Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1793 is coming back

The most strongest, the strongest, is the world!

And the quantity of the world is less, before the sword is unparalleled, the green fire palace is only five kinds of tribute, so that Tianzun is only two hundred.

Such fighting is really weak.

Because of this, it will be ashaced by Jin Guo, and it is difficult to compete for the last battle. If the last sword is unparalleled, it has made a breakthrough in critical time, killing the golden country of the heavens. The main owner, the Qingluogou should be destroyed, and the fire community is definitely no longer existence.

However, today, today, the green palace is much better than before.

At this moment, among the many cultivators who have gathered in the War Fortress below, the light is a heavy heaven, there is a foot 18!

As for the world, it is more everywhere.

If it is not known to have a big array of Xuanyi layout, the outside people can't break it in. The sword is unparalleled, and the current fire industry is not occupied by the forces from the vital chaotic world.

"You are waiting for me here."

The sword is unparalleled, but his body shape is floating in the green palace of the next.


Blue Purple Palace, one of the empty spaces.

A big fatigue wearing a luxurious and loose robes, is lying there to drink alcohol.

Next to him standing with a bald older.

"Bored, this day is getting boring." The big fat man drinks wine, but the mood is not comparable.

"I have told you, this world is too small, I want you to go more vast world, that is, I don't listen, but I am fine, you don't want to go, it is not so easy." The bald top The old man said.

"How can I know this?" The big fat man jokes, "If you know this, I will go outside with the old three."

"Don't complain, complaint is useless." The bald old man did not have a good air.

"Hey!" The big fat man sighed, but his eyes revealed, "said that the third, I really don't know how he is outside, now which step is there?"

"Hey, you don't know your brother. The outside world is full of danger. When he leaves, he will barely hold the world's war, and the number of people who can kill him in the outside world. Now tens of thousands of years, who Do you know if he is still alive? "

"The crow mouth, the old three is very powerful, definitely alive, and will definitely come back in the future." The big fat man has absolute confidence in 'old three'.

at this time……

"Wang Yuan is big." The voice suddenly sounded.

"Well, who told me?" The big fat man is a big, "this sound ... so familiar!"

"It's the voice of the third."

The big fat man suddenly stood up.

In his face, a body shape is slowly condensed.

Familiar faces, familiar atmosphere, Herone is the 'old three' in this big fat.

"The old three, is it you?" Wang Yuan is showing the color of the ecstasy, and he also smashed his face, I want to try it is dreaming.

"Haha, not dreaming, it is true."


Wang Yuan laughed, and the huge body moved directly to the sword. He didn't hesitate to give the sword unparalleled a huge bear.

"Wang Yuan is old, many years, you are still old, the same round." The sword is unparalleled, and the mood is also excellent.

Wang Yuan is old ... That is the good brother who really lives and a total.

"Walk, I'm old, let's find a place, drink a cup." Wang Yuan pulled the sword and walked in the palace group.

"Yes, others are also called." The sword is unparalleled.

Seeing Wang Yuan and swords have no double, but the bald older is a mistake.

"This sword is unparalleled, it is really coming back? And the breath of his body ..." The old old man is slightly smoldering.

This bald elderly, is the spirit of the Danxin Palace, always followed by Wang Yuan.

And Danxin Palace, is from the ancient battlefield around, so this bald older is not in general.

He is able to feel the breath of the sword, and there are too many too many more than before.


Soon, the news of the sword is unparalleled, and it is spread in an amazing speed.

For a time, the entire green fire palace and even the entire fire community were vibrated.

The sword is unparalleled. In the fire industry, it has already become a legend, it is already myth.

Although it has already passed the footsteps of 10,000 years, this myth is still in the hearts of many people, especially in 50,000 years ago, has experienced the strong people in the battle in the Golden Countries.

That war, but all the swords were unparalleled, and the power was turned.

Inside a huge vast hospital, a large number of people gathered in this, and most of these people have participated in the strong people who have participated in that battle, there are many people who have been playing with swords. At this moment, there is no double talk with the sword. Laugh, it is fun.


A exciting voice sounded.

The sword has no double heard, when seeing the beautiful black girl, the sword has a surprise smile on the face, "Haha, the old four!"

The two also embracted together.

For the sword, there is no double, Su Guofei, just like him.

And after a long time, Bloody Tian took a woman coming.

Bloody sky, swords and unparalleled brothers, the same proceedings of Xuan Yi, very good with swords.

Seeing your brother, the sword is unparalleled.

As for the woman, I saw the sword is unparalleled, and I will be very happy, and I am in the sword. "Disciple Lin Hao, met the Master, Master, and finally come back."

"Little girl, get up." The sword smiled and waved.

He has only received two disciples for the time, including Lin Hao is the most recent, and the sword is unparalleled.

Because he is a teacher, it is almost no teaching, just gave some resources, let Lin Wei grow up.

You must know that like this is a name disciple, in the time of the star, the sword will give him some pointing.

However, Lin Hao did not let the sword have no double disappointment.

Now the realm has been contest, which is not necessarily what is naturally calculated in the vast chaotic world, but it is already amazing in the green industry.

The sword is unparalleled with his brothers, the disciples are chatting, asking some things in the ancient gates.

With the disappearance of his division, he left the fire world, the ancient gang had been in the control of bloody days, everything is also well.

at this time……

A man and a woman suddenly appeared in this hospital.

As the two appear, it is unparalleled with the blood of the blood, and the sound is immediately completely, his figure has stand up, and it is close to these two people.

Similarly, this male and a woman is also watching the sword.

"Father, mother!"

"Baby ... is back!"

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