"Killing the armband, according to the sins of these wanted criminals, divided into several different levels, there are black iron arms, silver armbands, purple gold armbands, and blood jade arms." The Golden War armor explained.

"Different levels of armbands represent different points, such as the points of the silver armband, than you get the score of the black iron armband."

"As for how much armbands required to meet the requirements, sorry, I can't leak."

"Unable to leak?" The sword is unparalleled and others are one.

"It can't be leaked." Golden Armor will army.

"The Twelve Dynasty is not intended to inform you that the purpose is to let you have no one, so that all of you will do our best to kill more."

"Understand." The sword is unparalleled, but the face is very solemn.

"There is another thing I have to tell you." The Golden Watman said: "This first stage hunting is a personal battle, that is, everyone must act alone, can't join hands, and ... you get The armband can only give himself, but you can't give it to others.

"From the beginning of the pointer hunting, the whole East Plain is under the monitoring of the strong people of the Twelve Dynasties, so who have the armband to others, two people are immediately eliminated."

"The rule is these, have you understood? What is the problem now asked now."

The Golden War armor saw it.

And the sword is unparalleled and other than fifteen geniuses, and the expression is alive.

In the hunting stage, they must act alone, and the resulting armbands can not be transferred ...

"Adult, I don't know if we are hunting these five days, can I encounter the top genius of other Dynasties?" The sword has no double.

"By reasonable." The Golden War armor shook his head: "The Plus is extremely vast, and the genius of the Twelve Dynasty, all from the direction of their respective dynasties, the direction is different, and it is naturally very small. "

"Of course, I don't rule out that some geniuses in other Dynasties deliberately bypass their direction, specializing in your trouble."

"The second phase of the paragraph cereal, what is the content?" Mu Yingying asked.

"Tiantiang Valley Fighting ... After you reach the first phase of the request, naturally know, now tell you that it is useless." The Golden War armor waved, did not explain so much.

And the sword is unparalleled, all felt pressure.

It's so since time.

"Time is up."

The golden record will look up and look at the empty eyes, and the arrogance of the sword is unparalleled. "The East Hunting, from this moment, you have already started, you are the best genius of my Tianzong Dynasty. Disciples, for you, also for the Tianzong Dynasty, it is good. "


Immediately for fifteen, the grybin immediately became a 15th stream, and the front of the front is awkward.

"Old second, old four, be careful."

"All, I wish you all good luck."

The sword is unparalleled.

"good luck!"

Other geniuses have also opened, and then fifteen people scattered directly in the void and started their respective hunting journey.


In the vast plain, the sword has no double shape from the gryphin's body, falling on the ground, look up and look forward.

"Here, it should have been close to the hinterland of the East Plain. The pirates in the plains should be gathered here." The sword is unparalleled and smiled, "I don't know when I can meet ..."

Other caravans, from this East Pingyuan, will try to pray that you don't have to encounter the bandit, but the sword is unparalleled.

He has a long sword alone, and he is in this plain, and there is no margin.

At this moment, there is no one in the grass in front of the sword, and there is a number of people gather together, talking in that paragraph.

"Hey, I will say to you, let's take the mother of my mother, the long water, the eyes are similar to the flower, and there is a small waist, I stay in our hills so long, I have seen the mother twice, Every time I see me, I can't help but flow. "

A middle-aged fat man with a lot of fat, shirtless, is chatting with several other pirates.

The few thieves around him heard his words, couldn't help but live.

"Of course, the two of the mother's mother is beautiful, but it can be more than the white lady, still have a lot of difference." This middle-aged fat man said.

"White Niangzi?"

"Is this recognized first colorful, white lady?"

"I heard that white lady, the strength is also strong, or the leader of the gang."

The thieves next to it are also attached.

"To the right, this white lady, oh, I used to see the white lady, just just met the eyes, I was completely falling in love with her, I even swear, this life is not a white lady." Middle-aged The fat man said.

"Rely, is there so exaggerated?"

"The white lady, is it so beautiful?"

"Haha, I have seen the white lady, it is true, I want to marry her wife."

"Roll, roll! White lady is a little." The middle-aged fat man is dissatisfied.

at this time……

"Tang Dado." A thriving ran and ran in, and the middle-aged fat man: "Someone is coming."

"Oh?" Middle-aged fat look moved, immediately stood up and asked: "How many people are there? Is it a caravan?"

"It's not a caravan, only one person is a golden Dan." That a band.

"Is it just a golden Dan?" This middle-aged fat man obviously didn't be more interested, but it was also said: "The sparrow is small, the five organs are good, it is hard to touch individuals, can not let go, walk, hurry, don't let him Ran."

These pirates are moving, soon, they see the swords who are in front of the dog who are walking as if they are walking well.

"Hey, it is really a person." Middle-aged fat man showed a smile, "Zone of the district, a golden Dan, and dare to come to this East Plagen alone, I really don't know."

"Brothers, go, let's teach him how to be people."

In the middle-aged man, the group of pirates flashed in the eyes of exciting.

"Small, stand!" A burst sounded.

The sword is unparalleled, and looks next to it. When I saw that the middle-aged fat man was pretending to him, his mouth immediately wiped a weird smile.

"The first batch of robber came to the door."

"But these people, the strength is too weak, and there is no wanted criminal."

The sword is unparalleled, and he has noticed that this nearly ten bandits, no one is the arm on the arm.

There is no armband, even if you kill them, there is no use of swords.

"Kill them, although it is useless, but you may get some useful things from their mouth."

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, and it will go straight to this middle-aged fat.


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