalleled, isn't it more than the true God of the year, but also enchanting?"

"Yes." The black robe is nodded. "Now there are many strong people in the top ten holy land, including some of the big energy people who can say that this sword is unparalleled. The few things in one of the layers are comparable. "


A low drunk is awkward in the dark sky.

"One is no sadness, but also within the scope of our family, the top of the highest level of the Shengshi ... The powerful, one, one, is enough to let the Shengshi have soared, never let this The sword is unparalleled, there is a chance to reach that level! "

"The command will go down and immediately listen to the first level must kill the first level."

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