Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1737 is anger! ! !

In the dark storm, the hidden void.


The figure is quietly emerged as the ghostless black robes.

"Hey, Magic, I didn't expect you to lose your hands, and the goal is just a true God."

It was originally seen in the four black robes of the void, and there was a slight taste.

"Hey, there is a matter of you to assassinate him. I will guarantee that anyone in you is just near him, I will be discovered." Magic is cold.

"Haha, we are not killer, not proficient, we are good at, it is a frontal killing, watching it, you will know that this sword is unparalleled." One of them The black robe smiled.

"Don't worry, now I still have four people to shoot, and then wait, the second heavy kill has not begun." Another black robe man said.

"Look at it."

These people stayed quietly.

Within the dark storm, the sword is unhappy, and knowing this is that Huangquan Palace is alert to his assassination, the sword is unparalleled, and even the nerves are completely tightened.

" "

Occasionally, there is a dark wind blade to swept him, and it is easy to defeat the sword.

For now, this black dark wind blade is no threat, the real threat is hidden in the crisis of the crisis.

"Kings, what is the height of your display really useful?" The sword is unparalleled in the heart and the king.

"Don't worry, this is my unique secret of my moon. As long as someone is near you, I can notice it in the first time, but unfortunately, I can only cover thousands of ranges." Said the King said.

"Milometer, not bad." The sword did not have a little bit.

I just assured him, so that he was very embarrassed, and it was too late.

If you just have the big energy, you will find the time again, the sword is unparalleled, but you will have a secret surgery, but the King has a secret, which has covered a special energy around the thousand meters. .

If the big energy is hitting him if it is again, at least he can also prepare.

at this time……

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled, he had seen his end of his eyes, sitting on the ground.

Lei Dynasty! "

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately got the past.

"Sword is not double?"

The discs, sitting on the ground, have never dared to walk easily, and also saw the sword unparalleled, when it revealed the color of the big joy.

The two will meet soon.

"The sword is unparalleled, I didn't expect you to find me." Ray is a hint of incredible.

"I have a lot of effort to find you." The sword was unparalleled smile, but the look quickly died, "Lei Dynasty, this time, it is not true."

"Oh?" Lei Dynasty was wrong.

The sword is unparalleled to hit himself in this dark storm, as well as his judgment.

"Damn!" Lei Dynasty held his hands, the completion became unusual, "I feel very strange, you are old, you can kill me, but he didn't, I didn't. I thought it was that he didn't grasp the opportunity, but now it seems ... "

"The sword is unparalleled, sorry, I am tired." Lei apologize.

"No, Huangquan Palace is obviously rushing on me, they just put it in order to deal with me, in fact, you are being implicated by me." The sword said.

Indeed, if it is not because of the sword unparalleled, Huangquan Palace will not spend so big energy to deal with the Lei Dynasty.

Lei Dynasty will not break into this Vatican Sea, caught in the crisis.

"Don't say this first, let's try to go out." Lei Dao said.

"Well." The sword is not a hyper point, and the look is dignified.


"The sword is unparalleled, some people are coming." The voice of the King was suddenly sound.

The sword is unparalleled, and after him, a ghost is once again emerged again, and it is still the dagger that exudes amazing cold.

This dagger is like lightning, which is again moving towards the sword without double skull.


The sword has no doubles, this time he has a preparation, his hands and swords, with endless swords, directly oppression.


The blood peak sword collided with the dagger, a dramatic criticism sounded, and the ghost figure sneaked in the sword was suddenly exploded.

"Lei Dynasty, be careful!"

The sword is unparalleled, I don't forget to remind the Lei Dynasty, but when he once again looks again, the face is fierce.

At this moment, the lights, but the face is incomparable, look at your eyes, and also with amazing killing.

His palm has been extended, and there are two streams of streams straight to the sword.

"this is……"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the two streams of the explosion. These two streamers he knows, and it is two odor!

At the beginning, the Mu Hong Temple ruined a little wanting pool, and it was to defecting the gods.

This is very clear, the sword is unparalleled, and one is very terrible, two superpositions, absolutely killing the ability of God.

But at this moment, these two dodge beads were taken from the hands of Lei, and they were very bright.

"The ancient mystery, the eighth mountain!"

The sword has no double, drink, !!!! ~~

A magnificent voice sounded, and there was another highly high golden god mountain in front of the gold unparalleled.

Full of eight golden hills, blocking in front of the sword.


I sent a burst of drunk in the Lei Dynasty, and the two of the odorant beads explode.

boom! boom!

The two shocks of deafening sounds, and the horrible power of the horrible, sweeping all the eight parties annihilated everything.

Originally, a stable dark storm, under the power of this power, it has become very violent, a large number of dark wind blade will continue to blow, so that the void crazy collapse.

In front of the sword, the eight-seat golden hills have collapsed seven, and even the eighth seat is also rushing, but in the end, it is still forcibly resisting the impact of these two .

Although the power of the power is blocked, the sword is unparalleled but there is no surprise, but the opposite is gloomy.

"Lei Dynasty !!!"

"how come?"

"How can it be!!!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is full of anger.

Lei Dynasty, that is, in the stars, one is very respected.

His sexy is lonely, and the stars have passed Herch work, and when the sword is unparalleled, it is also the same person to take him.

There is also a sword where there is no double in the repair, and the Lei Dynasty also guarded next to it. It can be said that there are many care for the sword.

Because of this, this time, when I know that the Lei Dynasty is in the crisis, the sword is unparalleled or two words.

He didn't think of it in front of him.

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