Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1869 Deterrence

"It turns out." The sword is unparalleled, "I am good at the swords, that is, this emperor has a great role."

"Yes, the emperor left the emperor left," Although it is a strong number of swords in the emperor, the use is not small, and you are naturally larger. "Yuan Temple laughed:" But This emperor's swordsmanship order, very rare, I don't know how Jiuyin God is getting? "

"I can get it, it is also luck." Jiuyin Shen Emperor grinned, "I went to Hong Tianbao before the Jianjun, I learned that there is a sword inheritance order, at the time. I didn't care too much. Later, after I received your invitation, I thought of this, so I found the gods, I spent some hands and feet, I'm easy to pass this sword. Get it. "

"This is, your luck is very good." Yuan Temple mainly said.

"Jiuyin God." The sword is unparalleled to see the nine Yin God, "Thank you, this sword inheritance makes me accept it."

"Haha, you don't have to polite, this swordsmanship will be precious, but the warlor with a chaotic godhouse is still a lot more." Jiuyin God is solarky, "Yes, according to I know, distance The next time I opened, only three hundred years left, if you want to go in, you have to hurry. "

"Only three hundred years left?" The sword was unbrick.

Three hundred years, he has come and rushes it, but the key is that the current star is facing a major crisis. At this way, he is afraid that it is going to go to the time?

"Unparalleled Hall, you are rest assured to go." The Yuan Dynasty mainly saw that the sword was unparalleled, and immediately laughed: "After the lesson of the Jiuqi Palace, the strong power in the Shengshi is short. Inside, I am afraid that there is no courage to do my best. "

"Even if you really have to do it, it is estimated that it has been waiting until the front, and as far as I know, the Emperor Sword will be able to stay in it for a thousand years. It is completely, the only thing is the trouble. Emperor's sword, may not let you enter the emperor palace? "

"Why?" The sword was unparalleled.

He before, asked about the main hall of the Yuan Temple, and the great forces with the stars, he is now known.

Like Shenwang Island, Zhenwu Shennao, nine days of emperors have a great hatred with the stars.

However, in these big forces, it does not include the Emperor Sword.

Since there is no hatred between each other, the sword is unparalleled, but why did this emperor do not let him enter the mid-Sword?

"I didn't have a big hatred between the Sword of the Sword of my star, this is not fake, the two sides don't have the strong, it is died in the other side, even if there is, I don't know each other, but the big enemy is not, those Xiao Lingzi still have time, like the main people (Lord of Xingchen Palace) once in the second nest, fighting with the idea of ​​the Swordsman now, and also got Emperor Swordsman A big loss, lost his face in front of everyone. "

"Although it is just a small holiday, I have not reached the point where I will shoot each other, but the emperor is still holding, now you have to enter the Emperor Palace, it will inevitably pass the consent of the Dammer. The Sword of the Sword may not be dealt with you, but it is afraid that it is not too much. "Yuan Demen.

"It turns out." The sword is unparalleled, "said this emperor's door, no matter however, there is still three hundred years. During this time, I stayed in the stars in the stars, and I'll see the reaction of the parties forces. If they It's really moving, there is no movement, and I will go to the Sword of the Sword again after three hundred years. "

"Well." The main hall ended.

"Jiuyin God, today is the first day of my star, I will become the first day of my star, I immediately prepare the banquet, at the banquet, I will announce this in the public." The sword is unparalleled, "please. "

Nine Yin God is also welcome, in the sword unparalleled personally leads, stepped into the starry river.


The Jiuqu Palace, in the person of the Lord of the Wushu Palace, high-profile killing the star Chen mainland, but the result is still not able to go to the door of the Star, and then the sword is unparalleled to lead the stars. Escape.

Eighteen energy, was killed in the past!

Even the Dan Dan is emperor, the genius of the emperor level is falling on that battle.

This news came out, the Holy League immediately stared.

You must know that when you know that the Jiufang Palace is in the stars, the strong persons in the Shengshi feel that the end of the star will arrive.

Whoever thought, will it be like this?

And this battle, the many bottom cards from the stars, and many powerful powers were invisible.

That foot is full of thirty ancient copper soldiers!

The Lord of the Temple, the Lord of Nie Yun Temple, only two gods, there is a chaotic god?

The most shocking, ending or the terrorist force of the sword is unparalleled.

"Eighth floors, this sword is unparalleled, the feelings of the time-space road have reached the 8th floor of the Taoist Palace?"

"It is so high of the sense of time and space, but it has been concealed before, this sword is really deep enough!"

"The sense of time is so high, the golden sword he drove immediately became extremely terrible, single three handles, giving the Wushu Palace, and the four hand is out, and even the witch owner is completely Pressing, and then cooperate with the secret surgery of the sword unparalleled, he actually defeated the Wushan Master! "

"I thought that this sword did not double-row in the world, the top thirty is very reluctant, but now it seems that after this battle, his ranking will definitely improve again, and at least it will also be in front of the Wushan owner. But I don't know how much? "

Numerous strong people are talking to the Trumpet of Jinjin.

As for those who want to move before, I want to take the power of the star, but it is quiet.

No way, the result of this battle is that they did not think of it.

I originally thought that there was a Jiusong Palace personally shot, enough to force the Stars to force the limit, or show the truthfulness of the star.

After the battle, the star is in the past, but it is more deeply unpersurred.

Because they don't know now, those who are troops, and those chaotic gods, how are they, plus still unable to determine whether the Lords of Star Gongmen is dead, so they don't dare to act rashly.

Soon, the rankings of the Supreme Plan have changed again.

It was originally unparalleled in the thirtieth of the heavens and earth, but it was directly placed directly ... The twenty-two!

PS: Today's four is more!

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