Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1641 changed, sleep!

"The ultimate God of the first phase, the power is enough to compare the chaos, it is simple."

The sword is unhappy and dark, and he also carefully feel the power of the golden water droplets in the body.

"Follow the first step in the first step, the first drop of the ultimate Shenli water drops, only the first stage of the ultimate true God, can continue to condense the second drop, the third drop of the ultimate Shenli water droplets, I control The ultimate power will become more and more vast, more and more pounds, and when I condense the tenth drop of the ultimate power of water, I can break through the second phase of the ultimate real God. "

"Condown again ... Continue to condense the ultimate Shenli water droplets, and finally condense the ultimate draft of a hundred drops, then perfectly integrated to form the ultimate Shenli-bead, completely change, can achieve the third stage of the ultimate real God, when the Shen Li broke out is comparable The top of the top of the Star Palace is the top of the world! "

The sword is unparalleled with hands, surprises.

At the same time, he also admired that we must not be in the world of chaotic world, many top power will be tried.

It is really because of reversal, too terrible, especially the reversal of the third reincarnation, they have unlimited possibilities!

Like no sadness, he is not too high, but it is more than a general energy, but he reaches the third stage of the ultimate God, the power, the power is better than the general energy. It is necessary to force a large truncation, even if the power of the heavens is weak, but it is also enough to fight against the general energy, and even encounter the weaker and energy of the strength.

And once he has a good sense of the power of heaven, it can achieve the Lord of Star Palace.

Single sixth step is so strong, then if you ride the seventh step?

I can't imagine. If the reversal, the seventh step will be reached, it will reach the hierarchy, in the sword, there is no double look, the reversal of the seventh step, even if it is just entering, then it should be the emperor level.

"It's just a power, my body is the same." The sword is unhappy smile.

After making the ultimate god, the sword was unparalleled and found to find a meaningful thing. That is, he spent a lot of the four secrets of the four secrets of the stars of the stars, but it has nothing to use.

It is indeed useless.

After all, the mysterious golden body is also three volumes, cultivating to the top, and can only make the body reach the chaotic realistism level.

But now he broke through the ultimate God, and the body has naturally reached the chaotic real god level.

"My ancient god, also broke through." The sword didn't have a double, and he immediately emerged, and the power of the ancient gods immediately, and these ancient gods were gathered in his eyebrows, so that his eyebrows came up. Four mandarin patterns come.

It was originally five-star, but now there is a sixth four-man star.

Six Stars!

Although it is just an initial entry, it is just the first stage, but if it is an ancient god, it is unprecedented to learn the ancient gods, secret surgery, and the power will reach an unprecedented point.

In short, this breakthrough, his overall strength is absolutely absolutely improving than before.

Now, he will definitely hold the face of the general chaotic real God. If he is in the sense of heaven, it will be more terrible.


Light spitting, the sword is unparalleled, it has come back from the surprise.

"Right, King, I have already broken through the six-star god, then you should have broken through? I remember that you have told me before, the five-star ancient god and the six-star god are a huge Right, once I break the broken, you will have a huge change, and you can even wake up numerous combat ability, is this? "Sword is unparalleled.

However, he came out, but he had not heard the reply of Kings for a long time.


The sword is unparalleled, but this time is shouting in the heart.

Don't shout. "

The voice of Kings finally sounded, but the sound was obviously more embarrassed. You now break through the six-star ancient gods, I have also been influenced, and now it is already in a period of change, but this time it takes a certain time to complete. In this time, I will fall into sleep, I can't talk to you. It is more unable to recover your power for you. "

"Is it changed? Sleeping?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Now, it has begun. I will also fall into sleep. Long said short, the next time, I can't help you, everything rely on yourself, you are careful, don't complete the change, you have not completed it. You are dead. "Yu Wang said.

"I know this." The sword is not a hyper point. "How long is your transition?"

"I have a thousand years of moon. Under normal circumstances, I need to go to thousands of years. I originally sent it to Luo Zhen Wang, and I changed the time for 10,000 years, but now this is my second time. During the period, the time should not be long, but how long, I don't know, in short, your everything is careful. "

"That's all……"

The voice falls, and the king will no longer have a message, which is obviously being caught in sleep.

"At this stage, the King didn't fall into sleep, this is troublesome." The sword was unparalleled.

I did trouble, he just broke through the first stage of the ultimate God, just condensed the ultimate powder, the power is strong, but the amount is not a lot, once it is killed, the means is too fast, and it will not last long.

Originally, the king recovered in the body, and it was also able to make him a lot, but now the king is sinking. He is the ultimate powder dripping, it is really a bit not enough.

"It seems that it is in the future, you have to save the power consumption." The sword is unhealthy. "

He slowly got up.

At the moment you got up, he hit his body's bones in the bones, and the whole body was also a comfortable.

Stretched a lazy waist, the sword was unparalleled, finally got out of the room.

In the ancient honest honest, the sword is unsatisfactory.

When you have a palace.

The sword is unparalleled and suddenly looked up. I saw a movie in front of the face, and I also showed a smile on my face, "Jin Yu brother."

Gu Jin Yu is a six-star ancient god in the second stage.

"Ancient sword?"

Gu Jinyu also saw the sword is unparalleled, but when he just approached the sword.

"Well?" Gu Jin Yu's eyes, "this is the might ... good power!"

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