Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1853, a stone, Incense

Stars, it is very big to fall!

This news, after the Vientiane Building, instantly in the Shengshi, spread throughout the Outdoor Chaotic World.

A stone aroused a thousand waves.

The South Angle, the power of the people, the power of the world, the powerful people, all shocked.

Of course, after getting the news, many strong people first question the true and false of this news.

After all, the terrible of the Lord of the Stars, many people know.

Don't look at the Tiandi Supreme Plan 30, but to launch crazy, as long as the emperor will live.

This is a powerful existence, will it be easy to fall?

Moreover, even the Vientiane Tower is only very big likely to fall. This is to say that Vientiane is not fully identified. It is not to see the main point of the star, or see his body, just Just some guessing.

Just guess, it is naturally unable to convince.

However, the basis of the guess from Vientiane Tower is indeed thoughtful.

The first is the main audio of Xingchen Palace, and anyone has no return to him.

This has been confirmed, because there are many strong people who have the main message of Xingchen Palace, try to contact Xingchen Palace at the first time, but there is no response, including the Lord with Stars There are people who have a certain amount.

In addition, the highest level of the Shengshi is said to have an emperor and personally send to the Lord of Stars, and it is also no reply.

This can be explained that the Lord of Stars is definitely very subtle, otherwise it is impossible to even make friends, even the emperor is not sent.

However, Light is not allowed to identify Xingchen Palace owners die, after all, the ancient secrets are particularly special, and it is not possible to communicate.

Then, the Xingyu, the new year of the stars, especially the swords and unparalleled big killing, and made a lot of people truly suspected.

Indeed, the star has been in the year, it is indeed very abnormal.

So many years, they all tolerate those enemies, but since the main audio of Xingchen Palace, I started to catch the enemies of the enemy.

There is also a sword, unparalleled, so that I have already sold six thousand years old, and there is no sign of sudden exhibitions, which is completely in challenge some people to tolerance. There are a lot. People don't want to see such horrible, this time is the most intelligent, active exhibition of Pixing, that is stupid.

Why is the sword choose a stupid?

In addition, these years have always been intended to pull some strong people in a variety of means, although this kind of decision is not reached, but the star is indeed in this intention.

This kind of species added, and after repeated scrutiny, it will not help but make many people suspect that the Lord of the Star Palace is really false?


Glass of Holy Land, in the Lingxiao Temple.

The emperor of the sky, and the rest of the Lingxiao Temple gathered together.

"The news wants to come to you have already heard." Tian Yan God is watching, "according to the scrutiny of this seat, the staminated possibility has fallen,"


The numerous gods under the bottom of the gods will expose a surprise.

It is to know that many years ago, the Lord of the Chenshan, who kills the ring, and killing the strong people, there is their Lingxiao Temple.

At that time, the Lingxiao Temple and the Stars were complained, and later the Lingxiao Temple and the sword were unparalleled, and it was a heavy loss. This new hatred and old hate, now the Lingxiao Temple has hated the stars, knowing The star of the stars fell, they were of course happy.

"The Hall of the Temple, the stars lost the stars of stars, all parties will attack the group, I can also revenge hate!" The glamor is holding hands.

"I am not anxious." Tian Yan Shen shook his head, "Now the big brother has not returned. Before you have not sure the star is really falling, there is no life, after all, the stars launched crazy, too horror, in the big brother Before I returned, I couldn't resist him at all. "

"First, etc., wait until the news is determined, and before this, we will only need to do it well."


There are many people under the lower below, but the heart has an exciting excitement.


Red Dragon, the evil spirits.

"Dead, then the old thing is finally dead?"

Height is more than three meters, and the evil young people wearing purple waves make a shocking, and the sound echoes the whole hall.

At the bottom of the hall, there are more than ten strong people gathered there, and they are equally excited.

"Dead, die!"

"This old thing, when I got the evil spirits, I killed my evil spirits, and even even the last one was died in his hand, this is the greatest shame since the creation of my evil spirits, but unfortunately This feast, my evil spirits have not been reported, but now ... he is finally dead! "

"He is dead, but the star of his creation is still!"

"Kill, kill, Zong Lord, we immediately started, destroy the star!"

Some people have a gaze, killing.

"Not urgent."

The evil youth is a big hand, "the hatred of the teacher, must be reported, the shame of my evil spirits must be erased, but now it is too early, the Vientiane Tower has passed the star old strange The news, but this news still has certain disputes, and the star is born is dead, but also needs further confirmation, before this, we can't act rashly! "

"Wait, must wait!"

"Someone can't hold it, first shot, by them, we will go to the bird, we wait for the news to confirm, and don't do it again!"

"From now on, people are dead and staring at the stars!"

The ordinary command of the evil youth quickly reached.


The entire Shengba has been completely boiling, and many old people who have passed away are also alarmed by this news.

And the star, naturally, I also got a message.

Jianxing, secret room, swords are still continuously improved their soul intensity.

After so many years, his soul strength has also increased again.

at this time……

"The palace owner, there is an accident!" The message of the Yuan Dynasty came, and the sound took a very anxiety.

The sword is unhappy, and then immediately put it immediately.

Within that contain a void, the sword is unparalleled and the three major temples are in the end.

The face of the four people is extremely ugly.

The sword is unhappy in hand, is holding an enormature, which is a message that Vientiane is transferred by Vientiane Tower.

Looking at the message among the governor, the sword is unparalleled, "it's here, it's still still coming."


PS: Today, six!

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