Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 168 you are finished


The entire Tianyun Mountain edge is nearly 100,000 people, it is shocking.

Just just the rest of the collision, it is easy to sweep dozens of argress!

What is this concept?

In the Tianyun Mountains, the two people collided together, the moment they hit together in two terrible attacks, their two were the first time to bear the huge shock pressure, when the shape of the two Also burst out.


The sword is unparalleled as a meteor, flies out in an amazing speed, and the body shape is constantly turning four times on the ground.

Every time I touched the ground, I made the ground burst, and I was still crazy. In the end, I was squatting on a giant peak mountain wall other than him.


The whole giant peak is like a shock, and a large number of gravel crazy fall.

The sword is unparalleled to the mountains, and a large mouth of blood is discharged directly.

And the blood clouds on that side are also not good. His body shape is also hit by a hundred meters away. In the end, the body has rolled down on a scattered graver, and he stopped with this gravel. The body is shaped, and the blood clouds also sprayed a blood, and the face was also pale.


This strongest collision, the two did actually fight for two defeats, no one accounted for it, no one has been better.

On the empty, the top of the group is quiet, but it is quiet.

One of the two people looked at the following two people.

"They both, just show, should it be the source sword (knife)?" A Ziqi woman who has reached yin is a full-scale Purple woman.

Original sword (knife) ......

As soon as he heard this word, the hearts of these top strong people could no longer calm down.

The original sword, different from those ordinary swords, after all, the source swords involved the legendary origin!

And the origin, but even the top strong people of this group of yin and yang, they are not like.

The original sword, the power is also above the ordinary sword.

Like a volatile, why is it qualified to be called the first sword of the Tianzong Dynasty?

It is because the valerian is the only one of the original Sword of the Tianzong Dynasty.

The outside world has been swaying the sword. There are nine types. It can actually know those who have known to the calendar of the sword, there is a total of ten types, the strongest and most terrible tenth style, it involves the source!

But now, what did they see?

Two kinds of swords (knives) involved in the source, see two in one.

Whether it is the Swordless Swords, the Swordless Swords, or the blood clouds replaced all the knife, which is involved in the source of the source (the knife).

How do they not shocked?


Sitting in this top of the top of the top, the most central emperor, suddenly shocked, and then the eyes overlook immediately.

"These two little guys actually war!"

That's right!


There is no weakening in the sword.

And the breath of all the breath of the world in the blood cloud did not attenuate.

Although they were seriously injured in the collision, they still have the power!

At this moment, these two have stood up and slowly got the opposite.

Until the side of the hundred meters, the two pace stopped again.

Return again, there is no half of the words, just a collision of the eyes.

Now that the blood cloud heart is only a lot of swords, there is no double, and he has not thought that he has a strongest knife, and the result can only be hurt with the sword.

"Battle." The sword is unparalleled, and the figure has risen again.

For this blood cloud, it is even if he has to admit that strength is indeed terrible.

It is a true tyrant, and it is also a strong man.

However, this blood cloud is a person who is bloody, and he is not dead for his bloody tower.

So he followed this blood cloud, naturally did not have a half-score room.

It's not that he will die!


In an instant, these two people play a fierce battle, and terrible roars will be delivered again.

That sword shadow rushed to the sky, and a knife was swallowed everything, which was perfect at this moment.

The fierce and crazy fierce battle is shocked by everyone who watchs around.

"They are still fighting?"

"Do you do this?"

"Two madmen, they are both, all kinds of madness, monsters!"

Just under the eyes of this countless shock, the two continued to kill, and a killing has passed nearly half an hour.

On the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with blood clouds, and the blood cloud face has not been unable to be self-confident, and there is no sharp contempt. Curious, awkward.

At this moment, he has already been soaked by sweat, even if there is a little slightly shaking, and the air in the body has weakened most.

"How can it be?"

"How could this be?"

Bloody clouds stare at the sword.

And the sword in front of him is unparalleled. Although it is quite exhausted, it can be compared to the blood cloud, but it is obviously too much, and the swords of his body are still quite strong.

"Why, is it very curious, very confusion? Why is it for so long, my war is still so abundant?" The sword was unblocked with the sweat on the head, cold and blood cloud.

Blood clouds are slight.

Indeed, this is exactly what he wants.

The killing lasted for so long, they were crazy, but not only the huge consumption of physical strength, the most important thing is that the spiritual power consumption is even huge.

And he has already reached the fullness of Jin Dan, and the practice of cultivation is still very special. It is definitely a very successful law, the same realm, his spiritual force is definitely twice as much as the golden Dan is full.

So, he is willing to fight against the sword.

Because he believes that as long as the time has been long, the sword is unparalleled, then it will be dying.

Result ...

You kill for so long, his spiritual power consumes more than 80%, but the breath of the sword is weakened, but it is very obvious than him.

"How can I be so embarrassed in your district?" Blood clouds low.

"This problem, I once asked me more than one person." The sword is unbolded, watching the blood cloud, "And my answer is very simple, that is because I practice the practice, far more than you are imagined, terrible many!"

"Although I am just Jin Dan, the level of spiritual strength is full of strength, but it is more than yours!"

"Now your spiritual power has consumed eight points, but I can't even be 30%, so you have no power to fight again, so ... you are over!"

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