Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 170, die, you have to pull you!

"Oh, the blood cloud is your next generation of the next generation of your bloodstream? I also say that the sword is a wedding is the next palace owner of my dragon palace. But two years ago, your bloody ripple is still in the murder?" The White House is a smirk Tao.

"Grass clothes." The emperor once again opened again, and the eyes also overlook. "The rules of the selection war have long settled, no one must be violated, and there is no privilege, and the blood clouds have been special in your bloody rums. He chooses to participate in the selection war, then your bloody tower should do the worst plan. "

"But Your Majesty ..." What is the shirt still wants to say.

"Okay." The emperor waved him to interrupt him. "The selection war continued. Before the truly end, no one can intercepted, otherwise don't blame me."

When I heard this, the gray clothes were immediately miserable, and I should follow the seat.

His heart is full of helplessness.

"Blood cloud, it is dead, I can only see you."


On the battlefield.

"Gray clothes, gray clothes!"

The blood cloud also shouted in crazy, but he found that he shouted for a while, he didn't see the gray clothes to save him, he couldn't help but despair.



These two emotions have since he has become a mysterious landlord of the Bloody Pad, and it has never had it.

But now, in the face of the continuous oppression of the sword, the two emotions are not large in his heart.

And as his spiritual power consumption is getting bigger and bigger, eighth rounds, 90% ... finally arrived at the moment left only.

Among the bloody eyes shot a unprecedented crazy.

"Even if you want to die, I have to pull you!"

The blood clouds are angry, but the sudden turning is a scarlet medicinal medicine. This scarlet has a stink, but the blood cloud does not hesitate to swallow this Dan.

Dan medicine is in the body, and the blood clouds you have willed to the ultimate breath. At this moment, it is once again violent, and it has reached a new height.

This breath has completely exceeded the congenital Jindan's category, and it is much stronger than the ordinary yin deficiency.

"That is ... ?" The sword has no double-colored.

He certainly won't feel unfamiliar with the scarlet medicinal medicine.

Insightly, when he was chasing the Bloody Pad, he was chased by the Bloody Pool Building three years ago, the four elders of the Sword rescued, and the four elders swallowed the same Dan.

Red blood, the vitality of the burner can make people in a short time in a short-time Tan medicine.

And this kind of medicinal medicine, one person can only swallow one.

This person will undoubtedly because after swallowing.

Bloody clouds are already known to die, so they are swallowing red blood before dying, wanting to pull swords without double pad.

After swallowing the red blood, his strength has reached a new height in a short time, far more than his peak period.

"Go to death, all over!"

The blood cloud is pangu, which has already been completely distorted, and the bloody blade slammed at this moment.

The strongest trick of blood cloud, crack!

This trick is the source of this source, and before, he is shocked by him without a double collision.

Now the blood cloud swallows the red blood of the red blood, and once again, the power has reached an incredible height.

"not good!"

On the empty, the black and white palace main face is changed.

And the original dull gray clothes re-raised their heads, and the eyes were fired. "Yes, killing him, even if it is dead, I have to kill him!"

A large number of top power is also very shocking to look at the scene below.

When the blood-colored blade waved, Su can didn't be far away, and immediately appeared in the sword where there was no double body.

The blood color blade woke and the first time was smashed on this green torrent.

The terrible power suddenly broke, and the green floods also showed amazing toughness at this moment, and it was finally opened by the blood color, and then the blood color sharp edge continued to be sword.

The sword is not doubled, and the whole body pores are all erected at the same time. The next moment is in the next moment.

Lift the sword.


The terrible roar, the sword is unparalleled in an instant, and there is a three-blood spray in the way, and the breath on the body is also sluggish.

However, although the breath is sluggish, it is not directly killed by this knife.

"not dead?"

Blood clouds crazy eyes are dead, staring at the sword, the pace is crossed, and I want to take my sword again.

It can be abrupt, a golden body appears in front of him.


The strength is strong enough to boke a punch in the mountains, and I have bombarded the body of the blood cloud.

The terrible force will shock the blood cloud's five organs in the first time, and the interest will begin to slow down.

However, even if it is about to die, but the eyes of this blood cloud are still dead and staring at the sword. It is full of not sweet, full of grievances.

Finally, the body is weak.

In the first few years of the dragon list, the myth in the eyes of Jin Danwu, the big monster that is completely cleared, will die!


The edge of Tianyun Mountains, nearly 100,000 millennographers gathered together, but it is a dead.

Too fast, all this happens too fast.

From the blood cloud to swallow the red blood, it is desperate, and then it is directly killed, all of which happens in the electric light stone, and when all this happens, this group of martial arts is off.

Then, a light is brushing to see the golden figure that suddenly shoots the blood cloud.

That golden shadow, He is the general of the golden warfare who hosted this battle.

The golden war armor has been staying outside the Tianyun Mountain. You can see the blood cloud to take the red blood. He immediately got it, but he only came to the blood cloud to prepare for the second time. Kill the blood cloud.

"Before the start of the battle, I said ..." This golden war armor's voice is magnificent, not only in the Tianyun Mountains, but also to the void of Tianyun Mountains, pass to the top of the top In the ear.

"On the selection, any means can be used, but the medicinal medicine that enhances the spiritual force into or causes the strength of the strength to be swallowed, and the violation is dead!"

"Blood cloud, swallowing red blood Dan on the selection war, has violated the rules, so he is dead!"

I heard this, all the martial arts around them were shaken, and one of the chop was silent.

Then, this golden war armor is shaking behind him, but it has appeared in front of the sword.

"Kid, are you okay?" Golden Armor will army.

"Fortunately, I can't die temporarily."

The weak voice was sent from the sword. Subsequently, his body struggled, slowly stood up, but his pale face with blood, explained him at this moment, there would be no.


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