Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1664 is stared

"It is also my pleasure to be with the strong people like Peng Hui."

The sword is unparalleled, and the message of Peng Hui's true god is incorporated in Qiankun, and then he will continue to start looking for hunting from this nearby star.

Time passed, a swaying past 20 years.

At the core area, there is a temporary opening of the cave, the sword is sitting without a double disc. It is suspended in front of him, and the vast amount of power is constantly incorporated into his body.

With the absorption, the ultimate power of the sword is more than the more, the more the ultimate, but it is condensed a new ultimate power drip.

"Five drops of the ultimate power!" The sword didn't open the eyes, and the eyes were screaming.

He has always been in this year, hunting a lot of star demon, and the magic nucleus gets natural.

In these magic cores, in the past few years, he was absorbed by him, and the ultimate Shenli water droplets in his body, and the original three drops were also condensed.

Don't look at the ultimate feelings of two drops, but the sword is unparalleled. If the two drops of the ultimate, if it rely on his own ability to slowly hurt, there is no tens of thousands of years and even 10,000 years. Cohesive.

In the core area of ​​this eighth nest, it is only for 20 years!

Twenty years, for any true God, it is a moment of merit a moment. Sometimes I will catch a road, just go to a place, and the time used is not only 20 years.

But in this short twenty years, the sword has been greatly improved.

Five drops of ultimate power ... He is getting closer and closer to the second phase of the ultimate God.

The sword is unparalleled in the surprise. At this time, a message is abrupt.

"The sword is unparalleled, are you still in the core area?" Came here, it is the peng fire.

"Of course, I don't know why Peng Hui really advises?" The sword was unparalleled and laughed and sent to the past.

"The old man can have no advice, asked casually, and in the way, ask you to comply with the Lingxiao Temple?" Peng Hui really.

"Ling Xiao Bao Hall?" The sword was not double-finished, "" is a bit grievance, what happened? "

"No wonder." Peng Hui really laughed, "Xiaoyou, I am telling you, just, the Lingxiao Temple has a strong message to me, ask me if I have seen you in the eighth nest. "

"Oh?" The sword has no double eyes, "How do you answer?"

"Of course, I haven't seen it, and the power of the Lingxiao Temple wants me to see you in the future, I will notify him, and I don't want to file this matter, I feel some of them. Not opposite, so I promised him, and I can ask you to ask you, and I have a hatred between this Lingxiao Temple. "Peng Hui Zhen.

"This is the treasure hall, it seems to be staring at me?" The sword became cold.

"Little friends, this Lingxiao Temple I didn't have a hand, but I also knew that they have all been overbearing, and the top ten holy areas, but some people dare to provoke them. They will inevitably let the other party pay a heavy price, now this Ling Xiaobao I am eyeing you, this is not a good thing. "Peng Huozhen God.

"I know, this matter, thank you Peng Hui real God, or else, I still have the stars behind me, I am still in the drum." The sword has no double-acting.

He knows that although the Temple of Lingxiao is searching for his trace, the search method is very hidden, I want to come to a crazy snake, so that there is no news in Stars.

If the sword is unparalleled, he still doesn't know what he is now.

"Xiaoyou is polite, just this matter is not the same, the child can deal with it." Peng Hui really.

"Well." The sword is unparalleled, "this way, Peng Hu is true, I will ask questions, I will find you again."

"Good." Peng Hui is quite enthusiastic.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the message of the main hall is immediately taken out.

"Yuan Temple, you can know if the Temple of Lingxiao is sent to the eighth nest point?" The sword did not double.

"No." Yuan Temple is extremely definitely: "I have long stared at the Ling Xiao Temple. It can be determined that this time Ling Xiaobao has never had a strong person to go to the eighth nest, even the eternal real god is not."

"That time, there is a very powerful excitement to come to the eighth nest." The sword will continue to ask.

If he wants to come, if the Lingxiao Temple is really going to kill him, you can also ask other strong people to deal with him, and invite themselves.

"The eighth nest, the most reliable in the eight big nests, go to the strong, there is not a few, and there is not a few very powerful, and the peng fire is weird, and it is more alternative. In addition, there is no extremely strong The chaotic real god will go to the eighth nest, and the chaotic true god of the eighth year of these years is only three, and all the strength is ordinary, and even a standing is not in the top level. "Yuan Temple.

"Isn't it?" The sword has emerged in the bumper.

"The sword is unparalleled, how come you suddenly ask this?" Yuan Demen.

"You will know after a while." The sword has sold a closed.

There is no more asking for the Yuan Dynasty.

In the Dongfu, the sword is unparalleled. "Ling Xiao Bao Temple is searching for my traces, naturally I want to deal with me, but they didn't send a strong to the eighth nest, that is, they just want to rely on themselves The strong people in the eighth nest, I will kill me. "

The sword has also thought about it, and the Lingxiao Temple will invite some strong people in the eighth chamber to kill him.

It can first be in the eighth nest, there are not many powerful, the eighth nest is so big, and it is not easy to meet a human cultivator on weekdays. Even if you encounter, it is necessary to help the power. The treasure hall is the same, it is also very difficult, so this possibility is very low.

Nature, can only be the strong people in the eighth chamber.

"The strong people in the eighth nest are in the eighth nest, one has a total of four people, the two ordinary chaos is true God, there is one, the top chaotic true God, the eternal real God has the two Ordinary chaos is hard to threaten me, but also the top chaotic true God, purple is likely to kill me. "

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, then picks up the message of Penghuo's true God.

"Peng fire is true, there is something, I want you to help you ..."

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