Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1807 Old Elderly (on)

The eyebrow, that is the concentration point of the cultivator's essence.

Like ancient god group, its ancient god star, all gather in the eyebrow.

And the fire community, just just in this head of this head, swords are unparalleled, will not feel that this is just a coincidence.

"Don't I don't have this ancient battlefield, but the skull is born." The sword didn't think of a double consciousness.

This idea, the sword is unparalleled.

Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled, no more thinking.

After a more detailed understanding of the neighboring big array, the sword is not double.

In a secret room, the sword is sitting there, so as for the autumn months, why is it in the law.

The sword is unparalleled to take the blood peak sword.

"Dao Yuan."

Icy sound is passed directly into the sword.

Inside the blood peak, there are two people who are suppressed at this moment.

The two are the Dao Yuan and the first god, as for the people who have been caught by swords, after being thrown, they have been killed by swords.

"The devil god, your strength, think about it, from this escape!" The first blood devil, the bald man cried and said.

When I was just suppressed in the blood peak sword, the first blood demon god also took a sip of hope, thinking that his devil god, that is, the Daozi will save him out.

Unexpectedly, until the end, even the unity of the devil was suppressed.

"Shut up, then you, kill you!" The Daozi glanced at the first blood devil. It flashed a cold.

Thirteen blood demon, but he controlled the embarrassment, before the thirteen blood of the gods just just a common gang of the fire, the strength is weak, belonging to the existence of the antite level, the Daozi is just because it is better to control some In order to increase the strength of this thirteen blood.

Their death, the Daozi did not care at all.

As for the escape from this ... How do you don't want to escape? But he doesn't have that ability, let alone his life and death are between the sword.

"This sword is unparalleled, it is already cautious, it has already left the soul to be branded, but I still don't want to put me out." The Yuanzi is slightly smashed, and the heart is a cold.

As the sword is unparalleled, the Daozi can't really serve him at all.

The reason why the sword is unparalleled, and there is no way. It can only keep life with this.

It can be said that the Yuanzang is ancient, and there are many means. As long as his strength can recover, it will not return to the peak, just return to the middle of the chaotic bid, he has the soul of the sword. Black, you can get rid of the sword unparalleled control, what to do.

Unfortunately, his thoughts are completely seen by swords.

"Dao Yuan!"

The cold voice passed, and the Daozi figure immediately shocked, immediately showed humility and respectful color, "I don't know why the owner tells?"

"I have some things to ask you, about the battle in the ancient times, you are the strong man in ancient times, that battle you should know." The sword has no double.

"I know some, the owner, even if the inquiry is, the old slave is aware of nothing." Dao Yuan smiled.

"Old slaves?" The sword was unbeded, and the bottom is a laughter, and the element is reflected.

Before I didn't completely suppress it, what is the pride here, I don't put myself in my eyes.

After being defeated by yourself, immediately beg for, even if you have a slave, put your life to your own hand, and now it is older ...

"Want to eliminate my call?" The sword was unpaired, but he didn't touch the color. "I asked you, what is the cause of the war, what is it?"

The reason of the ancient war, this is the sword is unparalleled, most want to know.

That shock war, destroying the earth, and the ancient times of the ancient times collapsed directly.

What is the result of what caused.

Moreover, the sword is also most want to know, the cause of the war is really related to his own master.

I can hear the sword unparalleled inquiry, but the Yuanzi shakes his head. "Sorry, the war is too sudden, too fast, its outbreak, most participation in the strong, I have never been informed, and I am in that battle, just a small role, will you know this? "

The sword has no double eyes, and the answer to the Yuanzi, he is not unexpected.

At the eighth nest, he listened to Longqi and said that many ancient power participated in the ancient war, did not know the reason, this is very normal.

"Although I don't know the reason you broke out, I know that battle is headed by the three contexts, the four gods, and the eight side, and a large number of strong people directly enter the seven-star gods where the seven-star Xuanzong is located. Xuanzong is a great arm. "Dao Yuanzi.

"Three major sacred countries, four gods, eight squares? These are the Zongmen of the ancient times?" The sword was unparalleled.

"All, and any party is the super existence of the overlord level. Of course, the seven-star Xuanzong is only strong enough to be strong, even if the three contexts, the four gods, the eight parties, and the seven-star Xuanzong can also fully War! "Dao Yuanzi.

The sword is unparalleled and dark.

According to the Yuanzi said, the three contexts, the four gods, and the eight parties are all the power level of the ancient times, so many older joints, what is probably, can be seven-star Xuanzong actually Can you fight?

It can be imagined that the seven-star Xi Zong, ancient times, is it strong.

"What is the final result of this battle?" The sword will continue to ask.

It can be swayed, "The owner, you can see me too much, such as the surprises, it is not my person who can participate. If it is not ordered to collect intelligence, I can't appear at all. On the battlefield, and that battle just started, I was scared to hurry to hide, I didn't dare to take a head at all. "

The sword is unparalleled.

Tao Yuanzi, its peak war, is also the most extreme in the chaotic boy, no accident should be equivalent to the power of the elderly chaotic world.

But this is the powerful, but even the qualifications of the battle, can only be hiding in the place?

"It seems that the ancient times, than I imagine, it will be strong." The sword is unmarkable.

Suddenly the sword didn't have a double look, I asked: "Tao Yuanzi, you just said that you didn't participate in that battle, in this case, how is your hurt? You stay in this ancient battlefield So many years, never recovered, such injuries, the general power can not get it? "

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