Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1744 Humic Emperor

"The five gods join hands, the layout of the nine kills, but they can't kill you, but they were killed by you, the sword is unparalleled, you are more than I imagined in Huangquan Palace, but also stronger a lot."

"Fortunately, my Huangquan Palace has a backhand."

A strange and hoarse voice is emitted from the human population, spreading.

While the sound sounded, the palm of this blood and averted man turned and took out a bloody.

This blood tag is dissatisfied with incompetent, with this blood robe person to grasp, hehe! The strike is broken, and a powerful force is unparalleled in the sword.

"This is ..." The sword has no double eyes, but the consciousness is slowly immersed, as if it is going to fall asleep.

"The sword is unparalleled, wake up, this is the soul control method!"

"Wake up!"

The King of King contains an angry roar sounded in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled in the sea. The fire of the soul is also in the crazy burning, and a stabbing pain is coming.

The sword is unbentered, and the face flashes a piece.

"Do you want to control me?"


The sword is also crazyly roaring, and striving to break away from the special state.

For a long time, everything salasted.

The sword is unparalleled, and the big mouth gasped is inert, but the face is abnormal.

"It seems that there is a failure." The serve person glanced at the sword, but laughed, "But it's right, after all, it is reversed. I have become the fire of the soul." Good control. "

"Bastard." The sword killed the sky.

He saw that the Lei Dynasty was controlled by this bloody and robes. However, the soul control is not what he is displayed, but it is contained in the goblin. This blood rear is just a booting.

"You can store the soul attack means in the contest, and then manipulate the guidance, so you can control the truth of the real God list, the person who controls the soul is better than I think." Zheng Guan.

Before the King believes that the power of the soul is controlled, it should be an emperor who specializes in the soul attack, but now it seems that it is a simple emperor.

"Since I can't control the soul, then this emperor can only personally shoot you." The blood and robes smiled, but it was a handle blood-like trident.


This blood and robes are just a hand, and the bloody tribs in their hands are slightly shock, and they will come to the sword.

This thorns have driven the power of endless heights, the blood, and the people are afraid.

The sword is unparalleled, only feels completely locked by the trident, no matter how he avoids, even if he fled to the horizontal corner, you can't escape the hit of this trident.

Especially the three-striped glimpse, the sword is unparalleled, and the pores of the sword are in an instant.

"The ancient gods, the eight pole hills!"

The sword has no double, drink, the body is crazy, and he collapsed the three ancient stars, the power of the ancient gods, still did not dissipate.

At this moment, it is like a tsunami madly.


Eight of the golden gods appeared in the sky, each of these Shenshan is very unparalleled, far more than before, forming a foot eight-fold barrier in front of the sword.

This is the strongest defense of the ancient gods, and the sword is unparalleled, the Samsung's power is displayed, and the power of power is sufficient to make the general gods despair.

But the blood-colored trident is on these eight golden hills, !!! ~~~

Connected eight big sounds, eight seats were just just slightly blocking this three-fork solution, and they were drove through the direct cave.

The blood-colored trident already contains a thrilling and powerful, and the rut to the sword.

The sword has no double-finish change, and at this time, a root of turns shot, and the body shape of the King is once again emerged, and it has formed a giant network in an instant.


The giant net is broken, and countless tentacles have been smashed with smashing. With the part of the king, they are also directly bombed. The trident is still lacking many power, killing the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the two palms are holding the blood peak sword, and the majestic will explode.


A loud noise, swords have no doubles, and the blood peak sword is almost out of hand, and the body has also been detached. It is a long way to retreat, and they will stop the body shape, and stop After, a silk is from overflowing from his mouth angle.

"It's too strong, this is God Emperor?" The sword was shocking.

He is full, and then the hard work of the three-star mountains, and the eight-pole hills, it is in an instant to wear, and then the king is also displaying the defense means, and it is still defeating the front.

Next, he made his full sword, it was already shocked, and it was some trauma in the body. This is just the case of this blood and robes.

The power of hits, strong?

"No, the general God is not so strong, he must be the strong in the emperor!" The voice of the King kings sounded in the sword, and the voice also saved.

"The strong in the emperor?" The sword was unimaced, but it could not be seen in the bloody trident in the hands of the blood, the eyes of the eyes.

"Use the emperor of the blood color trib? And how strength is strong ..."

"Blood bone!"

"You are the blood of the blood!"

The sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, it seems that you have already recognized." The servant made a weird laugh, but did not deny it.

"It's really him." The sword was not difficult to look very difficult.

He stayed in the Holy League for so long, and there will be a simple understanding of many of the large chaotic world. This is also easy to identify in the future, it is easy to identify, see some strength, you can leave, save Possible conflict.

And in many major people in the world of chaotic world, there is a bloody god.

The blood-mychiao, the god of life, is a unconfilled big devil, and the strength and strong terrible, although the emperor is unable to call it the top, but at least the upstream.

The bloody gods used the soldiers, they were the bloody trident, and it was more likely to have a weird self-cultivation like a bloody truth. On only one person in the emperor of the chaotic world!

Therefore, when the sword is unparalleled, it can be recognized.

"We can't blame this blood-myctic, the emperor has repeatedly refused the invitation of the Sheng League, and even too lazy to pay attention to the Shengshi. It turned out that he was the people in Huangquan Palace." The sword is unparalleled.

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