Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1901 shows weak

Yan Yuexing River, that is the treasure you get in the seven-star secrets.

Although the Yuexing River is damaged, it is an ancient treasure after all.

When the Yuan Dynasty is the unparallert of the Yanyu River, after receiving the sword, there is a unparalleled message, it will start to run the Yanyu River.

Mo Da Yanyu River, it is quite mysterious before, but never revealed its true power.

But now, with the mainstay of the Yuan Dynasty, the Yanyu River is immediately turned into a giant big array.

This big array is too arrogant, directly cutting the championships of many strong people, completely blocking them on the edge of the Star River.


The figure of swords and unparalleled people appeared in the depths of the Yanyue River, appeared next to the main one of the Yuan Temple.

The sword is unparalleled, it has already spread it, or you can look at the scene outside the Star River in the eyes.

He has seen that outside the Yanyu River, those who have extinguished alliances have begun to bombard out the starry river.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

I only heard a low roar of the slogan, and the entire Yanyu River began a slight shoil in these bombardments.

"Yuan Temple, can you resist?" The sword looked at the main hall.

"The palace is relieved, and the level of attack is just a single level, but it is just a tickle." The Yuan Dynasty laughed.

The sword is unparalleled but frown: "Now the strong people of these extinguishing joints are just a dispersion attack. The Yanyu River can also resist, but if they completely concentrate together, such as many major people shot at the same time, when they arrived ..."

"Although the palace owner is watching." Yuan Dian is full of confidence.

The sword is not a double brow.

For the main hall, he naturally did not doubt.

The many strong people of the Yanyue River, the mutual extinguishing alliance, I originally wanted to kill the depths of the Star River, killing the stars, the old nest, but they have just stepped on this Hano, which is blocked by a giant array in front of them. outer.

"This is a problem, it is a strong and strong, this seat personally shot, don't you regret him?" The main brow of the Wushan is slightly frown.

"There is so many years in the stars, and the stars can get stars secret surgery. Of course, there are some bottom, this big array, should be their final replacement." Zhenwu.

"Hey, I want to blocked the big array, I am really an idiotic dream." Shenwangdao first god king snort, "I, I will join hands, at the same time, I will attack, I have to see, this big array Can you withstand such a big blow to join hands.

"it is good."

People around them nodded.

Soon, the union alliances nearly seventy large energy people have shot.

These big energy, one by one, completely, and time only see a strong offensive from them.

Subsequently, it is a bit of bombardment to the big array.


A unprecedented roar is coming to the entire star river.

The big Yanyu River is affected by this horrible bombardment. At this moment, it began to tremble.

The many strong people in the Star Hanoi and the Stars are nervously staring at the scene outside the star river, especially those Guests, and they don't know some of the base cards hidden in the stars, so one is incomparable.

In their view, this big array should be the final reality of the star.

Once this big array is broken, the star will face the slaughter of the federal alliance, they are invited to be unable to get the stars secret, even their own life, will be greatly threatened.

Due, this is indeed strong enough.

The absolute confidence of the Yuan Dynasty, nor is it empty.

Many strong people in the stars jointly attacked at the same time, so the Yuxing River was encountered an unprecedented impact, but after a chaosis, the Yanyu River stabilized again.

There is no damage, and the sign to crash.

Those strong people in the mortar alliance saw the scenes in front of them, one is full of incredible.

"How can it be?"

"I am waiting to join hands, at the same time attack, I can't completely break this big array?"

"This big array is so strong?"

The Southern Warner, the first king, the truth of the truth is also ugly.

And within the Star River.



The guests of the Star Winner are very happy.

"Hey, I said, this big array, unless the emperor is coming, no one can break down." The main hall is a smile.

He is the unique spirit of this unfashionable star, which is naturally the most understanding of the Haixing River.

He is very clear, although this extinguishing junction has nearly seventy large people teamed up, and at the same time attack, the attacks of these energy to show are strong, and the various properties are different. These power is powerful, Can not be fully integrated overlay.

In other words, these attacks are very confusing and can't really concentrate.

"If these people in the starry alliance knows that there is a combination of the power of nearly seventy energy, it may be a threat to the Haixing River, but now ..." Yuan Temple The corner of the main mouth is tallless.

And see the scenes in front of the sword, the sword is not easy to tone.

He turned and looked at the people behind him, and founded the casualties that had just fierce.

Just that battle, the star is in an absolute disadvantage, although the last time is very short, but still falling in a god, while damaged the number of soldiers, and most people have been hurt, can be said to be quite It is miserable.

However, such a result is that the sword is unparalleled.

Show weakness!

He is showing weakness!

He wants to let the federation of the stars agree that the stars have not worth mentioning, and can only use the big array to barely block them.

He wanted to let the mortar alliance have a desperate psychology of his star.

In this way, he will fight against him in the future, and you can change it in it, and one is hit!

"Yuan Temple, you only use the debut of the big array of defense ability, block the throne alliances, the stars are outside the Star River, as for some attack methods of the Yanyue River, not to show." The sword is unparalleled.

"I understand." Yuan Temple nodded.

When the starry alliance killed the Star Continent, they had already developed tactics.

Today, everything is in the control of the star.

"The next period of time, my star has been slightly wronged, but these grievances, how long does it take, will completely scrub, first let the people who are union, more time." Sword is unparalleled smile .

"The command will go down, from today, regardless of how the starry alliance is provocative, I don't want to fight in my star!"


PS: , do it in the hospital, today is four.

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