Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1656 Triangle Star

These magic cores he got now, in the sword, there is no one, it can only make him condense the second drop of the ultimate power droplets. If you want to condense the third drop of the ultimate dramatic water drops, I am afraid it is still a matter.

"I have to continue to slaughter, I want to get more magic cores." The sword flanged.

And at this time ...

"That is?"

The sword is unhappy, but the eyes are not hidden in one direction. At the end of that direction, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a star magic slow down.

This star is comparable to other star demon, it is slightly higher, and the body is also strong.

However, the truly sword is unparalleled, but the horns of this stars, and there is three angles in the horns.

The three horned stars, the war is the level of chaotic realism.

And in front of the triangle star, some of his body showed a cyan, although there was only part, but the sword did not have a double.

"Fortunately, this triangle star is not fully transformed into a cyan, or it is difficult to cope with my current strength." The sword was unparalleled.

He knows that the triangle star is three kinds, one is that the whole body is still a black triangle star magic, and the power is comparable to ordinary chaotic true God.

One is a cyan triangle star, the power is sufficient to compare the top chaotic true God.

The last one is the triangular star of the blood, and the power is comparable to the strong list of human beings.

This head in front of him is between black and cyan, and the war has not reached the top chaos.

"Triangle Star Magic, than the second corner, a big star magic, the stericity of the magic nuclear nucleus is definitely more pound, a three-level magic nuclear, estimated to be more than dozens of first-class magic nuclear nucleus "The sword is unbounded in the eyes, and he immediately moved his shape.

On the dark, the triangle, the triangle, who is destroyed, is slow.

Suddenly, this triangle star is shocked, but it turned, and the scarlet eyes on the skull suddenly locked the sword who was quietly close to the sword.



A sharp scream is issued from the mouth of this triangle star, its body is also instant into a black lightning, riped.

Star demon, the higher the level, the higher the wisdom.

As such a star magic that is not an adult, I only know to eat, but reach the triangle star level, but there is a certain ability to think.

"It was found?" The sword is unparalleled. "

He deliberately hides the breath, and quietly, the triangle star is close to the triangle, but it didn't expect this triangular star alert.

"Since the sneak attack can't, it will kill directly." The sword killed in the eyes, the blood peak sword appeared in his hand, and the body is no longer hidden, and it took directly.

Booming ~~~ The breath of the sky is covered with this triangle star.

The sword has no double single hand, the whole person is like a big bow, and the blood peak sword in his hand is an arrow, but it is empty.


The sword is whistling, and the front void is ruthlessly torn.


The triangle star magic eye is a scarlet, and the black light is bursting, and the strong destruction force is gathered above its right hand, and the lightning is waved.


A big sound, the sword is not double actually shocked out.

"Good power, it feels more than the general chaotic real God." The sword was unparalleled.

At this time, the triangle star is turned into a black phantom, and the simple two jumps in the void are once again come to him.

The claw is another fierce slap.

"Speed ​​is also very fast!"

The sword is not double-finished, and the blood peak sword in his hand is light, then directly pops up.


The two collides, and then it is instant to kill together.

Just as the sword is unparalleled with this triangle star fierce battle, it is in the absence of this void, and there are two people in front of them.

One of these two is a chubby bald teenager, and the other is a older who looks at the lobe.

He also released its own awareness and search for the trace of the star demon.

They have continued to search for three months, and they can be found, just some sporadic star demon, the magic spirit, the magic cores are allocated, and less poor.

"This lamina is still too little." The old man is low in the old man.

"The core area star magic, if you have a matter, you can go to the purple god, run away." The chubby bald teenager laughed.

"Hey, purple is really the top of the top chaotic, it is not too far from the true God list, can the old man come to him with him?" The old man took the mouth.

"Then, don't talk nonsense, continue to search, let's come here to this, the time is not long, the magic core gets natural will not be too much, but with time, slowly accumulate, and finally there will be some harvest. "The teenager of the head.

"It is also." The old man nodded.

It is at this time ... Boom! boom!

A low roar sound came from the distance, although because of the distant relationship, the sound came very weak, but the old man didn't have the old teenager, it was a chaotic true God, natural induction Arrived.

"Someone is fighting in front?" The old people of the black robe moved.

"Walk, we have taken it in the past." The teenager said.

Then the two immediately rushed to the source of the sound.


boom! boom! boom!!

A low impact sound sound, the dark void, two people are crazy to promote collision.

The two speeds are amazing, that is because of the hardships of the collision, it is more crushed around the void, and the land below is also terrible.


The Triangle Star Roucher's right hand is close to the void and come to the sword.

The sword has no double shape, it is a refund, it is easy to avoid this grasp.

"This triangle star, whether it is attack, speed is extremely, it is better than the general chaos, even if the attack means is simple, but it is extremely terrible. If you start the general chaotic true God, if it face it, it is estimated Will be quite wolf. "The sword is unmarkable.

At this time, the triangle star in front of him is fierce open its blood.

Its bloodshot is great, and it is actually awkward at this moment, as if it is this dark space, suddenly cracking a huge crack.

This 'crack' fierce swords swallowed in the sword.

"I just want to swallow me?" The sword has no double-colored.

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