Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1602, the Shengling, Xiancai!

"Two, this Fairy Palace inheritance, what is it?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The inheritance of the fairy palace is from the St. League, the sword is unparalleled. Do you know the Scenestion?" There was a true God.

The sword is unparalleled.

"The Shengling, in fact, the abbreviation of the Holy Land League, which is formed by the top ten cultivation holy situations!"

"There are many great power in the top ten cultivation, including many top scorpions, all of which are one member of the Holy League, and even some of the top ten sacred countries, as long as the strength reaches the requirements, it will also join the St. Alliance. Like my star, Ling Xiaobao Hall, the four elephants are also in the Shengfa, "no quantity.

I heard this, the sword has no shock color.

"Ten major cultivation holy land, many big powerful strong people jointly formed the Shengling? How strong is this Shengling?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Strong? Oh, the SAR will be able to describe it, but the highest!" There is a true God laugh: "In the vast chaotic world, the St. Legend dominated everything."

The sword is unparalleled, and the top ten cultivation of many top scorpions, many great power, this force is naturally unlatimous in the vast chaotic world.

"I am very curious, these big power in the top ten cultivation, why will the strong people join hands?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This is about some secrets of the chaotic world. I know that there is not much, but I have heard that it seems to be because of the eight big nest, there are some potential enemies, the top ten holy land must join hands. It can be copened. "There is no quantity of God.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

Under normal circumstances, these top power or forces in the top ten cultivation is never to join hands with each other.

But so there is a common enemy, then it is different.

"The old nest of the Holy League, in Thunder Island, there is a lot of top power in Ten Thunder, and there is also a great opportunity, with some cultivation of the extensive, the most famous, is the Fairy!" Really said.

"On the Zonen, there are a total of 13 Xiancai, this 13th Xianchaic Palace, respectively correspond to the four supreme roads, nine Tianshen, in the first heaven of the Fairy Palace, the effect is not only just Half exercise is too much, and it will far beyond your imagination. "

"The true God of my star, is created by the palace master. It also has a huge help, especially the level of the world, the highest help, the level of God, the help, although there are Some, but it is not that huge. "

"The Fairy Palace of the St. League is the top of the top of the Holy League, which is the top existence of the top ten holy land, which spends the cost and energy creation. Every fairy palace is true. 100 times, even thousands, cultivation in the fairy palace, the effect is naturally a hundred times, thousands of times more! "

The sword is unparalleled.

How did the Fairy Palace have an effect? ​​He doesn't know, but he is still very understanding of the true God.

In the true God of the Temple, the heavens, which can be more than the blindness of one person, even if it is now, the Temple of That is greatly helpful.

And the enforcement of the fairy is better than the true temple.

Perhaps this is a certain exaggeration, but also, the fairy palace is the great place to participate in the heavens.

"Fairy Palace, help the cultivator too much."

"Just because of this, countless strong people have to break the head to try to cultivate, enlighten, and the Shenglang in order to weigh the power of all parties, so there is a fairy hall inheritance."

"This Fairy Palace will be released once every 300,000 years. Under normal circumstances, some of the great power in the Shengba can get a fairy inheritance, some of the extremely strong, like The great force like the Lingxiao Temple, even two in a time. "

"As for those exclusive, according to the contribution to the Shengle, or pay some costs, you can also get a fairy hall inheritance."

"In short, the Holy League will release hundreds of Fairy Palace inheritance every 300,000 years, and a Fairy Palace is inheriting, and a cultivator chooses a fairyna, which is here for a hundred years. "There is no queue.

"Thirty-thousand years have only released hundreds? And one hundred years can I only stay in the fairy palace?" The sword was unparalleled.

The inheritance of hundreds of fairy palays, it seems to be a lot, but there are few pities relative to the entire top ten cultivation holy land.

And one hundred years can only be enrolled in the Fairy Palace, which is too short this hundred years.

"It's because the inheritance of the fairy palace is too small, so it will be precious, like my star, I can get one more than 300,000 years, but I am a lot of power in my star, I'm eager to go to the fairy palace. Reference, how is it allocated? So every time a fairy hall inheritance, I will discuss a few places after repeated discussion, and then ask the palace master and the other two temples, by them. Several joint decisions were made. "There is no quantity of God.

The sword is unparalleled, but also secretly praises.

Obviously the stars have also attached great importance to the inheritance of the Fairy Palace.

"The last fairy inheritance release is only twenty four thousand years, that is, I have to have a more than 60,000 years, I can get a fairy hall inheritance, but now, swords are unparalleled. You. I killed a tenure God, I have got one. "There is a true God amazed.

"Haha ~~~" The sword is unparalleled.

He knows that this time is indeed a treasure.

"That is, I can now use this fairy palace inheritance, go to the Fairy Palace in the St. League." The sword is unparalleled.

"This, it's not good, after all, you are not true God, the Thunder Island of the St. Alliance, there is a threshold, you must have a true God to enter, and it is not a general real god, the weakest, you have to be the top void, true God, Unlimited approaching the first level of the forever. "

"Your strength reaches the requirements, but the realm is finally returned, can you go to Thunder Island, I also say it unclear, you still go back yourself to ask the Yuan Temple." There is no quantity. "

"In this case, then we will go back now." The sword has no double.

There is no quite god, and the true god of the flying smoke has not hesitated, and there is no one in the sword.

After returning to the stars, the sword was unparalleled, and then he went to the Yuan Dynasty.

It is completely within the cave house consisting of special sparse.

"The Miya Heritage Order?" The Yuan Dynasty was a horrified.

The sword is unparalleled is a booth, and the inheritance order of the fairy palace.

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