Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1920, a sword!

"You ... you are going to die !!!"

When the sword is unparalleled, it is like a rolling thunder that is falling outside the nine days!

The sound rolled in the ear of someone in the field, but if you hear the power of this, there is no change in the color, and the heart is also in Qi Qi.

When the voice falls, the sword of the emperor of the sword is unparalleled, and suddenly waits.


The horrible sword is light, and it will enlarge a thousand miles in an instant.

This sword is gloring, and it is very popular.

Many strong people in the Union have been covered by this sword light at this moment.

At the same time, all the strong people of the Daba Alliance instantly emerged unprecedented horror.


Yes, it is horror!

Before their swordsmanship of swords, there were unparalleled swords, they didn't care much.

The emperor who believes that the sword is unparalleled, and it is also advisable to shake them hundreds of energy.

But now ... sword light is out.

They can induce the strong horizontal of this sword first.

Emperor's swordsman, from ancient to strong swords, this sword is just the first style, the power is still awesome.

With the strength of the sword, go all out to show this sword, and its power may not be compared with the emperor, but it should be unlimited. Attidence like Tianling God's full blow, you may not be able to show this power Swords.

But this sword is not a key.

The real key is the sword unparalleled in the simultaneous time, the urgency of the Xunchen! ! !

Star secret surgery third volume, his strongest base card, this is a thousand times in an instant to let this sword! !

This has been infinitely approaching the sword of the Dawei's power, and it will enhance thousand! !

What is the level?

"A year ago, the Lord of Xingchen Palace broke the second volume of Star Chen, the countless force, the countless force, the murderer, there is a day of the Lord of the Star Palace, there is no power to have any greed for the star. Read! "

"And I, simple theory, more stronger than Xingchen Palace, I have a third volume of Star secret surgery, increase thousand of power, although only one sword can only be displayed, but this sword is enough to sweep everything! !! "

The sword is unblocked, and the emperor of his full-scale, its power is completely broke out.

The swordsman power broke out, and the whole star river was shrouded.

The area where the Dabin Union is located is also completely covered by the priest power.

Heaven and earth, completely silence.

Only the area of ​​the area, the sword is scanned to destroy all the sounds issued.

As for the Dalein Union, the many strong screams have been mourned, and they have been covered by the sound of the sword light.

In this area, the guests of the Star Winner are old, and the stars, the remains of the Directors, including the fierce gods, the sword, one or two people, the sword Looked over.

These eyes have endlessness, with fear, with unprecedentedness.

This sword is a sword that is sufficient to have a desperate in the scene.

Even the strongest swords seen in everyone!

In front of this sword, the great emperor, but

Booming ~~~ Tianshal.

Within the Star River, a huge spatial whirlpool appeared in the sky, and all mad swallowed everything.

The entire star river is crazy, and the star river is more bombarded by large pieces, eventually crashes.

"The big array, actually collapsed?" Hidden in the Yuan Dynasty, the world's deepest, but he wants to cry without tears.

The star river is strong, and the power is strong, unless the emperor is inseparable, otherwise no one can break.

Like the starry alliance, the Ten Alliance, is intentionally put in.

And the Dabin Union, with the two alliances, there should be an outer shape, which will break the big array. ,

But it is just a gap, which is easy to fix it.

but now……

I didn't think of the Yuan Dynasty, I didn't think of it, even the three major alliances were unable to defeat the star river big array, but was defeated by the Sword of the Sword, and the sword did not have a sword.

Yes, just just the remaining wave.

The sword is unparalleled, the power is terrible!

At the same time, everyone is also curious, under such a horrible sword, that can alliance, how is it now?

You must know that this sword single wave defeats the star river big array, but its main power is to cover the many strong people that can alliance of the Volunteers.

! ! ! !

Endless power crazy broke out, this sword light power broke out, continued to have a few breathing time.

Finally, the power slowly dissipated.

However, when everyone is present, after seeing the area where the sword is covered, the whole world is completely quiet.


Death is still quiet!

No sound is sent, some are just a silent roar and screaming

Everyone glared over the eyes, and the frustration of the sword was covered.

That kinds of voids were originally a large number of strong people, with a horror lineup of hundreds of energy, these versators a powerful.

But now ... no!

The whole void is completely smashed, and there is no trace, a paint is dark, and there is no shine.

Similarly, in this darkness, there has been no scene standing in many strong people.

There is no bones, blood.

It's all gone.

The void is gone, and it is also completely disappeared with a hundred strong people.

No, it is not completely disappeared, and at least one person survives.

This person is the monk of Shura.

But at this moment, the monk, which is half a little God's strength?

His hair is incomparably, the face is pale, and the body is full of blood, it is like a blood, and the chaotic god of the body wearing the chaotic Shenbao hierarchy, the snorkey sound sounded, and there has been a crack.

That is a chaotic god!

The armor of Chaotic Shenbao, even if it is a general great blow to it, it is now ... It turned out to be damaged?


"You are a devil !!!"

Luo's emperor's face is horrified, and the scorpion is dead and staring at the sword. Like a monster, his body shaking is also crazy.

The surrounding union, the strong people of the Ten Alliance also concealed their inner fear.

"Is that human being?"

"Devil, he is a devil !!!"

"Scorpio, we are actually fighting with such demon?"

The strong people of these two alliances, including some emperors have already mourned.

They are all scared.

That is the strong horizontal lineup of a hundred powerful people, what is strong?

However, this sword is unparalleled but only uses a sword!

Under the sword, this big powerful alliance will be ... smoke and eliminate! ! !

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