Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1629 Last Bottom

"Reincarn the world!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the turn of the turn is thrown, and it has formed a gray airflow. These gray airflow crazyly condensed finally formed a great gray world.

This gray world directly oppressed on the red-haired burly old man.

The red-haired burled old man is full of four heads, and the four pairs of eyes have a rich suffocation. Even if they cover the world, his breath is still weakened.

At the same time, his eight thick arms and moved.

Eight arms, or swing, or palm, or claws, or fingertips ... Under that other attacks, eight arm cooperates. Perfect.

In addition, his four skulls, when they opened their mouths, and the horror horror horror horror horror was issued, or the Thunder Lightning was emitted.

For a time, I have no double body in the sword.


The sword is unparalleled, and the lack of the road, the feelings of the time and space, and his close-up ability, you can make a hand with this red and smoldering old, but it is still pressing, even crushed, just one Look back ...


The sword is unparalleled, the figure is crazy.

After returning to the body, he can feel the breath of crazy tremor roll in your body, in addition, there is a pain coming from the shoulder and the chest.

On the two parts of the bloody round armor, each has a trace of claws and fists.

"A photo, I was hit twice, and I was also shocked by the sound wave, which is close to the body ..." The sword is unhealthy.


Four eight arms, in the case of the attack, the close-up ability to show it, it is terrible to be more than a strong person encountered by the sword.

"Ancient gods, it is good at close to killing, and then cooperate with this unique school, in the many ethnic groups of the ancient chaotic world, it can definitely call it the first, and now the ancient god of your hand is okay. Only four arms, I want to practice my old owner Luo Zhen Wang, but it is also the eight-star king ancient god. If it is close to the killing ... At that level of energy, two or three teams join hands, he is not afraid! "The voice of the King sounded.

The sword is unparalleled.

The Lou Zhenwang, the Lord of the Aight Star Ancient God, is at the same level, and the strength should be similar.

But I am more killing ability, with eight 16th arm, Luo Zhenwang can compete for two or three stars, this is definitely not empty.

The ancient god group, this is a recognized close one.

"The close to the body is so strong, my body, swords have not been used by him, can only rely on it." The sword didn't have a double eyeliner, and the body was crazy.

The gods covering the golden armor in his body are also Yangtang roar, and the hands are holding the long sword at the same time.

At the moment, it is enough to rise to the swords of the world.

Above this sixth floor space,!!!

A bloody sword shadow was rapidly condensed in the void, and a total of sixteen bloody swords.

This sixteen bloody swords, everything is strong, like the general eternal spirit, if you encounter any swords, you will feel shocked.

But at this moment, this sixteen bloody swords, but the alarms are combined.

Booming ~~~

The volume of swords and shadows formed after the 16th blood color swords were fused, and the power was shocked.

"Wan heavy waves, kill!"

The sword has no doubles, and the long sword is directly swing, and the new sword shadow that is condensed by the 16th blood swords and shadows, and suddenly fierce.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth are motivated.

Woods Hero!

And I saw this huge blood sword, the four heads of the red and smart marbles were all shrinkage.

Completely followed, his 16th arm is full of gathering ten.

"Eight Time Hill."


I saw a huge golden god of golden mountains.

Each of these golden hills has a high level of power, exudes a bright golden light, under the count, a total of eight such a total of eight.

These eight thrills have appeared in front of the red-haired old man, formed a full eight hindrance.

When the sword was unparalleled, the sword shadow was temporarily, and the Jian Ying was in the first time on the top of the mountain.

The first thrown mountain, instant was scattered, and then continued to the second, third.

When I took a sigh of the mountain, I have been hindered by the sixth seat, but the bloody swords have been hindered. After a moment, it reluctantly defeated the sixth hill, while the residual power is seven. The god of the mountains, but it can't break through the seventh hill hindrance.

Soon, Sword Ying completely dissipated.

The sword is unparalleled to stand there, watching the two hills that still exist in front of the front, but the completion is abnormal.

"My strongest absorbed recruitment is that it is so easy to be so easy to resist it?" The sword was unmarkable.

"It is not easy. He shows the eight pole gods in the four major schools. This trick is the only school in the four major schools in the ancient gods. Although he used to block your sword, he The consumption of power is definitely not small. "King said.

"This is the case, but he is finally blocked, and my means is almost exhausted, but I still can't let him, continue to kill him, press it, and finally killed, it is definitely me. "The sword is unparalleled," there is no way, only the final card is used. "

The final card, the sword is unparalleled, it is not intended.

Unfortunately, the strength of this sixth surface departments is far from his imagination. It is not only in the second extreme top six-star god. The key is that his ancient gods are taught, too strong.

The sword is unparalleled.

~~~ A wonderful force self-sword has no double body, and it is full of body.

Stars secret, but still the second volume of star secrets.

"I only have a breathing time."


The sword has no double shape, like the ghosts.

"Do you still have the final struggle?"

The red-ladous old man is watching the sword and unparalleled, followed by the right hand.

The void is broken, a huge giant emitting the endless position has emerged, and it is the fifth point of the ancient god, and the embarrassment!

The giant point is coming, the sword is unhappy in the hands of the swords, but the sword is fierce.

A ruthless sword is tearing the air, torn everything in the world, and smashing the giant finger in front of it in an instant.

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