Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1626, in the history of history

Star Ferry Building, Fourth Floor.

One ten-meter gold armor is standing in front of the sword, this respect is a spear in the hands of the emperor.

"The sword is unparalleled, your fourth floor of the opponent, it should be the six-star ancient god of the first stage, which is equivalent to the strength of your human beings." "The sound sounded in the sword.

"Is it in the bottom of the eternal life?" The sword smiled without a double grin.

Next moment, !

His body shape is a pre-rush, and hundreds of miles of distances have spanned, and they have appeared in front of this golden Achie.


The sword is coming, which not only contains the strength of the sword and the power of the ancient god. At this moment, there is also a sense of sword unparalleled back to the wheel.


This is ate a hundred-meter golden ancient gods to send a burst, and the spear in the hand is a straight implicator. The terrible force instantly will shock the void.


A loud noise, this respect of the golden figure is a straight back.

"I have a second stage of the six-star ancient gods, with a five-star ancient god, is it in the wind?" This is a great shocked.

Suddenly a beautiful sword is light again.

Fast, fast incredible.

"How can it be so fast?" This is a great god.

clang! clang!!

Three confrontation, three low sounds were connected.

The first confrontation, this respect of the ancient gods is detracted.

The second confrontation, this sublet of the larvae flew away.

The third confrontation, swords and unparalleled swords were directly run through the body of the ancient gods.

The fourth floor, you have passed!

"Kings, you are right, single four floors, for me, did not have too much pressure." The sword was not blessed.

"I said earlier." The King is also laughing.

The first four layers are really difficult.

For the ancient gods, it is necessary to challenge the six-star ancient gods in a five-star, but not to say that the fourth floor of the opponent is still a second stage, it is enough to compare the sixth of human eternal life. Xingchao god.

Don't say that it is ancient god, even if it is a genius in the human class, it is necessary to defeat the eternal God in the world. It is almost impossible.

Because of this, this Snown Moon will become a nightmare of the ancient god.

Long years, only one person has passed the first four layers.

However, this is a test that is impossible to complete the test for the ancient god or the human cultivator. It is nothing to do with the sword who is rebelling.

The opponent like this, just just a bottom, eternal life.

It is to know that the sword has just passed the third retrievalful robbery. When he burned the magic domain, he can force the eternal real God of this level.

Later, after hundreds of years, he rely on his own base card, killing a strong spirit of the enemy's true God.

Even at that time, he wants him to come to this fourth floor, it is enough.

What's more, he later went to the Tunder Island of the St. League to stay for more than 150 years.

In that thousands of fifth hundred years, his strength flew, which has already reached a new level, now he, to kill a bottom, eternal spirit, it is too easy, this starry building Four layers, there is no challenge to him.

"The first four floors have already passed, and next ..."

The sword is unparalleled.


Being outside the starry floor, the altar.

"The fourth floor, actually made the past?"

"Not only the past, but also it is very easy?"

"This, this little guy ..."

These standing on the top of the top six-star ancient gods, including the ancient wings, the ancient two seven-star ancient gods have also fallen into a shock.

And in the vast campus, the ancient gods of the dense numbness have been staring in the Sundier Building.

At first, everyone just hugged the lively mood, and no one believes that the sword is unparalleled to pass the top four.

It later, they saw the first floor of the starry ripple in the first floor, then the second å, the third layer was opened in the next year.

Finally, the fourth layer also burst rich in a rich.

Time, the entire campus is quiet.

A silent!

Everyone has fallen into a sluggish and horrified.

After a long time, these talents have come back to God.

"Fourth floor, is it over?"

"Hey !!!"

In an instant, the entire campus is boiling.

"Fourth floor, this person, actually broke the fourth floor !!!"

"How long have we, how long have we n't had to have a strong in the fourth floor of Star Moon?"

"How long does I don't know, but I know, he is in the history of my ancient gods, the second in the fourth floor of the Star Moon!"

Many ancient gods roar, one is excited.

Task, this is the history of the ancient goddess?

In this shock and boiling, some people found that the sword was unparalleled after the fourth floor of the Star Moon, but did not come out from the Starry Building.

He is still in the Sau Moon Building.

"The fourth floor has already been passed, he can't come out? Could he still want to be fifth floor?"

"Fifth floor?"


Everyone on the campus is not from the screen.

These people guess, the sword is unparalleled, and it has indeed appeared in the fifth space of the Star Ferry Building.

The delay is the fifth floor, and it is also a great god of gold, but the volume is even more large, more than 20 meters high.

"The sword is unparalleled, the detention of the fifth floor of the Samyue Building, the power of the outbreak should be close to the eternal real God of the peak level." The voice of the King kings sounded in the sword.

"Isn't that the top ten of the whole day?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Well, it's almost." King nodded.

The sword is unparalleled.

Ten is really true, it is a peak of eternal, and the sword is unparalleled to kill him. It is the secret of the stars, and the second is also seriously injured because ten is really serious.

However, after the thunder island for one thousand five hundred years, the current sword is unparalleled, even if you don't use the stars secret, he also has the top ten of the peak period.

In the fifth floor space, the golden light of more than 20 meters high, like a golden light, like a golden lightning, the sword, the sound of the sword, the voice is magnificent, echoing in this space, "can Passing the fourth floor of the Star Ferry, although you have a mixed blood with humans, it has already been recognized by my ancient god, you should be content, this fifth floor, you shouldn't come! "

"Yes?" The sword is unparalleled.

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