Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1828, Vanwok

"The sword is unparalleled today, I will let you know, you are in front of me, but it is a joke." The Vanwen god emperor was cold, and his hand was more scarlet.

Rumble ~~~ The vastness of the Xinghai has spread from him.

Next to him, the golden martial arts also faces the brightest, and he is very clear about the power of the Emperor Van Dynasty. Heaven and Earth Supreme No. 62? That is a lot of things many years ago.

"Then I will wait and see." The sword is unparalleled.

"Will not let you down." The Vanwen God grinned, but his body shape was awkward.

This shake, in the void, there is a special trajectory, but it has already arrived in front of the sword. At the same time, he holds his hands, and behind the ancient blood.

"Blood God nine guns!"

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

The nine ice-cold killed words were spit out in his mouth, and every killing is heavy, and the scarlet long guns in his hand also tatched.

A total of nine times, every time I talked out, it was easily hanged, and the world was alarmed.

Blood cloud swept, the whole sky is falling into a bloody storm.

The blood god nine guns, the famous school!

This Vangen God does not show up, and it is already full of efforts.

And see this nine guns, the sword is not a pair, and the blood peak sword suddenly appears.


The sword flashed and gave up directly to the nine guns.

The two hit the time.


After the sound of the nine low, the sound of the sound was almost simultaneously. After the sound fell, the entire void has been completely collapsed, and there is a space black hole that is filled with millions of miles.

This space of the hollow swallows everything in the world, the horrible strand force, enough to tear the gods, completely torn into powder.

In this hollow hole, the Vangen Emperor is holding a gun. It shifted with the sky and killing, and the blood was swept, and the dead stared at the front.

"Did you die?" Jin Ming's emperor also looked directly.

The blood god of Vanwok God, a shot of a shot, nine guns and stabbed, unless it was the peak of God, otherwise no one should blocked on the front.

In the eyes of Jin Ming, the sword is unparalleled. Since I choose a frontal counter, then I can't die, it is definitely serious injuries.

But just here ...! A cold sword light broke all the obstacles in front of the front, and the storm that was condensed into the trend was directly caught, and after this sword light, it was slowly in the shape.

"What?" "Vanwut God changed.

"It's intact?" Jin Ming's emperor was shocked.

"Vanwut Emperor, you said confident, don't strength, only this level is not enough?" The sword was unparalleled, and his mouth also took a ridicule, but there was no trace of injured.

The Vanwok God is sinking. "It seems that I am a little looked at you, and it's right, now the whole of the Shengba is saying that you have improved many years, so, you have the qualifications to teach me the strongest trick. "

"The strongest trick?" The sword smiled and smiled.

"Sanqi, what should I use?" Jin Mingmon is the heart.

The most stronger trick of Vanwok God is that it is a chanting in these years, and it is created through many sentiments and has just created.

Jin Ming God was fortunate to have seen a strong power, so that he shocked, and now the Vangen Emperor will show it ...

"The sword is unparalleled, death!"

A flawless, I saw that the blood of the Vanwok God had risen again. The whole person is like a bloody, and the scarlet fire in his hand has burst out the beautiful light, and then the fierce punctured the void, clearly Miles, but the scarlet gun is instant to the sword unparalleled.

Out of a shot, destroy the earth!

The sword is unparalleled, it seems that he is completely locked, no matter how he dodge, this shot is stabbed in his heart.

"This shot is not bad."

The sword is not a told, but the next moment, his right hand slowly reached out, and the direction of the scarlet guns, it refers to it.

At a point, his strong and horizontal experience, as well as the blood of the seven-star ancient people, all outbreaks without retaining.

This force has already exceeded the emperor too much.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it is the seventh finger of the ancient god refer to ... The sky is finger!

A spatial vortex filled with hundreds of thousands of miles of space appeared in the sky, this spatial vortex was twisted with everything in the world, and in the spatial whirlpool, a huge ancient god referred to extension, the difference is that this ancient god refers to not It's dark gold, but ink jade!

Ancient gods, this is a part of the ancient people, and the ancient gods have a family, if it is labeled by ancient blood, the power will be more stronger.


A loud sound, time and space tremor.

The whole world is shaking in this terrorist impact.

"How can it be?"

The Vanwok God suddenly said, he can feel a horrible force to sweep, this force collides with his long guns, and he is all stronger from the whole way, it is in the wind, not long His strongest trick, completely landing.

As for the ink jade mega of the extended, there is still some power to impact to him, so that he is shock, and the body is not only.

His strongest strongest tricks, it is actually defeated by the sword unparalleled?

"It's impossible, I am tricking, unless I am the peak of God, no one should be resistant to the front, this sword is unparalleled, can not reach the peak of the emperor?" Vanwuxuan God exposed a color.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled to sweep the power storm in front of it. The cold eyes have seen the Emperor of Vanwut, "Vanwen God, your strength is really good, compared to that almost put me into the desperate situation The blood-myctic god is strong, but unfortunately, no matter whether it is the blood of the emperor, it is no longer able to constitute any threat to me. "

"Humi God of God? You have handed hands with the blood bones, how is he?" Sanvan asked.

"The blood of the blood bone is already dead, and you will go with Jin Di, so I will go with him soon." The sword is unparalleled, but the smile is very cold, he doesn't want to fight against the two God in front of him. Wasted time.

"Speed ​​speed!"

The sword has no difference in killing, bombing!

The horrible power broke out, and it also clipped with an amazing time and space.

"The ancient mystery, the operation of the moon!"


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