"Four space, you can win."

"Life and death, the power will be completely restored, can be born!"

"In addition to these two places, anywhere, once the shot, immediately will be sanctions, so no matter how hind you hatred, don't heach, you must know that this Thunder Island can be a good super powerful Sitting in the town, you will shoot at other places, they will immediately suppress you, will not give you a chance. "There is no quantity.

"The Emperor Level?" The sword was unparalleled.

The power of the emperor, he also knows that it is the hierarchy of the holy place.

Such as the Lord of the Purple Moon, the purple moon!

At the beginning, he got two white fruit trees from no hardend, and the two white fruit trees were rare, even if the Star Palace owner dared to occupy a tree, the other is given the emperor of the purple, and the purple The Month Emperor supported the stars, and there was no one in the top ten holy land, no one, dared to shoot the idea of ​​this white fruit tree in the star.

This is the deterrence of the Emperor's level.

There are several super powers sitting in the town of Thunder Island, and the top ten holy bails are afraid that no one dares to let go of this Thunder.

"The sword is unparalleled, you see." There is no strength to point to a direction.

"That is?" The sword is unparalleled to see the end of the mountain, but there is a huge knife mark that has been transversely.

That knife marks, destroyed the earth, domineering and unparalleled.

"The terrible knife." The sword is unparalleled.

"That is a large energy of the Shengle, who is just a knife, but still makes many true gods that are good at the knife law." There is no quantity.

The sword is unparalleled. Under the mountain, there is a two-way moving tray, it should be the knife mark in the enlightenment.

"The knife marks left by the energy of the energy is so casually there?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Oh, he is a knife mark, you look at it again." There is no strength to point to a place.

The sword is unparalleled, and then it is a shrinkage.

That is a suspended statue, the statue is a purple different beast, the sense of consciousness is not big, it is not too glaring, but it is surrounded by a few real gods around him, they are all Refer to the mystery containing the statue.

"Curious statue."

The sword is unparalleled to look at the statue, even if he follows the old, it is still almost addicted.

The statue contains an amazing Wan Beast.

"You look again ..." There is no quantity of true God to one place in one place.

The sword is not there, there are three gites, there are three holes that have been pierced by the long gun, have a wonderful, deeply unpredictable pattern, with an ancient text ...

Everyone is very imoyer, there are many real gods to study.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and the three swords are extremely the same, but the sword is unparalleled.

"That three swords, it is the owner of Tianjian Mountain." There is no strength to explain.

"No wonder." The sword is unparalleled.

Tianjian Master, is a big energy that is good at Jianji, Swords, and the sword mark he left, naturally is university.

"This Thunder is is amazing." The sword is unparalleled.

All the way, he has seen a special place in the foot, these special places have the top chaotic real god, and some are the big energy left.

In short, these strange land, if it is placed in the outside world, it is absolutely enough to lead the big piece of practice to see the sense of view, but in Thunder Island, it can be seen everywhere.

"Thunder island, everywhere, you can see these just some parts, these opportunities, you have to go slowly, you have to look at luck, you can find something to help yourself, can The luck is not good, but I can't find anything. As I have added it in this Thunder Island, I have tens of thousands of years, I also found some strange land that suits you, but the big movement But I have never encountered. "There is no quantity.

"Big machine?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"It can make your strength to get huge improvement in a short time." There is a lot of true gods. "This kind of opportunity does not ask how high it is, whether it is the top chaotic real God left or a large energy Under, as long as it is helped to help yourself, you can make your strength greatly improve, you can. "

"This is." The sword nor a double.

Whether it is the chair or what is the best, it is best for you.

"The sword is unparalleled, you see it." There is no strength to point to a place.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a huge palace that is suspended in a void, the palace is huge, and the momentum is magnificent.

"That is the Tao Palace." There is no quantity of God.

The sword is unparalleled and immediately.

Taoizhi ... Many cultural people in the world of chaotic world have the same as the Taoism, which is the reference.

However, the sword is unparalleled, he has heard of the Tao Palace, but it has never really improving it.

Until now, he finally saw the true Taoist Palace.

"Nine-storey Taoizhi, you will cultivate on Zetusi Island in the future, you can come to the Tao Palace." There is no quantity of true God.

"Look, the area is some of the top strong people, including some of the cave leaves left by some strong people, and there is also a chance in the cave, the premise is that you have to pass their test ..."

"The huge mountain center has a great wilderness, and there is countless stone monument in the wilderness, and some of the stone monuments are recorded, they can directly observe."

"There is also the ancient tower, the tower contains countless strong battle pictures, which can also go directly to observe."

Unqualified God introduces the place where the Zadu Island is located.

The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is getting more and more shocking.

At the beginning, he just came to the star, seeing many cultivation resources in the stars, and it was very shocked.

However, there are many resources in the stars, and what is it compared to this Thunder Island?

Nothing is nothing.

"It is a Nest of the Holy League, and the Nothing is the Thunder Island desired." The sword is unanimous.

Under the leading leader of true gods, there is no longer sword to come to the center of the island, where he saw the 13th huge palace.

These 13 palaces, every seat is like a vast mountainous, divided into two columns, there are four palaces in the first chain palace, and the back is a nine palace.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can see it now, it is a famous thirteen fairy palace on Zeture Island!"


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