Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1613 gambling!

The voice of the true God came from the fight in the battle. The many of the many real gods present were in the past.

"This is true God, it seems that I have been remembering my cultivation time in the Fairy Palace." The sword has no double smile, but it is directly plundered into the fighting space.

That day, I was a little ridiculous, and he was originally thinking that the sword is unparalleled. He is now just to make the sword unparalleled to lose a face, but I didn't expect the sword to have no doubles came to fight space. Inside.

"This kid, actually come in." The smile on the face of the true God is now solidified, but it is big, "the sword is unparalleled, is we still the cultivation time of the gambling fairy Palace?"

"How many years do you want to gamble?" The sword is unparalleled, and it will soon appear in front of the true God.

"Last time you just came to Thunder Island, the cultivation time of the Fairy Palace was very sufficient, so I wanted to be with you for fifty years, but now, you stayed in this Thunder Island for so long, in Tiangong's cultivation Time must also use a lot, so this time you don't bet for 50 years, just gambling for 20 years, how? "Tian lived.

He actually wants to be with the sword without having a double gambling for fifty years.

However, he is worried that the sword is unparalleled, the last time, 'scare' live, this is only a bet for 20 years.

"Twenty years? Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, refreshing!" Temple is really laughing.

The sword has no double hand, there is already a blood peak sword, and the faint swords will rise from him.

"One thousand five hundred years ago, this time, God is looking for me, I haven't grateful, I can only refuse, but now ... My strength has reached the ultimate, now I can achieve the ultimate, now I, Can not be afraid of this day. "

"The most important thing, I am now lacking breakthrough opportunities, it is rare to find me gambling war, can I refuse?"

The sword is unparalleled, but it burst into cold.

The entire fighting space is completely quiet.

In addition to fighting space, many strong people are staring at this battle.

... !

The sword has no double shape.

In the case of nearly 100 phantom, while fucked, every phantom is like a ghost, and it is constantly changing in space.

Time, the entire fighting space is full of madness of madness.

"this is……"

"The body is too fast, and the speed is too fast!"

"Single single body, at least you need to feel the third floor of the Taoine Palace can be done."

Those gods in the fighting space of the fighting space exclaimed.

Their eyes are not low, very clear that the sword is unparalleled now, these phantom instantly emerging speeds, it is necessary to have an amazing feelings that can be displayed.

And I saw this overwhelming phantom, but the life of life was a smile.

"Sculptor small skill."

The voice falls, and the silver bat stick in the hands of the life of God uses a grip, and the long stick will be a blunt.

Booming ~~~ a silver light flaming.

It is clear that there is only one long stick, but there is thousands of silver batons to form a silver stream to form a silver stream. These silver flow light is completely covered, and the phantom of the sword is covered. Painting a Dao Phantom Direct Cave Dissipation, and finally only the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, but the pace is a simple flicker. If the fish in the water is like a rapidly moving fish, it is easy to avoid the silver flow of silver, and its body shape has appeared in front of the true God.

Blood peak swords are shun.

Carrier swords can now play the general spirit of the general God, and the power of the reincarnation.

That day, God was also holding a stick and suddenly.


The sword is unparalleled with the life of the trendy, and it is far from the back of the earth.

"Renai?" Tianmate real god frowned to see the sword.

"Oh, try this trick." The sword is unparalleled, with his big hand, I saw the turn of the turn, formed a gray gas stream, these gray airflow crazy condensed formation A big gray world.

Combining it, this gray world covers the trend of the world.

"That is ... Renovate the world?"

"Good guy, this is that only the feelings of the turn can pass the strong people on the third floor of the Taoizhi to show it!"

"This sword is unparalleled, the district world, but he has a level of the Taoine Taoine, the feelings of the time-space, the time of the road."


The strong people who fight the fight space are not exclaimed.

And God's true God saw this scene, but his eyes were slightly shrinkage.

"One force, everything!"

"Break me!"

With the low drink of God, in this fighting space, ~~~ The sky is booming, and in this void, there is also a lot of flowers and trees, I only see a tree. The big tree starts, and the largest one of them has exceeded the high.

At this moment, the entire fighting space is immediately encompassed, and the gray world is completely blocked.

"This is ... life?" The sword did not have a double eyeliner.

The vastness of the world, divided into four supreme roads, the nine days of God.

In these four sunshawers, in addition to the wheel, the time-space, the destruction, the last thing is the life.

Life, life.

Now this is a means of living in the vitality of life.

"The sword is unparalleled, I admit that your strength is much stronger than I imagined, but the final result is still the same." Temple of the God is surrounded by countless flowers and trees, breath, silver long sticks, bang ~~~ I saw the flowers and trees around him extends crazy, just like a spirit snake, directly in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled on the sword, and the time is in order to densely numb the countless swords, and the many 'spirit snakes that have been extended.

A stricken snake was shredded by the sword, but there were more spirit snakes to attack, and the end of life, no end.

"It's useless."

"This is the life field of the world, and the flowers and trees in the field are endless. Even if they are cut off, they will grow again, unless they can rely on brute force to force this life field to break Open, otherwise this is invincible! "

"This is really too high for the feelings of life, it is estimated that the fourth floor of the Taoist Palace is very close, the twenty-seven picture rolls of the Fairy Palace, he should have enlining the eleventh."

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