Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1922 Emperor

The boundless dark swept.

Everything is completely shrouded in the dark, and this darkness seems to have ancient times.

Originally, the two major alliances in crazy flee, there are also the old age of the Stars, and the Dao soldiers are unable to stop their hands.

One said, this endless dark core, the slow-movie shadow, and then watched the past.

Everyone is attracted by this black robes.

At this moment, this black robes are the dominance of this without darkness.

"It is the Holy Lord, the Holy Lord is coming !!!"

The Wushan Lord of the Jiuqu Palace, as well as a few Jiuqi Palace strong, all of them.

"Jiu Hallowe !!!" The sword is unbolded, it is ugly.

Jiu Han Lord, want to kill him, but it is always reflected.

The reason like Jiushan will kill with the stars, which is the nine holy owner guided behind.

Now, the Jiu Han is showing.

And this time is not just a sense of consciousness of the Jiu Holy Lord, but the respect of this. !

The nineth of the Jiu Hao is in person.

"Emperor people?"

Everyone in the field was shocked.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled for arsenal. I then respectfully opened, "The sword is unparalleled, see the Jiu Hao Lord, I don't know what the Holy Lord is coming, what is it?"

Although the purpose of knowing the other party, the face has not been completely torn.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no excuse for this nine-pointed master, the ceremony, the awe.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can know?" The Jiu Holy Lord is the core of the dark heaven and earth, a pair of cold scorpions out of the black robe.

"Damage?" The sword has no double one, even shake his head, "I don't know."

"I don't know. Before you kill, the Chinese gods, the gods, the emperor, died in your hands, but seeing you in a talent, my Holy League is also tolerance, but I didn't expect you to be more exciting. Today, I will kill all the hundred people in the Shengfa !! ""

"Hundreds of energy, you have made me a big loss, but I dare to say no sin?"

"Today, this seat represents the Holy League, deserves you!" The Jiu Hao Lord is cold, and the dark world has echoed.

In his words, with a must offending.

Especially the last three words, the many strong people around, the body and mind are all.


"Jiu Han Lord, must be unparalleled in the sword?"

Many strong people were stunned, and they were shocked.

Especially the strong people of the two major alliances, they are more exciting.

Before the sky, the sword was unparalleled, and the big energy of all the benefits was all over.

This horrible scene is still ruming in the minds of the strong people in the scene, and they have never been dissipated for a long time.

In many people's heart, the sword is unparalleled, it has become a demon, has become a true killing, the existence of terror.

They are all scared by the sword, and the sword is unparalleled. They are the pride and courage of energy, they are all inferent.

The collapses of the two major alliances have also come.

But now, Jiu Han mainly deals this devil, this is a killing of God, how can they not be excited, how can I not surprise?

The strong people in the stars are naturally anger.

Suddenly ...... ~~~ A vitious breath is slowly litter.

Everyone immediately looked at it, and he saw the thousands of people, and his hand was holding an enormous, which was already crushed by him.

There is only a true identity of the sword in the scene, which is the servant of the purple moon.

Now the monarch is crushed, nature is the purple moon.

Sure enough, it is broken, and a consciousness is slowly condensed between heavens and earth.

He is a purple long hair, his face is handsome, like a demon, a faint smile, enough to be drunk.

"Purple Emperor!"

"Is the purple moon!"

"The awareness of the Emperor Emperor is also coming."

The strong in the field once again screamed.

That is like the nine master of the Dark domain, I also saw it, "Yiyue, what are you doing?"

"Jiu Han Lord, here is it in my purple moon, you can come, is this the owner of this purple moon?" The Emperor's great smile.

"It is also right." The Jiu Han Lord nodded, "Since you come, then you will be a testimony for this seat, this seat is now in person with a sword."

"Dump? Dare to ask the Jiu Hao master, the sword is unparalleled when you will make you, can you make your own personal derivation?" As asked in the emperor.

"Hey, he did not felt this seat, but he did not kill in the vast chaotic world in the year, before he killed many strong people, today is a heartbeat, with a strong ability to kill my holy society. , This is a villain, even if it is not a hundred times. "Jiu Han is cold.

"As far as I know, the sword is unparalleled to kill these strong people, or it is an unrequited hatred with his star, or it is the secret surgery of the stars, and it is said that it is said that He did not kill at random, is it necessary to violate the rules of my holy party? "

The purple moon is slightly smoldering: "This is the nine and the holy owner, I have already sent it to Tianchen ancestors and East Emperor. Many of these years have been controlled by them, waiting for them. As soon as I arrived, I would like to negotiate whether the sword is unparalleled, it is really violating the rules, and you will kill, you will do it again. "

"This sword has no double kills, a lot of live, a disaster is a disaster, there is no need to wait two, since he said that he violates, it is violated, this is said to die He will die. "Jiu Hao Shu La Sang happened," Purple Moon, while going. "

"Jiu Han Lord, this is the purple moon, it is my site, you can't help it." The Emperor's anger.

"Overbearing? Oh, if you arrive in person, you may have qualified to make this seat, but the district is aware of the body, and I want to block this seat. Roll !!!" The Jiu Han is cold.

A bursting on her sorrows suddenly, this burst contains endless power, like heaven and earth.

In an instant formed a horrible space storm, the void of the Emperor's awareness of the Emperor is going.

That kind of void is shredded, and it is ruthless to destroy.

"Jiu Dou, you dare ..." The Emperor of the Emperor was angry, but his words did not finish it, and its consciousness is completely dissipated.

The people around us have seen this.

No one thought, the same emperor, this Jiu Hao Lord did not give the purple moon.

And it is still in the face of everyone, directly destroyed the consciousness of the purple moon.

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