Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1717 Ling Jia

In the Nether, the calm is restored again. As for the bodies of the Ling family, there is a pub for people in the pub.

However, this is no longer dares in this pub, and I don't dare to talk loudly.

The sword is unparalleled and too lazy to pay these, continue to flip these intelligence.

Suddenly, the green jacket girl in the bar counter is unparalleled.

"This adult." Tsing Yi girl is quite humble, but there is not too much fear.

"Is there something?" The sword didn't return.

"Adults can know that you have just killed is the strong, and Liling is in this true martial art, but only in the country's land, the people who have provoked Ling family can have not been good to eat, so I persuaded you, or I will leave before I haven't arrived. "Tsing Yi girl."

"Oh, thank you." The sword is unparalleled, but there is no reaction.

Tsing Yi girl willow eye wrinkle, continue to say: "Look at adults should be from other praises arriving, so I don't know if Ling family is in power, Ling Jiangui is really more than 20, among them There is a foot five, and even one of them is really chaotic! "

"This is the chaotic real God, put in some ordinary gods, you can make a dominant, such a strong force, adult, you ..."

"I know." The sword is unparalleled to nod.

Seeing the sword and there is still no reaction, the green girl shakes his head, nor will it continue to persuade.

The people in the pub, although the sword is unparalleled, but it is not anxious to leave, but waiting to see the joined drama.

After all, the people of the Ling family are not able to kill.

What's more, the sword is unparalleled, or a real god, more than ten three-day topical lineup, the boundaries are all, you can really god, for Ling Family, it is also a medium.

Sure enough, how long, Ling Jia, who received a message, had already rushed.

The Lingjia strong, there are twenty people, and the true god, there is a feet of three, and in it, there is an eternal spirit.

And they just arrived here, I saw the bodies of those who were stacked in the pub, and did not bury the body of the streaks, and suddenly became anger.

"Who, dare to see my Ling family, so unscrupulous kill me," "

A , as the lion is roaring, the echoes in the entire pub.

Many cultivators in the pub, some strength, can't help but pick up their ears in this roaring voice.

The horrible pressure is spread, and a group of people is surrounded by a fire, and the hair is also a fire red burly old man.

The old man of this flaming is the eternal God in this person. It is also a Ling family, who has Herhwei name, Ling Yan!

Seeing the people, many practitioners in the pub showed the color of the fear. Every one is low, and some are immediately getting up and retreat to the most edge, only the sword is unparalleled, and the wind is sitting there. .

This flaming old old man Lingyan naturally pays attention to the sword in the first time.

"Well?" Lingyan is slightly smoldering.

The sword is unparalleled, and the ordinary practitioners can't see it. But he is an eternal spirit, and the second phase of the sword is unparalleled. It is equivalent to the eternal true God, and he is in the same level, he naturally I concluded.

"It turned out to be an eternal life, no wonder can kill Ling Tao them, but my Ling family, but who wants to kill, it can kill, even if you are eternal, no!" Ling Yan angry.

"I have killed it, I have to revenge, it is, which is so much nonsense." The sword was unparalleled.

"Haha, good gallbladder, look like I haven't shot for a long time, this Zhenwu Dynasty has already given the old man to forget, in this case, then the old man must re-understand the Weight of Tie Lion today!" Ling Yan's anger, laughing, laughing, there is a horror wave swept.

"Kid, death!"

A flavor, air waves swept, this Lingyan is directly shot.

"This sound is really enough." The sword is unparalleled, still sticking out the slender fingers, only to see one finger, the same sword shadow.

This sword is directly killed directly to the 'Ling Tao'.

Now, Jian Yings will also brill out, but almost instantly, it directly took this lunter's body.

This lunan is full of eyes, but it is full of mistakes, but the body has slowly fell down.

A generation of strong, the famous Tie Lion Ling Yan, the famous Tie Lion, the famous name, and it was killed in an instant.

This scene, once again shocked the people in the pub, and the strong people of the Ling family are also very horrified.

"Go back and tell you the Ling family, I don't want to provoke, but if I dare to provoke me, I will not be in love. I have killed the two-dial Ling family. If you have courage, you can continue to send the third wave, but Can I guarantee, he will regret it. "The sword didn't drink wine, and the sound was slowly spread.

Those Ling Jia strong is in the heart, and if you don't have any stay at all, you will go back with the body of Ling Yan.

See this, the sword is unparalleled secretly shook his head.

He didn't want to provoke at all, it was exactly that Ling family took the initiative to find him.

And with his strength, the bomb finger is enough to kill countless forces like Ling family, but doing so, it is too told.

Now, the rest has never found it. Nine too Qing Dan did not play the world. The sword is unparalleled. I don't want to be so early, it will attract the attention of the Six Yin Shenjun.

As for this Lingge, he didn't plan to continue to kill, but if the Ling family did not know, then he went to him.

"Haha, you are so strong." A cool laugh was suddenly coming.

The sword is still sitting there, and everyone in the pubs is looking at the source of the sound.

I saw a middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged dress that had been carrying the cyan thunderstorm, and the middle-aged face of the green shirt was in the middle of the year, but the eyes were hidden with a strong domineering.

"In the Lei Lei, I don't know if it is?" The middle age of the green shirt went to the sword without double, and asked.

The surrounding people heard his name, it exposed a shock color.

"It is the blood thunder, the strength of the true martial arts is second only to the Dinner of the country!"

"Chaotic true God?"


These people were shocked.

But the sword is unparalleled, but it is not too much.

"? My name ... is called the sword monarch." The sword is unparalleled.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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