Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1785 Little guy?

Just a moment, this ancient spacecraft is completely coming to the Snowfish.

One drop, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, the power of the soul is spread directly, and it will be covered with the entire snow.

At the same time, many high-levels in the Snow, are amazed in the first time.

I saw a lot of figure and got from all sides and came to the edge of the snowy border.

These people, there are many strong people from the two big genius of the flying snow, the world, and some of the top families in the snow, in addition, even the royal family of Flying Snow, Also came to many people.

At this moment, the dense Multi-cultivator, lifted his head, and looked at the ancient silver spacecraft in front of him.

"Too too horrible, the spacecraft outside the world is terrible."

"It's a horrible breath, I feel that this spaceship is unscrupulous, and the many banned things that I flying in the borders are imaginary."

"Who is this type of spaceship?"

These cultivators present are amazed.

They are all got news, knowing that there is a strong horizontal spacecraft coming, this is just busy.

"The owner, you have strong strength, can you see such a terrible spacecraft?"

Among the people, the Golden Garrier from the Flying Snow Road asked the Lord Lord.

"No." The landscaping the head and shook his head.

In fact, this silver cross-section is a Sword, the sword is unparalleled, the killing of the Lingxia Temple, is obtained from the Qiankun of the Red Star God.

This is also the best type of spacecraft that the sword has come into contact with the best of the world, and its value will not be less than 10,000 Dual crystals.

This outer spacecraft is not only an amazing speed in the dark void, but also carries the special attack means, even if it is a simple impact, this air boat is hit, a chaotic is unable to resist, and the district is flying. Snow Sauce, this interface is completely smashed.

at this time……

A large group of a large group of stones is a one-meter-high gold robe man.

"Is the country!"

"Even the big people are amazed."

Many practitioners present in the scene have exposed respectful color.

The Flying Snowland is coming to the crowd, and I saw the silver ancient spacecraft hung in front.

"This spacecraft ..." The Flying Snowland also revealed the color, but immediately arched, the sound of the voices rumored in the world, "In the next Snow Goddess, I don't know what friends arrived, please also ask now Fame. "

The land of the flying snow is also very low.

After spreading this, the ancient spacecraft, the three people were slowly drifted.

Among these three people, the left side is a indifferent youth that is carrying the sword. This indifferent youth is sharp. Although the breath that is emitted in the body is extremely rare in the three heavens, it is not flying in the Snow. Everyone is put in mind.

Standing on the right, it is a beautiful and enchanting woman. This woman exposes the color of humility, respecting the body, but it should be just a maid, but it is this maid, but it is a genuine real God.

And by these two people, the country is in the most central, it is a blood and greeting man.

This young man is also carrying a long sword, a gentle, with a touch of smile, different from the neighborhood, and he has no breath.

There is no breath, it seems to be an ordinary person.

If everyone closes your eyes, they will not notice the existence of this blood robe, and it is a vast and unhappy star.

He, as if it is tolerate everything in the world.

Everyone's eyes can't help but solidify their body, even if it is the Flying Snowland.

The Flying Snowland, can become a big national owner, and the strength has also reached the chaotic realist, but when he saw the mutual man's instant, his bottom has an illusion, as if the other party is just a Thunder, it is enough to kill yourself countless times.

He feels that the Flying Snow State will only feel on one person.

"Flying snow, meets adults." The Flying Snowland will respectfully

"See the adults." Many cultural people in the Snow Snowy are also together.

Looking at everyone, the sword is unparalleled, and he suddenly swept, saw one of the crowd.

"Oh, the Lobs Lord? I haven't seen it for a long time." The sword smiled.

"You, you are ..." The Lonely Hall of the Lone is widened, and the death of the sword is unparalleled. There is also a figure in his mind. It is a little guy in 40,000 years ago. I have also looking for a map of the route to the top ten holy place.

Soon, the two stones are completely overlapping.

"Are you the little guy in the original?" The launch of the landscape.

"Little guy?" The sword didn't touch the nose, and the face was quirky.

"Let's go!" The Flying Snow State is immediately screened.

The Lonely Hall is also realized that he will lose, and even if you are busy.

"Nothing." The sword is unparalleled and does not care.

And at this time, a distant shadow is floating.

"Is it come?" The sword was unparalleled with his hands and saw the past.

Come, is a robe woman, she stepped into a step, each step contains special magic.

When there is an appearance on this void, many of the cultivators of this world have completely expanded, as if they are stupid.

For a long time, or the first reaction of the Flying Snowland, even respectfully shouted: "Tianyuan adult!"

"Nianyuan adults?" Is a full of people.

The main value of the flying country is the Lord of the United States, in the short-short meal, I actually call two people?

The sword is unparalleled to be a super power from Fei Xue Shen, and the Flying Snow is very normal.

What about this Tianyuan? But it is brushing from the snow in the snow?

"Tianyuan? The secret of Tianyuan?" The main eyes of the living hall are suddenly shrinkage. "The legend of the legend is an adult, and the big people must be respectful. What is this?"

I didn't pay attention to the reactions around the people. After the robe woman appeared, the first fierce sword didn't look at it.

"You should be the sword of the famous world to respect the song." The robe woman is gentle and smiled.

"The sword is unparalleled, see Tianyuan God." The sword is unparalleled.

"Xiaoyou is polite." The robe woman said: "Xiaojou ranked sixty-eleven in the world, such strength, the old, even three tied together, afraid of being defeated by Xiaoyou Which is a little gift? "

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