Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1813 Taipectic Surgery

Before the gray stone monument, the sword did not have a double tray, but there was no urgency.

He is also a thousand years of time, and he will not be bad.

"Tao Yuanzi." The sword is unparalleled directly to the blood peak sword. "Since you know the ancient man, have you heard of a refining body name" too ancient deficiency, "?"

"Too guild is the sky?" The Dao Yuan is showing the color of the shock, "The owner, is this ancient strong, is this ancient world?"

"Not that thing, I will ask you, do you know this secret?" The sword didn't have a pair.

"Know, of course, I know." Dao Yuanzi nodded again, "Too guild, the sky, this is the strongest refining body of the ancient, even if it is placed in all the heavens and the earth, this secret surgery is absolutely It can be ranked in the top ten, but unfortunately, this secret surgery with the ancient blood is a Morgan, which is only a complete ancient blood power, and it can practice, others, even if they get this secret, there is no usefulness."

"If this is not, there will be countless top power crazy to snatch this secret."

"Listen to this, this secret is really good." The sword has a smile on the face.

What is the vast times in the ancient times, the strong secret number is inventive, and it is far from being able to compare now.

And this "too ancient deficiency of the sky" can be taken in the ancient times, countless refining mystery, and its power can imagine.

"Not only the blood inherit of the five predecessors, and this too ancient virtual body, once it is got, there must be a great role for me." The sword is unmarkable, but the thunder is immediately started.

There are many mysterious secrets in the gray stone tablet.

These tendes are like a star, and there is no vastness.

And "Taikoo Devilies" is hidden in these secrets.

When the sword is unparalleled into the entertainment, the gray figure like the virtual is five, but it is secretly sinking.

"Too guild, the body, is the secret of my ancient refining, extremely deep, if it is putting it in the time of my, I will have a first volume from the stone monument within a thousand years, as long as it is Slightly some people can do it, but now the world, it will not be able to compare it to the original. "

The ancient times, the strong is like a cloud.

The reason is because because the cultivation environment in ancient times is superior.

Others don't say, in terms of heaven and earth, a place in ancient times in ancient times, the heavens and the earth are rich, and they must be rich in the top ten holy places in the chaotic world.

And the so-called people, it is, it is, because of the environment, it is abundant, so the birth of the genius is more than the ratio.

Like some of the top enchanting enchanting in the world now, if it is put in ancient times, it is estimated that it is just a common goods color.

So, although the five stakeholders have lowered their requirements, he is still worried that the sword is unparalleled whether it can be realized in this thousand years.

If you understand it, it is okay, but you can't understand ...

"It's hard to have a little guy to me, and it is exactly the ancient blood, is it really missed?" Wuxin's heart has a unusual.

He is definitely not willing to dissipate your blood.

"Let's take a look, maybe he can reach the request, even if you can't get it, I will say it again."

After sinking, the five fans closed his eyes again.

It is completely quiet inside the entire blood mine.

The sword is unparalleled in the world, this is very fast, and it has passed a fifty years.

In front of the gray stone, the sword where the quiet and quiet dish sitting in that, suddenly opened his eyes, but the face was revealing a smile.

Subsequently, he took out a contest, started to record in the abroad, after a while, he stood up and came to the face of five.

"Five Seniors." The sword was unparalleled.

Five, "how, little guys, what doubts have been encountered on the way?"

"No, I will be smooth, even if I have doubt, I have solved myself. Now I am awakening the predecessor, that is because of the first volume of too ancient caulk, I have fully understood it." Sword is unparalleled .

"What do you say?" Five is a big, that is weak, the sword is unparalleled. "This is only 150 years, you realize the first volume?"

"This is what I comprehension, I recorded the method of myself, my predecessors can take a look." The sword is unparalleled to handle the monks recorded to five.

After five, after browsing, his body is a shock, "Sure enough."

"It's really real understanding?" Five is lifted, but the look is Raising it becomes an old.

He is still hesitating, if the sword is unparalleled, he may also handle his inheritance blood to the latter.

But he didn't think that the sword is unlocked not only to his request, but also only one hundred or fifty years! !

"One hundred and fifty years, in just one hundred or fifty years, I can understand the first volume. If I have finished it, I can fully understand the top three volumes, and even understand the first three volumes. Various volumes are very likely, such awkward ... "

"Genius, top genius!"

"Even in my era, it is definitely the top genius. Even if it is in the three contexts, the four major gods, only one era is the best, the most outstanding disciple can be comparable to it, I didn't expect me. Five fell for so many years, there is no hope for his blood inheritance, who once wanted to close, even fortunately, I also hit a top genius, and he also had the blood of our ancient people! "

"Haha, heaven and help me!"

The five hearts are laughing, and the eyes of the sword are also getting hot.

But in the me, he still maintains the gesture of 'seniors'. "Sword is unparalleled, since you reach my request, then from today, you are my five-handed people, although you grow to this day, affirmed Also worshiping the teacher, and even got someone's blood inheritance, but these are not tight, you only need to know, you are about to have an ancient blood, from me five, this is enough. "

"This is my blood inherit, take it."

The five .

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood of the ancient gods in the body is immediately shaking.

"You are inheriting this, I can give you some guidance." Wu Wei.

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