Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1719 Heng's show

I have passed the past eight years.

It has been more than 20 years.

For more than 20 years, then many strong people search in the normally, but they still have not been able to find the way. This can't help but make many people suspect that the Hefang is still in the normally.

Or isn't it to find a long time, kill it, take it away, and then slipped away.

Although some doubts, many strong people still have not given up.


In the Nether Mountain, there is a group of buildings, here is the old nest of a large pirate gang of the nerve.

Within a secret room, more than ten shapes gathered together, sitting on the top, is a hunchback old man with a breath.

This hump old man is cold, but his face is a little pale.

"During this time, the Netherous Mountain is not peaceful, even the people under our hands are still unfortunate."

The hunchback old man tapped his armchair, and the sound sounded in this secret room, and his eyes suddenly looked at the black hair of a thief in the next, "The blood river, I have been staring at the old two The movement of the third, what is it now? "

"Longye, this time, this time, he often held a secret talk with the three people, and it was very strict, and our people did not insert, and they did not know what they were discussing, but from their movements, it should be ready to do it. "Brunette youth replied.

"Hey, I am really preparing to rebel!" The hunchback old man contains anger, and the breath is exercised. The whole room is immediately covered with cold cream.

"I'm don't have a day and two, I don't have a day two days. I just in the week, I don't dare to act rash, but you will be hurt this time ... Let them see the opportunity." Brunette youth .

"Two white wolves, I know so, I should give them two killed." The old man was cold, and the heart was a resentment.

He is a true god, but also a strong strength, standing on the top, the true god, on weekdays, he said in this thief gang.

The two of his hand, even though some are very careful, but he pressed, and did not make anything out, so he did not shoot the two.

Come this time, many strong people searched the trail of the future in the Netherous Mountains, they were suffering from the pirates, and several strong people came to their site, and because the strong people want to search I am a conflict with him, and I am playing.

In the last few strong people were repeated, he was seriously injured, and now the strength has not returned 50%.

This makes him the two people who have found opportunities.

The hunchback old man is discovers how to cope with the two people, and the gate of the room can be suddenly opened. Then, a large group of people came in, and the head is the two people.

"Old two, old three, when you really want to rebel?" The humpback was immediately taken.

"Haha, we have long seen that this old thing is not awesome, this time you have to have a chance, you can let go, just all people are, then I will fight, all kill!"

That two presses, the many thieves of him suddenly, immediately.

Wars, instantly broke out.

This battlefield is obviously a absolute disadvantage, almost one side, this hump old man is also on the side of the two, in which it is in jeopardy, and the person under the hand is even more unbearable.


A strange figure is in the battlefield, this person is the black-haired young blood river of the thief, he is ugly, but the strength is not good, holding a black blade, the time from time to time, or The tattoo of the drill is extremely fast, brushed from a famous body.

Squirting, this blood river has been successively killed.

"Kid, strength, no wonder, there can be such a position, but unfortunately, you have failed, brothers, kill him!"

With a Ziyi man's burst, there is a footterturns of more than ten robbers to the blood river.

These pandareds can all be bound, and there are still five three heavens and gods, and join forces, the blood river festival defeated.

"No, I can't stop!" The blood river is cold and looks into the situation around.

These pirates are around him, and he can't find an opportunity to escape, unless you kill all these hidden characters.

Can be like this ...

"There is no way!" The blood river scorpion was awkward, and the temperament on the body changed.

It was originally a thief to look like a wretched appearance, but this moment is like hell to kill God.

A blood sword, a sudden swept, and a bloody light is picked out in the void.

Blood light is like a bloody lotus, bloom, the beautiful scene, making the eyes around the world attract.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! ~~~

The sound of the Jian Feng in the body sounded.

In an instant, more than ten kinds of pandareds of the blood river, they were exhausted, and the sound dissipated.

This scene, the thief that surrounded by killing, it was shocked.

"How can it be?"

"A sword killed more than ten contests, including five three heaven, this blood river is so strong?"

"No, no, this blood river has always been bladed as weapons, when is it changed to a sword? And the battle is strong?"

The people around them are shocked.

Even even the hunchroom of the hunchroom, the hunchroom, who is still killing, and two other people have seen it.

"This is ..." Longye's eyes fierce.

They are not a fool, this blood river, it is obviously deliberately hidden strength, and even hides the blade you use.

Most importantly, he even has completely changed its temperament.

Here, the thief gang does not need to hide anything, but this blood river is so deep, and then thinks about the blood sword he use, and the time when he joined this thief gang ...


"He is a break!"

Longye first roaring.


The two were also exclaimed.

Next moment, the three people who were originally killed immediately, and the three hot eyes were seen in the 'Blood River'.

They are in the fight, the purpose is also for their respective benefits, but these benefits, the Taqing Ancient Ling Dan in the hands of the break, then nothing is nothing.


"I'm going to him."

The many thieves that were originally crazy, but they were instantaneous and dry colors, and they were killed in the 'Blood River.


This 'blood river' did not hesitate, immediately flee it immediately, and his strength didn't cover up when he fled.


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