One of the beads, that is the treasure that the sword is unparalleled in the ancient battlefield, from a special place.

Although it is not a chaotic god, it is more than the chaotic god treasure.

The beads of the beads, self-contrast, and when they move, only the idea is moved, and it can form a complete space in an instant, just like a big array.

Simply, it is a big battle!

Like the Vanwut Emperor, clearly flee in the sword without double, but the sword is unparalleled, a world of beads, instantly form a complete space, completely blocking the deaf of Vangen Emperor, so that he doesn't have any opportunities for escape It can only be killed by swords.

In these more than six thousand years, the sword is unparalleled to explore a lot of special places on the ancient battlefield. I have got a lot of opportunities and treasures, and the bead is just one of them, and it is not the best. treasure.

After killing the Emperor of the Vanwok, the sword was unparalleled, the blood peak sword broke through, and there was a power of chaotic gods.

This is the sword unparalleled.

"The next goal, near the white fog is ..."

The sword is unparalleled to drive the old air boat, continue to go to find the next goal.

And he did not know, the Shengling of this moment has been completely boiling because of him.

Before, the sword is unparalleled, although the killing of the kill, kills the seven gods, but after all, the strength of God, the sword is not bidding, but now ...

Vanwut Emperor, Golden God, the two god emperors were killed by swords!

Moreover, these two emperors are not a single person who has been killed by swords, or two people are together, and they are still unparalleled with swords.

You know, this is God! ! !

The ancient chaotic world, a total of eighty people, the emperor, each of them is the true world of suping, super existence, but now there is no pair of swords!

What is this concept?

"too crazy!"

"Even the emperor can kill, this sword is unparalleled, it is terrible!"

"Six thousand years ago, he also reluctantly with the feature of the sky, but now for more than 6,000 years, his strength has reached this situation?"

"Vanwen God, the two of Jin Ming God jointly took hands, could not escape in the sword, this sword was unparalleled, and there was no accident to reach the level of the peak!"

"A true god, is you sufficient to compare the peak emperor? White Emperor is not that terrible!"

"Monster! Big monster!"

"This sword is unparalleled, as well as the two temples of the Star, all the people who have to be clearly cleared with the Stars, and the swords are unbeaten, and even the emperor can kill directly. Those who are stared by them, afraid of being miserable! "

In the Holy League, a discussion has been discussion.

The score of sword is unparalleled, and everyone has a re-assessment of his strength.

God Emperor!

And the name of his sword monarch, also instantly skyrocketing up to a new level!

This is an angry, or Herk is famous! !


Glass of Holy Land, Ling Xiao Continent.

In an incomparably hidden secret room, a Purple robe is anxiously waiting here, and not long, a young man wearing a cyan robe is coming in.

"Haha, Xuan Ice God, many years, the style is still." The robe man smiled.

"What is the style of the old ax?" The old violet is a sigh.

Qing ax, nature, nature, naturally know the current situation of this Xuan Bing Shenjun, laugh, and the youth: "Xuan Bing Shenjun Your courage is not small, the star of the star is now big Chasing the strong people with great hatebles with the stars, in this way, you don't find a place to hide, I still ran to this glazed holy place, don't you be afraid of the sword monarch will find the door? "

"I am afraid, of course, I am afraid." Xuan Bing Shen Jun said: "It's because I am afraid, the old man will take the sword and the arrogant is still in the God of the Golden God army. I quickly came to find yours. God, you, for the purpose of the old man, It is hope that the Lingxiao Temple can pay, and the old man is in the first place of the Mall of the Palace. "

"Oh?" The glamor looks, he has long guess the intention of Xuan Bing Shenjun, just never got broken, see Xuan Bing Shen Jun, said, "Scholar God Jun, long ago , I wanted to pay with you, but at this time, you are not this. "

"This ..." Xuan Bing Shenjun is bitter.

When the Temple of Lingxiao threw him with olive branches, the sword was unparalleled, and he didn't come to the chaotic world. At that time, although he had a great hatred in the star, but there was a stars in the stars to kill him. The Lord is over, and the main reason for the Star Palace is some constraints, it will not be deliberately chasing them.

And at that time, there was no such crazy.

But now ... sword is unparalleled, the horrible strength is awesome, and he is just a true god, there is no scruple, as long as there is reason, completely deliberately killing, the St. Alliance will not be blocked, now kill those The gods, and the emperor of Jin Ming is the test of the former car.

Emperor Jin Ming, the emperor of Sanvan was killed, what is the mysterious ice God?

Once the sword is unparalleled to find the door, he will die.

So now in front of him, or escape, escape from the extremely remote domain of the world, so that the sword is unparalleled, or it is to join some great power, seek these big forces.

This Xuan Bing God is obviously the latter.

"Xuan Bing Shen Jun, I know that you are now in the stars, and I was forced by the sword monarch. I just didn't die, I didn't die, since you are willing to come, I am now Ling Xiao Bao Temple naturally shelters you, as long as I announce the matter outside of the Temple, the minimum is in the holy land of the glass, the sword is never dare to move your hair. "Qingxing god smiled.

"Thank you, the Aunt God." Xuan Bing Shen Jun Daxi, : "I am coming to see you before you, I will pass the news with the thousand blame, if it is the Lingxiao Temple to accept, he will join me with me. . "

"Haha, it is better." Qingxun gods lit.

After the Ling Xiaobao Hall has no double collision with the sword, the gods of the gods fell to four, Yuan Li was hurt, and I wanted to take the gods to join, but now there are two gods to actively send them.

Moreover, these two gods, Xuan Ice God will not be weak with thousands of gods, especially thousand blame, that is also a goddess, and also row in the heavens and earth.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are afraid, you didn't expect it, you kill, but let me have a great benefit of the Lingxiao Temple." The Qingdian God is also smiling.


PS: Today, six!

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