Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1662 Peng Fire Invitation

Peng Fire is true God, a top power that is suspected to have a throne.

He is not just a strong strength, and the human edge is very good, and the shelf is free, and there is no power of the strong, and never take the initiative to provoke others.

Since his name, you will have a long time. I only heard that someone else will find his trouble, and I have never heard of him to take the initiative to find someone else.

In addition, there is a little, this Peng fire is not too big, and even if he becomes a big energy, he doesn't care, he will not be able to live, it can be unfamed.

Like eight big nests, with his strength, you can go to the seventh nest, but he has been staying in the eighth nest.

Such a strong strength, and the good reputation, the sword is unparalleled.

"Little friends, the triangle star behind you, is it you kill?" Peng fire asked.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is you a power?" Peng fire realized.

The sword is unparalleled again.

"Haha, it's great." Peng Huawei is laughing, and you will be in the sword. "Little friends, the old man wants you to help a busy, I don't know you."

"I don't know what Peng Hu is really what I need to do?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You come with me, then you will know." Peng fire really.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is going to go with the void of Peng Fire.

For this peng fire, the sword is unparalleled is only a wonderful alert. Other do not need to prevent too much, after all, his monument is that.

Furthermore, even if this Peng fire really has anything else, the sword is not afraid.

Under the leadership of Penghuo's true God, there is no double empty empty.

"Little friends, you see that, that direction." Peng Huizhen pointed to a direction.

The sword is unparalleled, it is covered, this look, his eyes are fierce.

He in the sense of his own soul, and he has induced the existence of two stars, and the two stars are three-stage star demon, and they also gather together.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, and the two triangles in the sense of the strength of his soul are not the most common black stars, but a cyan!

This is a two-head cyan triangle star, one of which has some of the skin presents a blood red, which is clearly that the blood star magic has changed.

"Generally, the blue triangle star has already had the war of the top chaos, and the other has some of the stars of blood red skin ... I am afraid that it is stronger than the top chaos, it is very close to the true God list, so The two star demon gathered together ... "The sword was unreliable.

He also killed the three-stage star magic before, and a total of two heads.

But he is only a normal black star, which is equivalent to human beings, and the two heads in front of them are completely unable to ratio.

"Peng fire is true God, you don't want me to join hands with you, to kill these two stars?" The sword did not ask.

"Yes, the old man is this plan." Peng fire smiled.

I heard the words, the sword was unhappy, "Peng Fire is really god, you have not seen me too much, this two star demon, anything I can do, even if I join hands, I want to put these two heads Star demon is killing, is it afraid? "

"Xiaoyou doesn't have to worry, the old man has already handed over with these two stars, and the strength of the two stars has long been gone. If the two stars are connected to the hand, even the old man, I can't, if it is They are separated, and they are solved one by one. "Peng fire smiled," I have been walking around here, just want to find a top chaotic real God to join hands, and just see you "

"Little friends, the old man just wants you to be entangled with the strong star demon that is weak, so that the old man is completely tangled, to deal with the stronger star magic, as long as the strength is strong The devil is killed, and the rest is naturally solved. "

"Understand." The sword didn't nod, he also knew that Peng Fire is the meaning of Penghuo, and his eyes, the strength of the two stars, the strong cyan triangle is looking away.

"This triangle star, has not begun to change the blood star magic, the strength will also be around the top chaos, with my strength, to be entangled with it for a while, it is not difficult, this way, I will shoot, I will shoot Drag it for a quarter of an hour, after a quarter, if you haven't solved the stronger star magic, then I can only leave. "

"Haha, no problem, and you can't use it for a moment, within half an minutes, the old man must solve the stronger star magic." Peng Hui really smiled, and immediately turned it, took out a black ** Nuclear, "Little Friends, the old man will not let you help, will give you a remuneration, this remuneration, you will give you one first, I will give you a first, wait for it. Give you again later. "

Peng Hui Zhen god will be thrown in the hands of the black ** nuclear sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the soul sweeps, and it will appear on the spot.

This Peng Hui really is very big. He just needs to be entangled with the weak cyan triangle star, you can get two ordinary three-level magic nucleus.

You know, the sword is unparalleled to this eighth nest, and a total of two three-level magic nucleus, and he still costs a lot.

And this time, I just raised my hand.

"Directly". "Peng Huozhen God.

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

When the body of the two is straightforward, the position of the two stars is ruthless.

When it is about to approach the two stars, the two cyan triangles also instantly responded.

"Human cultivator!"

"Kill them!"

The destruction of the sky is in an instant, from the two stars, the two stars have also turned into a blue-collected phanteric, lightning.

"Little friends, the strength weaker star, I will give you." Peng Fire is really a look of swords.

"No problem." The sword is not a hyper point, the figure is a magical shape, when there is thousands of phantoms while bursting.

These phantom densely numb, directly whistling, completely covered the weak blue triangle.

"Oh? Good for time and space," Peng Hui really looked at the sword and wondered.

Booming ~~~

I saw the flame of the sky, I have formed a huge fire sea in an instant, and the fire is crazy and jumped, but it is used in all directions and constitutes a huge flame jail.

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