"Unfortunately, when the battle was too fierce, I lost all the treasures, leaving this five treasures of five-year-old five-year-old." Five . "

"Thank you for your predecessors." The sword is still very grateful, "Seniors, I still have a small thing, I don't know if the seniors can help?"

"Talk about it." Wu Huan is very patient.

"I have a slave, he is a strong man in ancient times ..." The sword is unparalleled, the existence of the Yuanzi is simple.

At the same time, he also said that he is some subtle relationship with the road.

After listening to the sword, the five shots were picked up. "Do you want to completely erase his consciousness, completely control him?"

"Yes, only this will not have any risks, I don't know if the seniors have a way?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The way, you first let your slave you will come out." Wu Wei.

There is no double point of the sword, and I will wavy, I have always been suppressed in the blood peak sword, and I immediately appeared immediately.

"the host."

When I appeared, the Daozi immediately opened to the sword. When he saw the five fans, he suddenly turned.

He stayed in the blood peak sword, knowing the things happening outside, but the sword is unparalleled with some things that he talks, he can't hear it.

"You, is the Yuanzi?" Wu Yuan seems to have the sound of magic.

The Daozi looked at five, and there was a bad feeling in the bottom, and it was suddenly ... Boom!

A strong soul power is swept directly.

"Not good!" The Dao Yuanzi has changed.

He has guess what is going to do.

"Old is not dead, want to eradice my consciousness, think !!!" The Daozi was anger, and immediately started crazy struggle against rebellion.

This resistance is the force, and the five eyebrows are also slightly frowned.

"Honest!" The sword didn't have a low drink. He left the brand on the soul of the Daozi to explode a power.

"Breast, sword is unparalleled, I have already served you, you still don't let me, I want to control my soul? You dream !!"

"Even if you die, you will never let you succeed !!"

The Daozi crazyly roared, with his roaring, his soul actually started burning.

For a cultivator, it is controlled by the soul, which is more miserable than it.

"Do you want to be self-destroy?" The five eyes were cold, and its grayed figure was too dark, but the power of the soul in the Taozi was soaring.

"Ah !!!" The Daozi shouted, and the voice hysterically.

But this shouted, but only continued for a moment.

After a moment, this is completely calm.

He stood there and his eyes closed.

Seeing this scene, five are easily tones, and the sword is unparalleled. ...... Light of my consciousness, I want to completely eradicate his consciousness, absolutely hope. "

At the same time, the five-fans also become more transparent, as if it is always possible to completely dissipate.

The sword is unbearable.

There is only a single sense of consciousness, and this consciousness, do our best to cooperate with his soul brand, and finally remove the awareness of the Daozi's own own, you can do this, five silk Consciousness also consumes too much energy, it is no longer able to maintain it, it will be completely dissipated.

"Thank you for your predecessors, the younger generation will always be remembered." The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, no need this kind of polite, I lost for many years, in this last, I can encounter such a pass, it is a fortunate, I am fortunate, if you really want to thank me, try to cultivate, if you have a day you stand In this world, then tell the ancients, saying that you are the five passing people, and the old guys among the ancient people know that my five people are not more cultivated than they carefully. The genius is weak! "

"If you can do this, I am five, dead and no regret!"

"Haha ~~~"

The laughter is still echoating between the heavens and the earth, which is not a long time, and the fans is in the sword unparalleled, it has become transparent.

"Seniors, go!" The sword was unparalleled.

Not long after, the five people are completely dissipated.

The sword is unparalpired, and the heart is squatting, but then it is the past.

The 'Daozi' at this moment is completely different.

"The awareness has been completely erased, then directly controls him." The sword was unparalleled smiled, and a soul was directly poured into the sea of ​​King.

The Daozi is not able to resist, very fast, the sword is unparalleled.

"the host."

The Daozi's sword is unparalleled, and its eyes are with unprecedented respect and fanatics, which is completely two concepts.

"From today, you are the first sword servant, as for this name, you don't need to use it, you will be called the sword in the future." The sword has no double.

"Sword, see the owner."

The swords of the swords from the 'Taozi' 'transformation, respect.

The sword is unparalleled, and then its eyes are around the surroundings.

"The blood of the five seniors has been got by me, and if the two soldiers around the five predecessors, can I take it?" The sword rushed up.

Those Taoists are all in the chaotic border, although it is only to achieve, the other killing skills, the secrets of the school have almost do not exist, but they have a lot of quantities, and there are four Silver Battle Ajun, if you can accept it, it is also an extremely strong battle. At least it is more than enough.

"Try it."

The sword is unparalleled.

After leaving the five-way bodies, from the bottom of the ground, there was a respect for the trip to rise.

At this moment, I saw that these treasures, the sword is unparalleled, but the feeling is completely different.

"It turns out that these troops are used in ancient sophthritis. After five predecessors die, his residual consciousness uses his blood refining these troops and protects themselves." The sword is unparalleled.

Taking the troops made by the blood after death, the war is enough to reach the chaotic border, the sword is unparalleled, and the fighting power before, there is much more.

"Since it is a five-lying seniors refining, it is easy to accept it."

The sword is unhappy smile.

You know, he gets the five blood inheritance, and now he is closely related to these troops.

Equal is easy to get up.

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