Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1680, Hongyu Jinjian

"This Hong Kong Sword, so light?"

The sword is unparalleled with Hong Kong, although I feel heavy, but it is too far from the Hong Kong god stick.

He immediately drove his soul to cover the Hong Kong King Jian, and then followed the control of Hongjun's god stick. As a result, this Hongyin Jinjian turned out to a golden arc, at its speed at least Hong Yun gods more than ten times.

"This ..." The sword was surprised.

"Hong Yin Jinsheng is the same as the Hongjun gods, although it is a soldier that relies on the soul of the soul, but the difference is that Hong Yulian gods pay attention to the power, pay attention to the power, so it is very heavy, it is very difficult, However, Hong Hao Jinjian tends to be speed and sharp, leaning on the sword, Jian Feng attacks the opponent, the amount is naturally a lot, and it will be easier to manipulate. "

Dragon Qi Dynasty swords have not seen it. "I have made you skilled the god stick before you let you familiarize you with the way of controlling the power of this soul, while upgrading your soul strength, you are familiar with control In the fourteen years, I can barely manipulate the Hongyan gods, and then control Hong Yin Jinjian, naturally it is necessary to easily. "

"It turned out to be like this?" The sword was unparalleled.

Indeed, if the Dragon seven first starts Hong Yinjin sword to him, he is also skilled, but he is also familiar with the same time, he is also manipulated after 14 years, and there will never manually manipulate Hong Kong sword. It is obvious that it is much easier to feel.

Yes, it is easy.

It is like an ordinary person against the stone. It has been a hundred pounds of stones, and it has been accustomed to this weight. Suddenly, there will be a stone to prevent tens of pounds of stones, and there will be a kind of relaxation, incomparable Simple feel.

This is the case nowhere.

"In addition, you are now controlled by Hong Yin Jinjian, just the simplest soul, but Hong Yinjun is the power of the soul, with the combination of heaven," Dragon Seven also took out an enormous Come, "This is the case of the first heavy form of Hongyin Jinjian, and you will take a closer look."

The sword is unparalleled, and then browsing it.

At this point, his eyes are fierce.

"Time and Space!"

"This Hongji Jin Jian is actually displayed with time and space."

The sword is unbenched on the face is not coming to the autonomy.

Yes, Hong Yu Jinjian, is the power of the soul and the perfect combination of time and space, and is mainly based on time and space, as for the soul of the soul is just used as handling, so that it is not only a time-space, the sword is unparalleled The radicals of the enlightenment can also be integrated into Hongyin Jinjian, which is used to enhance the power of Hongyu Jinjian.

And the method of this is the method of perfect way to show the golden sword.

"With my strength strength, if you rely on the soul to control the Hong Kong sword, the speed is not fast, but if you have this letter, you will be perfectly integrated into Hong Yin Jinjian, then ... ... "The sword is now looking forward to it.

"Hong Yin Jinjian's first heavy form, has a total of nine levels, once a level, you can control a Hongyin Jinjian, so I have prepared a total of nine-handed Hong Kong sword for you." Dragon Seven Said, but I took out the exactly the same Hong Kong Jinsheng.

"Nine Handle Hongyin Golden Sword gives you, you can get familiar with yourself."

After saying, Dragon Seven is shaped, but it is no longer in front of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, the eight handles, the gold swords, and the inner rings, but they can be quite puzzled.

He saw that this Hongji Jinjian is not as common. Any handle should be a treasure of the city, like a treasure in the sword, except for the mountains and river society, it is estimated that there is no treasure to be with this Hong Kong Sword. Compared with the blood peak sword, it is hard to say if it is better than the Hong Kong Kinglord.

In such a treasure, Dragon Qiyi took out the nine handles, and it was directly given.

This dragon seven, how did you suddenly have this good to him?

You know, before Dragon Seven is very indifferent to his attitude, even his life is not careless, let himself die.

But now, I suddenly took out the treasures such as Hongyu Jinjian to him, but also deliberately pointed out his way of manipulation.

The sword is unparalleled, I feel that I have not done, just a breakthrough to reach the second phase of the ultimate real God, but this attitude change is too big?

"Take him, in short, this Hong Kong Sword, for me, is indeed that the treasure is undoubted, with it, my strength can absolutely increase several grades again!" The sword is unparalleled.

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled, according to the law, start to drive the Hong Kong Golden Sword.

Inside the hall.

call out!

A golden streamer just lit up, but there is a long distance from the sword without a double, the most fierce of this hall is suddenly burst.

"This speed ... so fast!"

Even if you have a psychological preparation, you can see the speed of this Hongyu Jinjian instantly, the sword is not a double.

This speed is too fast, more than him, and it is also very amazing, and the power is also strong.

The sword is unparalleled. This is the first time to use time and space to control this Hong Kong Jian.

"Continue, continue to be skilled!"

The sword is unparalleled, and then the continuous drill will start this Hong Kong Sword.

In the big temple, you can also frequently see that the golden stream flashed, but it does not see the entity of this golden stream.

A sway, the past 20 years.

In these 20 years, the sword is unparalleled in the past 20 years.

During the day, in these twenty years, he did not know how many times did the drill showed.

With the first level of the first level of the drill, Hong Yinjian's first heavy form, that is, the first handle of Hong Kong sword, he finally can run the whole company.

The power of your own soul, and the feelings of the time, the feelings of the wheel, integrated into Hong Yin Golden Jockey.

This handle of Hong Yinjian is unparalleled.

"I have almost the same for the first handle of Hong Kong Jinshan, but almost all on the exercise of the self-drilling, then I should use this Hongyu Jinjian to take a look." The sword was unparalleled. Smile.

In this dark area, the sword is unparalleled to act in actual combat, his opponent, there is only those star demon.

Immediately, the sword has entered the dark river along the space channel.

And this time he did not hide in the river and used the mountain river community to go to the mountains and rushed to escort those star demon, but directly from the water, appeared on the shore.

When the sword was unparalled to escape to this black river, this surrounding star is very amazing, but after the sword is unparalleled, there is no more than a hundred years, after six slaughter, the remaining star magic, not much .

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