The sword is unparalleled in the darkness, watching the black hammer of the carrier's endless thunder, and there is a foot-in-one bloody dragon to attack him.

He can feel very clear about these two offensive.

"Oh, the two big chaos really glines directly, and it is really enough to see me." The sword is unparalleled, but there is already a vast power to rise, this power is å å å å å å The power of the ancient god.

~~~ The sword is unparalleled into the body of the ancient god, between the eyebrows, six stars.

"Tiandi law!"

The sword is unblocked, but after him, it has a vicious shadow.

These ancient gods are equally high, and the dense Ma Ma stations are in the sword. After the sword, there is a superior vain.

These vain is full of stare, as the sword is unparalleled, and many ancient gods behind him also wavily wavy.

Bang! !

There are hundreds of palm printing at the same time.

These palms are single, but the power is not strong, but the key is too much, hundreds of palm printed, in an instant, and there is the black giant hammer, and there is the nine blood giant dragon.


A violent roar, the blood, the blood spirit is really overwhelmed by this dedicated Ma Ma.

The nine blood dragons that came out from the blood of the Gods, was hit by one, as for the bloody giant hammer of the real God, also tawned.

However, at this time, the sword of the original station is unparalleled, but the body is a fierce.

Thousands of phantoms simultaneously burst, the sword is unparalleled with ghosts, and they have appeared behind the body.

"Well?" The true life of the gods, and it has instantly detected the sword unparalleled figure.

The sword is unparalleled with dark golden light, and the gods, his left hand holding the sword, but the right hand is slowly lifted, the index finger is distinguished towards the thinking of the true God.

One finger pointed out that the void suddenly collapsed.

An ancient and dark lacquered giants appeared in the air, the giant hand finger contains the horrible power and fierce, the true spirit of the real gods.

It's true God, although it is a chaotic true God, but you can't help but feel a burst.

"This power ..."

A shadow of the real god bite, his black giant hammer has skyrocketed, carrying the endless thunder, slap, these Thunders smashed the void, smash everything, forming the hammer of Thunder, and the impact The giant refers to the earth.


A huge space has emerged in the dark, which is still in the black hole, and there is still countless thunder's strength to beat it, as if formed a laure.

However, in this laure, a black light is becoming more and more, this black light is directly impacted in his body along the arm of the real god.


The shadow of the real God is sulking, the face is pale, and his body is more sturdy.

Half a half, he stabilizes the shape.

"Strong power, I have a strongest strongest recruit, but the result is still rushing?" The shadow is really eye-catching, and the heart is full of horror.

"Medium shadow, be careful!" It's awkward.

"What!" In the case of the scene, he has changed the earth. Because he has seen his own body, I have already watched a ghost, this body has already swayed the long sword in his hand, a cold sword , Ruthlessly cut via empty, head toward him.

It's too close, it's too fast, and it is true that I don't have the ability to dodge.


The whole head of the impertivement is directly thrown out.

Before the awareness is about to completely dissipate, it is still incredible, "His speed, how can it be so fast?"

He didn't know that the feelings of swords were unparalleled, but the fifth floors of the Taoist Taoist, there was a power of the chaotic real god, but it was more than the top, and many of the top chaos were more than him. Beyond his imagination.

Only the kung fu between the electric and spot, this is just killing, wants to set the sword, and the shadow of the death, it is dead.



The blood of the blood, the real God saw the shadow, but it was strong in the heart, and immediately started to escape.

The distance between his and swords is not short, and he is also good at speed, and the first time will respond to timely display secretary escape. Even if the sword is unparalleled, it can't catch it. I have to look at his body completely disappear. in front of.

"Single two ordinary chaotic real gods, I dare to play my idea, the courage is really not small." The sword is unparalleled, but the arrogance of the body is coming to the body of the real God, one waving the body of the real body Crushing, as for the treasure on the real body, including the Qiankun Ring, naturally falling into the hands of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the kinemoon of the throne is quite disappointing.

"The chaotic God is really the god, and the magic core he got, it actually six? And all levels."

The sword is unparalleled, the treasures of the treasure, the treasures, the treasures, but there is a normal chaotic true God, all the family is just around one or two hundred crystals, he is not much.

What he cares is the magic core!

It can be obvious that the zone of the zone of the zone is unable to satisfy him, but it is also a harvest.

"Get the Qiankun Ring of the Izhen God, will be discouraged, the magic core is added, that is, my hand has been equivalent to twenty-eight-level magic core, two second-level magic cores , Plus a three-level magic core, there is such a number of magic cores, should be enough to make my ultimate power to improve a lot. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is expected, the sword is unparalleled to leave this battlefield. I didn't take a simple cave in a dark hill. I then start absorbing those magic spirits. Spiritual power in the magic nuclear.


On the vast dark empty, the blood spirit is really a wolf, escaping the foot and half, and determines the sword unparalleled will not catch up. He stopped.

"The sword is unparalleled, it is strong?" The blood spirit is still shocked.

You know, when he is not a double shot with the , he will not put the sword in the eyes.

Although I saw the sword where the triangle star is killed, it can be seen in them, that should be that the sword has been used to use some special means, such as the star of the star, the star, the stars secret.

He said that the end is just a virtual god.

However, the facts are obviously not that.

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