Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1906 is going to shoot

"Third volume, one show, you can break out thousands of power ..." The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the light will be exploded.

Although only one move can only be displayed, it is full of power.

He now has its own combat power, and the attack of the emperor is full, if it is upgraded thousands, what will be reached?

The horror emperor is hit, but is it so?

The strongest base card!

Star secretary third volume, this will become a sword without having a double!

Like his other base card, such as emotional swords, cracks, mountain river social map, although it is extremely strong.

But any kind of base card, there is no law to increase a thousand times in an instant.

If this concert is well used, it is enough to reverse the Qiankun! ! !


After the confusing this stronger film, the sword is unparalleled.

Stars, in the temple.


The main hall of Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, the main three people of Nie Yun Temple have respectfully stand in front of the sword.

"That Volunteer Alliance, what is the movement now?" The sword has no double ring.

"No, I am still waiting for our reply." The main road of Yuan Temple.

"Oh, this velive alliance wants to rider, how is it easy? Don't say they will not come, even if they are willing to help my star, I can't deal with the two alliances, I can't The stars secretly handed them to them. "The sword is unparalleled.

"In this case, then I will reply them now." The main hall said.

"Don't worry." The sword is unparalleled, "don't need to reply to them, let them wait, even if they ask, I said that I still need to consider the star, temporarily, and take this opportunity. I first solved the starry alliance, and the Ten Alliance was resolved. "

When I heard the sword, the three people of the Yuan Dynasty were all moving.

"The palace master, is finally going to do?" Nie Yun Temple is a brunt.

These years, the muttoned union, the Ten Alliance has always been embarrassed, humiliation, and the strong of the stars are angular, not to say that the sexual child is more impatient.

"For so many years, I have been wronged for many years, but also to find a game." The sword is unparalleled, but the smile is extremely cold.

"Yuan Temple is, according to the previous plans, go to execute." The sword didn't have a double command.

"Yes." The main hall is nodded, and there is also a lot of excitement in his gaze.

Stars have been showing weakness and have been in helmement.

Even if they are shameful, they have always endured.

For so many years, now, I will finally take a shot!


Outside the Yanyu River, a voids, floating a seat or an attic.

These temples are built in the throne of the Union, which is the big camp of the mutant alliance.

At this moment, it is within the most middle of a wide atrial temple.


Tianling God, the first king, Zhenwu, the highest level of the nine-day owners, etc.

"The Lord of the Wushan, you are so urgent to find us, what is it?" The first god king asked.

I have already stayed in the Wushan Lord of the Hall, "of course is a good thing."

After that, the Lord of the Wushan is not from one person next to him.

Tianling God and others have also seen this person.

This is a wonderful woman wearing a white robe, a lot of beautiful woman. This mant woman looks only to a god, simple belonging, and it is not necessary to have a few people.

However, her identity is not general.

This mandate woman is a silver moon, but it is a bullet.

In these two hundred and fifty years, the felling stars invited a number of array of magic, in which the Silver Moon God is in the array of the Monarch, the highest.

"Silver Moon God, isn't it to find the weakness of the star river?" The first king couldn't help but ask.

"Fortunately, you will not be insulted." Yue Yue God laughed.

Simplified four words, but a few people in the scene are ecstatic.

It is to know that they have long been with the strength of the stars, just because the existence of the star river is still helpless.

These two hundred and fifty years, they have been eager to break the star river.

And now, there is a good news.

"Please see." Yue Yue Shenjun waved, and immediately immediately opened a mini star river immediately.

This star river is simple to look at the naked eye, but the size is different, the other is exactly the same as the Haixing River.

"Look here, I am marked here." Yinyue Shenjun pointed to a place to the Star River.

That is a very bad little corner of the Star River. It will not be in the weekdays, but with the control of the silver and moon gods, I saw a burst of energy in the star river, and gradually formed a cycle, and this The small corner of the full cycle, the silver moon god marker is a point that supports the most central in this loop.


See this, a few peaks in the scene are bright.

"The Star River in the stars is indeed very strange, I also search for a long time, I found this place, except for me, the whole dramatic chaotic world can find out that this position will never be more than three." Silver Moon God is self-confident.

"Haha, there is a lobby of the moon god, before promising your remuneration, my mating alliance is on the original basis," said the Wushan Palace directly.

"Thank you." Yue Yue Shenjun is happy.

The Lord of the Wushan will then look around a few people. "I know the weakness of the Star River, the next thing is much simple, just destroy this, this star river will be smashed, the star river The big array can break. "

"This is the case, but even if it is weak, I want to destroy, I also need to be extremely strong, I don't know if the strong people of my unsperite alliance will be destroyed here." First God King Frown.

"Zhen Wu's master, how is the attack method?" The Lord of the Wushan Lord of the Wushan is over.

"The door we found is very common, although it can also make the power of the power to concentrate together, but the top more can concentrate more than a dozen energy power, but I am in the stars. The strong use of this combination, and finally the united offensive is only six, and it is better than all seventy-seventy attacks.

"Can you destroy it, try it." The main face of the Wushu Palace is cold, "Let's go!"

Soon, many strong people in the starry alliance have been moving.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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