Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 176 Ninth Emperor (starting, roaring, seeking everything!)

Who is the sword? That is the top genius first in the landlord!

In the future, he will definitely be able to enter the yin and yang in the world, and once it reaches the yin and yang empty, it is very possible, even if it is given to him, the future achievements are not limited.

Such a peerless genius, what is precious?

At least in these golden dragons, far more treasures than the White House, the treasures are precious.

"There is no pair of little friends, I am waiting for the invitation, I will never waste it halfway." The water smiled, he just knew that he had possible to go to the bloody ripple, but he had hesitated, but Now God has been firm.

"Yes, since it is coming, how can it easily retreat?"

"The bloody pompon is very good, but we are not that Jinlong, nor is it very prominent."

Several other Jinlong have also opened it.

"In this case, then we will negotiate how to do it." The sword was unparalleled, and then took out a piece of information.

This is the most detailed information on the Jiujilia to collected the Jiujiemen, including the Nine Emotional Environmental Structure, and the basic information of those strong.

After a simple retrieval, there is a decision.

"There is the strongest strength of the long-lasting elders in the nine emperor, but because he has been closing the reason, the reaction must be slow to shoot, let's go to sneak attack, it is best to take them without reacting, first Kill them one or two yin deficiency. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Night brother, Mr. Water, you have the strongest strength, just hide in the dark, wait until our sneak attack, the nine emperor is too long and old, the night brother, you will stop him, As for Mr. Water, he continued to stay in the dark, in case. "

"After all, the bloody ripper may also have strong people hidden in the dark, we have to stay in one hand."

"Make it." The seven Jinlong surrounded, including Yang Zai Xuan, Su Guang two nodded.

After the decision, the sword is not active.


Nine emperor, many disciples, naturally be very lively.

In the nine emperor, close to the mountain wall, there is an ordinary courtyard. This courtyard is guarded. Only some of the most core and most important people in the nine emperor are qualified to enter this courtyard.

At this moment, on this courtyard center, the cold youth of a luxurious and robes is waving in the hands of the long sword, a sword follows a sword, constantly thorns, the sword is light, the power is also very amazing.

This cold youth comprehension is the fire sword, and it is quite deep. It is enough to pass the seventh floor of the Longmen, and then he has reached the full spiritual force of Jin Dan, the real strength is also close to the landlord. .

Outth, this cold young man slammed the sword, and I have already prepared a wooden pile next to the courtyard.


It seems very hard to pile, but it is directly burst, a large amount of wood chip splashes.

It can be seen that the wood pile burst, the frankystead of the sword is allowed.

Because this sword is really mastered, it is directly smashed into two halves, not bursting, and there will be no smear splashes, obviously the distance is very far away.

"damn it!"

"This sword, I have already drilled it for a long time, and the result is not progressive, the old guy, you have really pointed to me, instead of deliberate me?" The cold youth is cold.

It was called "old guy" by this young man, a white-haired man sitting on the stone bench next to it, drinking alone.

This white-haired man is actually not a lot. It should be only middle-aged. I don't know why he has a silver-white hair like an old man. It is very messy, his face is full of vicissitudes, wrinkles, leave Slag, look at it, saying that he is an old man, not too.

At the same time, this white-haired man holds the right hand palm of the pot, there is a very clear old man, this hand, is a hand of the sword in the past, on the stone table in front of this white man, still placed one Sworkwood.

When I heard the cold youth, the white hair saw it, and the dark eyes were deeply like a starry sky, and the voice was stunned. "It is too dead."

"I am too stupid?" The cold youth is immediately irritated, running directly, and grabbing the boat man in the hands of white hair.


The kink is thrown on the ground, broken.

This cold youth pointed to the white hair man, and wipes: "The old guy, don't forget your current situation, I warn you, my old man is committed to my swords, if you dare to have a sliver, hey, I do you I will never be better in the future! "

When I heard this, the white hair man browned slightly, but the eyes were still indifferent, and a pot of wine once again appeared again, and continued to drink, too lazy to say more.

"Old things." This cold is more angry.

And at this time ...

"Changfeng." The voice suddenly sounded, and then a gray robbed old man slowly walked into the courtyard.

"Father." Then the franciful youth that was very violent, and shouted.

This cold, the young, famous, and his father, that is, the elderly called Ma Qinghai. It is the three elders of the nine emperor, and the yin deficiency is strong. Although it is just a bluff, it can be The nine emperor is absolutely considered a high weight.

"What happened?" Ma Qinghai looked to his most pet son.

His old age, so I can say that my son can say that it is the ultimate, no matter what his son wants, he will do its utmost to help it.

Like his son, there are still few people in the nine emperor, and there are still few people who are good at Keemodies, so he used some means to let his son can enter and leave this courtyard, come and ask this place in the courtyard ... White hair man.

"Father, I have been drilled with a sword, I can't completely master it, and this old guy also pointed to me. I took a practice in accordance with his pointing, but it didn't progress, this old thing is obvious. It is deliberately playing me. "The cold young man is cold and cold.

"Oh?" Ma Qinghai frowned, and immediately saw the white hair man, "Mr. Jian Nan Tian, ​​I don't know what is going on?"

"I just said." White hair man turned his head glanced at Ma Qinghai, low Shen said: "I pointed to him, but he is too dead, there is no real understanding."

"Bastard!" Ma Changfeng couldn't help but roar.

Ma Qinghai look is also a sink, low and drink: "Jiannan days, pay attention to your attitude, I want you to do what you can do, don't have a complaint, otherwise, I don't mind let you taste the bones. Sign up! "


PS: The brothers started, everyone is ready, thirty chapters have exploded.

In addition, ask for subscription, ask for reward, seek everything!

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