Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1671 is everywhere

The old god of the dark river, the sword is unbeaten, and the sixth finger of the ancient god, and its power is completely broke out.

Booming ~~~~ A large number of rivers have been evaporated, and the two blood stars are in this sixth fingertips, but also a scream.

When the power dissipated, the two blood stars, one of them was killed on the spot, and the left was lucky, but it was terrible, it has fallen into an unprecedented virtual period, and lost its battle.

The sword is unparalleled, and the magic core of the dead, the bloody star is retracting, and then the body continues to flee in the bottom of the river.

And there is no challenge of these two bloody stars, and the sword is unparalleled.

It is at this time ...!

In the river in the sword, the river is crazy, and it is actually formed a whirlpool in an instant.

This whirlpool is unheashed, and the sword is unlikely what this vortex core is, but this vortex appears as if it is controlled, and it is covered by him.

The sword has no double-noodles, but the power of the whirlpool is completely exceeded, he can't make any resistance to swallow by this vortex.

Then the whirlpool is slowly dissipated, the whole black river is calm, only many stars are still crazy in the river, but no matter how they look, they can't find the sword.


Here is the deepest in the black river and is also the bottom of the independent space.

The whole space is under the coverage of a special forbidden, and it is also able to see the water flowers from the other side.

For a shun, the shape of the sword is unparalleled, but there is already within this independent space.

"I am ..." The sword is unparalleled.

He had before, it has been going to get rid of the chasing of those star demon, and the river has suddenly appeared a huge vortex to swallow him, and he came here.

"Here, should it be a separate space?" The sword has no double ring around, and he is not known. At a glance, it should be in a separate space, and this independent space is likely to be in that black river. Under the bottom.

"I have long heard that there are many strange land in the eight big nests, and the overcast areas, even if the energy is unable to peak, now it seems to be true."

"At least, I am in this independent space, it is estimated that no one knows the entire Shengfa." The sword was unparalleled.

This independent space is extremely vast, and the sword is unparalleled, and this independent space, nine-nine areas are all occupied by a mountain.

The mountains, right, indeed a giant mountain.

The sword is unparalleled from cultivation, and he has never seen such a huge mountain.

"Although I can't see the end, this big mountain can have a range of hundreds of millions." The sword is unimaced.

Hundreds of milliya, just a mountain, rather than the mountains formed by countless mountains.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is suddenly ... rumble ~~~ The sword is unparalleled, but it is awkward, this shake, in this independent space, it is equivalent to a ceiling, countless dozens of miles, Hundreds of miles wide gravel crazy from the mountains.

"This?" The sword was unparalleled, staring at the scene in front of him, and the next moment of his creepy scenes appeared.

I saw the most central in this giant mountain, from a huge pothole, a huge head stretched out.

Too big, this head is too big.

The big complete exception is unparalleled.

In the unparalleled understanding of the sword, the most large creatures have been seen, should be the pole of the peak.

When I first saw the king, the king of the king, but formed a mozzare island. Of course, the body of the King is shocked by the sword.

But now, see this extension, the sword is unparalleled, and what is the body shape of the King?

How can it compare this head in front of you.

This header single-on-the-line is absolutely one hundred times more than the islands formed when the king is in the peak! !

Yes, there are hundreds of Kings that are huge.

And this is just a head.

Skinny, what about it?

The sword is unparalleled with the throat, and the whole person has some hair.

If he didn't guess the wrong, this is the incredible giant mountain in front of him, is the body of this creature!

It is full of hundreds of millions of miles, and an incredible creature.

And what this creature is, the sword is unparalleled, because the huge head extends from the hole, is a leader.

"Dragon Turtle!" The sword was shaking.

This creature in front of you is a huge turtle that is incredible.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled, and I gratified and gave a trip, "said the sword of the late generation, I have seen the predecessors of the dragon turtle."

"The sword is unparalleled? Is this your name?" The ancient and thick voice was issued from the mouth of this dragon turtle, and the sound shock sounded throughout the independent space.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

"The name is not bad, it can be strong ... Zone in the area, but it is still too weak, and it is too weak." Dragon Turtle. "

"Pure Yang Swage?" The sword was unparalleled.

He is now the real god, he has never heard someone to make real God as pure sunny.

"Kid, my back, there is a palace, go there." Dragon Turtle.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not hesitant. It immediately fell on the back of the dragon turtle, that is, the mountain.

When the eyes were lifted, the sword was unparalleled to see a huge and uncomfortable crystal palace.

The Crystal Palace seems to have a high high, millions of miles, absolutely a huge palace, just because of the back of the dragon turtle, it is completely blocked, and the sword is unparalleled before.

The sword has no double shape, so soon, appearing in front of the temple of the crystal palace.

At this time, he also appeared in front of him. This is a blind eye that is slowly condensed, and finally condenses into a golden skin old.

This old man is quirky, behind the back and a long golden tail.

It is such a ancient old, in the moment, but the sword is unparalleled, the whole body and mind include his soul.

The sword is nothing to have an illusion, just that this ancient elderly old people will wish, the championship is enough to kill him countless times, no matter what the card he has, there will be no hit.

"You are, the elder of the dragon tortoise?" The sword was unparalleled deep sucking, and some are in asticecence.

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