Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1747 is really unwilling.

Million's space black hole slowly converges, and the world gradually succeeds, all dust sets.

The sword is unparalleled in the void, but the completion is a white.

The mountain river social map is too high. If it is just to show Kyushu Yin's first style, but the second sword is unparalleled, but although it is forcibly, it is too big to lose the body.

Now, he only feels that the five organs in the body are uncomfortable.

The sword is unparalleled, but his eyes flashed, and his eyes flashed, and he looked at the front of the empty, looked at the position before the blood of the blood.

When I saw the void, the body of the blood of the blood ribs still stands there, but the sword is unbeded, but the sword is fierce.

"Didn't die?" The sword was unparalleled with hands, but the bottom is emerging.

He has decommit himself, and all the category measures are all displayed, but it is still a throw, but the blood bones are still dead.

"It is a great man." The sword smiled.

"The sword is unparalleled, quickly escape !!!" The sorrowful screaming of the sword was in the sword.

But the sword is unparalleled, but it is very bitter.

He didn't want to escape. If he can escape, he will flee it early, and will be left with this bloody god.

The key is that he can't escape.

Although he is good, it is full of dragon blood secrets, it can also surpass many gods, but in front of God, his speed is not enough, and he also knows that this blood bone God is itself. Good at speed.

In addition, the bloody trident in the hands of the blood of the Hemoni can lock the time and space at all, do not give him any opportunity to escape.

In this situation, he does not have any escape possibilities at all.

No before, there is no.

In the sword where there is no double, the blood bones are indeed dead, but the appearance is very miserable.

His blood robes on his body are all over the blood, and the face is equally paid, and the breath is even slight, and it is obviously seriously injured.

But in this case, the blood bones did not be horrified, and they did not be angry. Some is a strong hot and ecstatic.

"Haha, swords are unparalleled, this emperor really didn't think, there will be such a treasure of the sky!"

"You are really god!"

"It can make a real God have such a horrible power, or even almost kill this emperor, this treasure, it is precious than the truth of the Emperor, no, thousand times, 100 !!!"

"This emperor thank you for much, I will send a treasure for me, so I will let you die soon."

The bloody gods were crazy, and the bloody tribut in his hand went to the bleak, his pace, slowly moved to the sword.

"What is it until?" The sword was unimaced, and it took a desperate.

In his body, the king of him is also silent.

King knows that the current sword is unparalleled, has reached the limit, the top of the means has been displayed, the power of the stars, and the strength of the six ancient gods of his collapse, and it is also consumed in it. Exhausted.

He now, in the face of this bloody god, there is no resistance to resistance.

Suddenly ...

"Wait!" The king drunk.

The sword is not a strong, and it is a sharp way to see the blood of the blood.

I saw the darkness of the blood bones, the darkness of the darkness, suddenly set off, and a black shadow was litter, just behind the blood of the blood.

The blood of the bloodsum seems to be noticed, turned right now, this turned, he has exposed a slice.

What he saw is an open blood, this bullse has two sharp swells, this big mouth is in front of him and directly swallowed.

"Do not!!!!"

The bloodsum God made an unprecedented screaming, he desperately desperately struggled, but it could not force it.

When the bloodspots were very dark, the body shape of this blood-bone god disappeared, so that it was a huge and black scales, this head is covered with black scales, like a dragon but also It seems like a snake, and there is a unicorn.

"This is ... Yuan Gu Yulong !!!" The horror and the sound of the sound is from the king.

The king is so good, and the moon is so high, but it can see this darkness of the black, but there is a shammint from the heart.

Ancient dragons!

Horror the polar existence.

When I emerge, I didn't even have any room for any hit, and I was directly killed.

This scene, the four big gods that have fallen in the sword are not far from the four gods, and the five people are shocked.



"This is too horrible to even struggle, this is too horrible."

The four black gods did not hesitate, immediately turned down to flee, one by one to achieve the speed of the speed.

However, they just moved, the huge dragon head of taking gas from the sea is also a rotation, and its big mouth open again, !

An amazing cold spread out, and the time covered the whole world and covered the four gods.

The four gods were originally desperate, and the four people were dispersed, but they were abrupt, and the four people were born in half air.

Four people were full of eyes, with no endless horror, but they had covered a layer of cold cream, this cold cream is constantly spreading, and finally four people are actually in order to ice sculpture.

A simple gas streamged, four ice sculptures immediately smashed, dissipated in the world.

One photo, before the four gods of the unparalleled slap, the slag is no longer left.

Then the huge head of the ancient dragon, and the fierce swords were unparalleled. The head of the head is like two arcs, and the sword is unparalleled, and the murder flashes.

call out!

The sword is unparalleled. I didn't see this dragon. I didn't see this dragon. But this dragon has already appeared in front of him. At the same time, the bloodpot is also open again. This time, it is a sword.

Like the blood of the blood, the sword is unparalleled, but when the dragon opened the big mouth, the sword was unparalleled, and the time and space was already completely blocked. His body has been imprisoned. I can't do it.

I can only look at the dragon's skull toward him.

"To die?" The sword is unmainted, "" Anyway to die, die in this ancient dragon, and always stronger than the power of death in Huangquan Palace. "

"Unfortunately, I haven't found it yet. I haven't saved the cream yet. I haven't really figured out the identity of Master. It is like this, I am really unwilling!"

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