Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 162, half-step

It is clear that the same shot, but when this gun is really collided with the three killer swords, the sword is unparalleled, only alarming power is passed from the hand, and his arm is a maneuch. Some wolf's arms are going out.

The sword has no double shape to the rear big tree again, this time, it is connected to three big trees to stop.

The sword is not a double eyebrow wrinkle, and there is a bit rolling in the body.

"Force, even suddenly increased?" The sword didn't double his head and reminded to Ouyang Haotian, and the spiritual breath on the latter in the moment also had a huge change.

"This breath ..." The sword has no bisector.

He is noticeable, and the breath that Ouyang Haotian is emitted at this moment, far from Jin Dan, but it will be slightly different from the yin and yang.

It seems to be between congenital Jin Dan and yin and yang.

"Half-step yin and yang!" The sword was unparalleled immediately.

It is a half-step yang between the congenital Jin Dan with yin and yang.

This level is caused by the congenital Jin Dan Wugong to break through the yin and yang email, forced to suppress his realm.

In general, no one will choose this. After all, a first day Jin Dan is hard to have a chance to break through the yin and yang, nature is going to break through, who will not break through the reason, but suppress his own realm?

So half ahead, almost hard in the Tianzong Dynasty.

And this Ouyang Haotian, it is clear that it is half a step.

"Hey, have you seen it?" Ouyang Haotian looked at the sword unparalleled, "if it is because the extremely hunting is about to be held, I will break through the yin and yang empty, I can hunt because I will hunt because I will hunt because I will be born. The realm is suppressed. "

"The sword is unparalleled, you may not understand, clearly can break the higher level, but the life is suppressed to repair this pain?"

"I have made so much, just to be better in the extremely hunting, and you will become my first foot stone, kill you, my next goal, it is the blood cloud."

Ouyang Haotian voice is cold, the pace has stepped out of the sword.

And in the top of the empty, the top of the top is also a bit.

"Half-step yin and yang?"

"Is it just a half-step yin and yang?"

"The Little Guy of the Ouyang family is so good."

The top of this top stronger is also quite shocked.

Half-step yin and yang, although it is not a complete yin and yang, but it is more powerful than ordinary innate goldenan.

"Ouyang brother, this time you Ouyang's family, there is a small guy, congratulations!"

"The spiritual force of the half-step yang, combined with two artistic conceptions of the earth, this is the many Jin Danqiang in this selection, and the blood cloud may be on him. "

"The fifteen places of the selection war, there must be one of this little guy, on the East Hunting, his performance should be very good, and it is possible to look at the ancient sects, when you come to Ouyang The clan will have a great benefit. "

Some top strongrs are complimented.

And by their compliment is a white-haired old man. This white-haired old man is an Ouyang's contemporary home, hearing these words, his laugh is without a mouth.

If a fang is a great genius, the entire clan will be tremended.

It is important that the core disciples of those ancient Zongmen, but even the Tianzong Dynasty, this small Dynasty will be discussed.

On the top of the Jumei peak, the sword is indeed again tied to Ouyang Haotian.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

A road plunger is coming, and every gun is easy to puncture the air. The horizon, the sword can only be resistant to the reincarnation of swords, and there are some gaps on the power, and the resistance is also quite For the effort.

"My Jin Dan's spiritual force is repaired. Even if there is no Shang Jin Dan to increase the power out of the power, it can also be comparable to Jin Dan 's full, with half a step yin and yang, or the gap is not small." Sword is unparalleled secret .

Finally, his spiritual power is still too weak.

If he can break through the golden Dan, then in the blessing of Qin Dan, his power is enough to compare the ordinary yin and yang, but it is stronger than Ouyang.

But now, only King Dan has a top, and it is obvious to weaken.

"Since the strength is spelling, then I feel the conception." The sword has no doubles in the sky.

He is going to die in seven days later, the blood cloud is more stronger than this Ouyang Haotian.

If he can't even defeat this Ouyang Haotian, it is better to send his head to the blood cloud.

"Haha, die."

Ouyang Haotian laughed, and the long guns started to change.

Sometimes it is roaring, sometimes it is directly smashed, and sometimes it is turning into a lightning hole in a refrigeration.

The gun method is in the middle of the earth, and the water is completely combined with the beauty.


The sword is unbrovised to resist, but his look is suddenly moving. It also burst into a strong light, watching the gun law of Ouyang Haimen, and feel the mood contained in the gun.

"This shot ..."

"Drip water is artistic, drip water can be used in this way?"

At this moment, the sword was unparalleled in the brain.

The two years of refinement, in fact, he only used three months old, the sword is blessed, and the fire is binding. When he is left, he is trying to participate in the third sword.

In the next few months, he also has some comprehension and some experience.

No matter whether it is the earth's sword or a drop of swords, I always feel a short thing.

These subtle things that are lacking have been plagued for a long time.

Now, I saw the gun law of Ouyang Haimen, and the unexpected dripping is coming out, and there is a wi-spot in the sword, and the lack of the silk is gradually being made up.


The dark green gun is like a sand, the sword is no longer, and the sword is not strong. It is a big ring. The strength is burst, the sword is unparalleled, and the whole person is in the ground.

"Kid, you still don't die?" Ouyang Haotian laughed, a shot, straight, unparalleled heart.

The abrupt sword has no hands in the middle of the long sword, and it is directly to the explosion of Ouyang Hao.

"What?" Ouyang Haotian has a somewhat surprised sword unparalleled.

At this moment, the sword has struggled from the depressed ground, lifting the head, and the cold face has a strange smile.

"Ouyang Haotian, I have to thank you!"

"If it is because you, I must never break this so quickly."

The sword has no endless light, but at the moment of the three kill swords in his hands ... the wind sword, the fire sword, the drip sword, the three swords, there is already a perfect combination!


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