Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1810 Blood Large

"Anters, this is a sword that you master according to your master, this sword is three-style, but each priest can evolve into a thirty-three sword, in you break through the true god Before, it was enough to be carefully dried this sword. "The sword is unparalleled to handle a pro-disciple from the pro.

"Thank you, Master." Lin Yu looked excited.

"From today, you stay in the unparalleled city, there are many opportunities in the double city, which is the most in the sword, you work hard." The sword didn't have a double, and then he went to the side of the way, "Hefage, next You are also cultivating in the Shuangcheng, there is the two secrets that I have created in person, and there will be a lot of help to you. At the same time, the two secrets have a heavy test, I will give you three thousand years, you are within 3,000 years. I can pass any of the test, I will accept your disciples. "

"Disciple is working hard." He Xiaji.

"In addition, you are now much higher than your sister. If you have time, if you have time, if you have time, you will help you with your sister." The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes." Hebao nodded.

"Teacher, I am bored." Lin Wei said.

"The sister is not a feasible." He will show a smile.

The sword is unparalleled, although the face does not move, but the bottom is secretly sigh.

Although Lin Wei is all his disciples, Lin Hao is a disciple of the disciple, but it is simply in the talents, Lin Hao is born from the age of the ancient world. It is good in the green industry, but it is not It is too far to go to the top, and it is even more different.

Even if there is a sword without a pair personality, even specially to create swordsmanship, plus many resource assistance in unparalleled cities, can only reach the true god level in the future, and can only be empty.

It is necessary to make a certain luck to reach the true God, as for the eternal spirit, unless you get the charm of the sky, no hope.

And He Yuan, the arrogance of the sky, not only the talented high, the heart is also extremely mature, but it is only a secret of the sword, but he is only a name of the disciple. But he is not inappropriate, there is no complaint, and even when I saw Lin Hao When the sword is unparalleled, he does not have a jealousy, this is the most appreciation of the sword.

If Lin Wei can only become the true God of the void in the future, the future will inevitably become the potential of energy, of course, to reach that, it also requires a lot of time accumulation and precipitation.

"But I am here, regardless of its strength, as long as I have the appetite, no matter what achievement in the future, it is my disciple." The sword was unparalleled smiled, but immediately waved.


Here and Lin Hao immediately in the unparalleled city, not only one of them, as there is no double city creation, the green fire community has begun to perform a genius screening.

In fact, it is a genius conference. This day, the meeting will hold once every thousand years. At the conference, the conference reveals the arrogance of the front, genius, there will be a chance to cultivate in the unparalleled city, of course, enter the threshold of unparalleled city Naturally it is extremely high.

This is also to intensify the competition of all parties in the green fire.

After setting many things in the fire industry, the sword is unparalleled but alone, and I went to the Dany of the Ancient Dynasty.

But unfortunately, tens of thousands of years, in the ancient world, changed the big secret, the sword is unparalleled to the Shenzhou mainland is a strange.

Finally, with the help of ancient gates, he found the people of the Jianhoufu.

Thousands of years have passed, the swords Houfu have already no longer existed, only some of the descendants have left, scattered in all areas, and there is also a psychological preparation for this sword.

"It is not bad to have a soft blood, it is good."

The sword is unparalleled. He said that the old door was taken by the old door to say that the sword said in two or two, as long as the sword house has blood continuation, as for the rise and fall of the swordsman, it doesn't matter.

Even in the many major power of the chaotic world, there will be a day of decline, let alone the swords and horses in a district in the ancient world.

The sword is unparalleled for how long does it stay in the ancient border, and it will leave it directly.

And then, the sword is unparalleled to go directly to the ancient battlefield around.

The blood inheritance of ancient strong people, even if the sword is unparalleled.

Under the guidance of the Daozi, it didn't take long. The sword came to the battlefield on the territory of the Tourism Thunder.

"If I haven't read a wrong, it should be the bloodline area?" The sword is unparalleled with eyes, "Dao Yuan, the body of the ancient power you said, when you really are here?"

"My life is between the owner, and I dare to deceive the owner?" Dao Yuanzi said.

The color of the sword has become dignified.

He is known in front of this territory.

For a long time, the large number of strong people in the Qinglu Palace are in this battlefield, so they are in the area where they explore, they are negligible to the entire battlefield, but there are some places to be explored, like this The film is completely covered in the territory of the Temple, and the green palace has records and named it ... Blood mine.

The blood mine is not too big, and the square is only hundreds of thousands.

And hundreds of thousands of miles, all were wrapped in a bloody Thunder, these blood color Thunder can be extremely strong, forming a Leihai, there is a bloody sea covered, naturally no one can enter the bloodline.

At least these years, from no one entered this blood lantern, all of them were directly killed by the bloody lake, so there is no one in the blood mine, and no one knows.

"This blood color Lei Hai is unique, you can block my soul, but I can feel that these blood color Thunders in Leihai can destroy God, but want to shake my body, I am not enough. After the sword was unparalleled, I made a decision.

Its body shape is now slowly coming toward the blood lanter.

One step into the blood mine, the neighboring dense numbers of blood color Thunder is in an instant to the sword without double parcel, these bloody Thunder contains the sword unparalleled thoroughly.

The sword is unparalleled, but there is a barrier formed by the strength of the power, and these blood-colored thunders are completely blocked, and his body shape is close to the depths of the blood thunder.

For short film, he has passed most of the distance, but it has not encountered any danger.

"This is too smooth to be too smooth?" The sword was unbrick.

Covered these bloody lakes in the blood rhythm, there is no one in the sword, there is a very special feeling, in his opinion, you want to completely cross this blood color, should be not so simple, but now, he actually Didn't get a little obstacle?

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