Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1783 go back to see

The star, the sword is unparalleled from the main hall of the Star Palace, and there is a message immediately.

Give him the news, it is the king!

"The sword is unparalleled, I heard that you have already ranked the world to the world of the world. Congratulations." The ancient king smiled.

Human territories and special ethnic groups are completely distinguished.

Like the heavenly supreme list of human territories, the record is the human being, as for the strong people of the special ethnic group, but not recorded in it.

Of course, it is most important that human territory and special ethnic groups are almost rare.

The ancient king is the ancient god of the seven-star kings, the identity is distinguished, and some intelligence to the human territorial domain has also been known, and naturally, the sword is unparalleled, and the heavens and the earth.

"The king of the ancient king, your strength, how is the restoration?" The sword was unparalleled and laughed.

He is now strong, and it is strong than the ancient king, naturally can communicate with the ancient king.

"The restoration is almost the same, and how long does it take for it, I will hit the eight-star ancient god." The ancient king said.

"Oh?" The sword has no double look.

Eight-star ancient gods, equivalent to the level of human emperor, the ancient king is a royal god, once breakthrough, strength is uniform.

"Congratulations." The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't say this, I have a message to you, there is something." The ancient king sound became solemn. "You are now one of the top strong people in the human territory. I want to know that the ancient secrets will be born. News? "

"Well, I just know." The sword is not a hyper point.

"The ancient secrets, the dry system, for the special ethnic groups, the same kind of attraction, so my ancient gods, including the other top special ethnic groups, will have strong people to go, and I originally tell you Over, the space to the battlefield in your hometown is in this ancient times. "Gui Wang Dao.

The sword is unbloated, and the completion is also improving immediately.

At the beginning of the ancient gods, when he saw the ancient king, he knew that the ancient king was through a spatial gap in a special secret to reach the battlefield of his hometown.

"The king said, this space gap is very hidden. At the beginning, he is also found. In addition to him, the whole of the ancient chaotic world should know the existence of the spatial gap, but now the ancient secret is open, it is difficult to protect Don't someone find the spatial gap? "The sword was unmainted.

That spatial gap is a huge hidden danger.

Once it is discovered and the news spreads, then there will be a large number of strong people to rush to his hometown battlefield, and the trouble is big.

"The sword is unparalleled, I just told you, if you want to prevent it, but you don't have to worry, so many years have passed, the ancient secrets have opened so many times, the result is that I am lucky to go through your hometown, Others want to go, not so coincidental. "The ancient king said.

"Well, thank you." The sword has no pair, and then it is interrupted.

In the Star River, the sword is unparalleled.

"I hope that this ancient secret is open, no one can find the existence of the spatial gap? If you are not careful, a lot of strong people come to my hometown battlefield, when you don't make the resources of the battlefield, I Just keep the green industry will be. "The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the heart also has a decision.

And after knowing this matter, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no delay. I am ready to go back to my hometown.

But this time I go back, the sword is unparalleled but not intended to be one person.


Endless star river, one of them is Ä.

This star is a huge empty land, which can be specially used for the fight.

At this air, there are two stones that are handing.

These two people, one of them holds a huge ax, and the ax is constantly being turned out, it is like a tide, and it is endless.

A giant ax, covering the world, causing many disciples who watched around.

It can face the ax on these sweeps, the young man holding the long sword is a sword with a sword. It seems simple and casual, but it is easy to resist those axs. Swords, but also forced the opponent's unusual wolf.

Only for a moment, the disciple of holding a giant ax has been defeated.

"You lose." Whole to voice is indifferent, with a touch of smile.

The disciple who was defeated by him was smileered. He has exhausted, and it is still easy to defeat.

"It's too strong, He's brother, it's really too strong!"

"Bai Hao brother, in the three heaven disciples, the third day of the disciple is enough to take the top three, and the same qualified list will be the list, but in the hands of the men's brothers, but even the room for any struggle, He Hui brothers fight with him If you don't even have to apply a sword, you will easily defeat it. "

"This is the war of the top ten in the world!"

"It is worthy of being able to pay attention to countless temples, collecting the talent of the disciple, He Hui brother, in the current star disciple, there should be no one."

"Remotten disciples? How do I heard that it is a pro-disciple?"

Many disciples on the stars discuss all.

And who is not careless to these discussions, is preparing to leave, and suddenly a message is delivered.

"Master is looking for me?" He Huiyi moved, there was no hesitation, and immediately went to Sword.

Sword, the vast temple.

The sword is unparalleled on the top of the throne. Although there is no breath on the body, but only the intangible pressure is enough, it is enough to shiver the chaos.

On the hall, it has become true god, and in the true god of void, the autumn moon is quiet, and there is not long time, a human shadow is galloping.

"The disciples met the Master." He Hui Gong.

"Let's get up." The sword is unparalleled, and it will get up.

"I heard that three hundred years ago, you boarded the nine of the world?" The sword has overlook his disciples.

"Yes." He Yuan Ying said, "But that is already three hundred years ago, this for three hundred years, I am in the help of the true God, the strength is not small, the disciples should now be able to live in the world In the top five. "

"Oh, it's not bad." The sword nodded without a double appreciation.

Why did the disciples who have received this in Zhenwu, and the sword is quite satisfactory.

Especially when he came to the star, the progress was very large, and it is now the first person in the star disciple, the name of the list of the list, there is a chaotic world. Money is famous.

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